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NEC 12 Shoutouts


Ok, I'm pretty much fully recuperated from NEC XII, so it's time to do my shoutouts... If I forget anyone, it's simply because there are SO MANY of you to recognize and thank for this event... just take it as given that even if you're not mentioned, you're thought of and thanked for everything you contributed to make NEC XII an amazing event.

First and foremost:

[MENTION=1580]BigE[/MENTION] - You are the absolute man. Seriously, nobody holds a tournament like you. You make all of this possible. You basically created the NE FG Scene and have inspired others to run locals and majors... I'm also proud to say that you're a good friend of mine. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do.

[MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION] - Another successful one under the belt, brother. Seemed like there were a few more obstacles in our way this time but not only did we overcome but we excelled... we were the ONLY tournament to make it to top 8 by the end of Saturday.

[MENTION=6619]summoning[/MENTION] - This is the guy who keeps me calm under pressure. He's the one I turn to when I'm ready to blow up and he reminds me to calm down and that everything will be ok and it will all work out.

[MENTION=1]STORMS[/MENTION] - Scott, bro, you saved the day with the phone stream. Nobody's fault that we couldn't get a line, and I was EXTREMELY frustrated because of it but you picked up the ball and ran with it and scored. Do you wear a Superman shirt under your regular shirt?

[MENTION=5207]jamessmk[/MENTION] - Everyone has their "Get it done" guys, and you're one of mine. There isn't anything I can't ask of you that you won't help me out with, research with me, or help me put together. You're one of the most reliable people I know, and I feel secure going into tournaments on my side.

[MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] - Mario, you rightfully earned your place on the NEC staff. I greatly appreciate the amount of work you put in with setup, cleanup and helping to find players in different rooms when we needed them for pools. Glad to have you on the MK NEC Staff. Who knew I'd one day call a Hitosaurus my brother?

[MENTION=279]AREZ God of War[/MENTION] - Eric, holy crap... you work harder than you drink! I actually had to tell you to chill more than once because you were faster at setting up and breaking down than I am. Your hard work pushed this tournament along like nobody's business. You are an invaluable member of the MK NEC staff.

[MENTION=8140]pherleece[/MENTION] - Sorry I wasn't able to get you a staff shirt, but thank you SO MUCH for all your help with the "behind the scenes" part of running a tournament. What everyone doesn't know, and many times never sees, is all the dirty work... setting up, breaking down, cleaning up, connecting wires, checking cables, running extension cords, plugging stuff in, carrying stuff, etc. You helped me do all that legwork and there are no words for how grateful I truly am. As long as you're going to tournaments, I will always want you on the MK NEC Staff.

[MENTION=18]Dark_Rob[/MENTION] - One of the most integral cogs in the machine, and it was difficult without you. I will see you at VSM soon, to chill soon, and to handle all things MK soon. Everyone should know just how important you really are to the MK Community.

[MENTION=9393]Sushi[/MENTION] - unofficial NEC MK Staff. Nancy, thank you SO MUCH for all your help over the weekend. The MK Community is truly in your debt for your commitment to making NEC run so smoothly.

@Comeback Kyle - I didn't get to play in anything other than KI, and for the first time I didn't have to play you in a tournament! I still have to return the favor in UMK3 at Season's Beatings! Be ready at Winter Brawl! Great seeing you again bro... always a pleasure and always fun to chill with you.

[MENTION=442]DetroitBalln313[/MENTION] - Congratulations on your win... serious skills! It was an honor and a pleasure to meet you, and to chill, even for the small time we had, with you and Morty while leaving the hotel. Regardless of AZ vs. NY or any other state, you are a member of the MK Community and a skilled and humble one at that... the mark of a champion. Enjoy every moment of that win!

[MENTION=4675]CD jr[/MENTION] - Manny, no shame in losing to a player of Detroit's ability. Hold your head high and learn from the loss. You're one of the very best there is, quite possibly THE best...and this loss will only remind you that you can't be complacent when you're at the top if you want to stay there. As always it was great chilling with you and doing commentary with you on the recordings. I will see you at VSM soon.

[MENTION=16]REO[/MENTION] - DAAAAAYYYUUUUM! Is there anything in MK you CAN'T DO? Wait.. lemme guess... you CAN'T finish outside of top 8... Seriously... you're one of the most adaptable players I've ever seen. Can't wait for the next tournament now to see what you pull out of your sleeve... Great showing as always brother.

[MENTION=3679]MortySeinfeld[/MENTION] - Much like Detroit, I only got a limited amount of time to talk and chill with you. You're very chill, very skilled and very humble... WHAT A BEAST OF A SONYA! That Sonya mirror with Riu48 was one of the most anticipated matches in the entire MK Community. Keep that up bro and make sure you come back for another tournament very soon. I hope next time we'll all get the chance to chill and hang out more.

@CrazyDominican - Robin, my VSM Brother, I've gotten to know you over the course of the last 3 years and it's been an absolute pleasure. Not only do we have the MK bond, but also the KI bond. KI FOREVER! Seriously, You, me, and Nit could sit there and play KI for days at a time... ULLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

[MENTION=278]Riu48[/MENTION] - Another VSM Brother and another beast of a Sonya player. That Sonya mirror with Morty was SO HYPE. It could have gone either way, so don't dwell on the loss for too long. You guys need to run that back SOON!

[MENTION=275]Pig Of The Hut[/MENTION] - Brant, it was beyond cool getting to know you. You and I see absolutely eye to eye on the MK Community. I truly tip my hat to you for being one of the first to erase the old lines of loyalties and realize that the MK Community needs to be united as a single front. You're a beast of a player, coming from GA to put most of the NE in it's place. I really hope we can work out Final Round so that the NY players can come to GA so we can all play and chill again.

[MENTION=6624]Maxter[/MENTION] - Another CD Brother and another VSM Brother. Cyrax DOES NOT need more buffs...LOL. Max, or is it GQ these days? You're always one of the most passionate players there is. You care so much about playing, about this game, and about the MK Community... and about drinking with JamessMK... LOL See you at VSM soon.

[MENTION=3]Krayzie[/MENTION] - It was absolutely awesome having you at VSM before NEC and then seeing you go so far into your pool at NEC. You definitely proved that you're a force to be reckoned with and you repped Cali to the fullest. Dropping them exploding oranges all over the place... do you know how long that took me to clean up?

[MENTION=2311]Sabin[/MENTION] - Art, you're a true competitor and a great member of the FGC, which now includes the MK Community, much in part because of the work you've done. Thank you for all of it... and it was awesome seeing you stream all weekend from your phone! iphone stream hypeness!

[MENTION=2208]Noobe[/MENTION] - Beast Cyrax! I was a little out of the loop as to WHY the MM happened with Brady, but it was all hype nonetheless. Great meeting you and great seeing you play. I hope to see you at more tournaments soon!

[MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION] - Bill, I think that your focus at NEC XII was so great that this was the FIRST TIME I've been around you where you WEREN'T talking non-stop. You're always chock-full of MK wisdom and tidbits, and always have something to MK to talk about that when you start, everyone stops and listens. Thanks for all you've done in the MK Community and it's great to know that you'll soon be visiting VSM on a regular basis...it'll be great to see you more often.

[MENTION=355]AC1984[/MENTION] - I am absolutely DREADING next summer, knowing that you're going to be leaving the country and possibly not coming back for a long time. In the last 2 years we have become great friends and brothers in arms with MK. I hope to see you at Winter Brawl, but if NEC was your last tournament, then know that the last 2 years have been filled with nothing but fond and fun memories that I will hold on to until I see you back in the states again.

[MENTION=5716]J360[/MENTION] - Great stuff seeing you play all weekend long. You repped NY and VSM hard, and I'm proud of that.

[MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] - Congratulations on winning MKDC! That was a long time in the coming... I'm glad you finally see the light about the ASUS monitors! LOL... What a great showing in MK9 though... random all the way through? That takes serious balls... Always a pleasure my friend... I will see you soon!

[MENTION=2200]w1nter warz[/MENTION] - It was awesome getting to meet the man behind the name... and that keyboard you brought with you was insanely cool. Great job in MK9 and great seeing you play a little UMK3. I hope to see you soon at another tournament!

[MENTION=5003]SwiftTomHanks[/MENTION] - first and foremost, thank you for providing a ps3 to run MK9 on. It was awesome seeing you again... and great job in the MK9 tournament...

[MENTION=433]DanCock[/MENTION] - Man, one of these days you're going to give me a bro-hug and not feel uncomfortable doing it...LOL.. Seriously though, it's always great to see you and you did REALLY well in your pool in MK9. It sucks that you had to go so soon and miss the MK2 tournament. GO JETS!

[MENTION=3915]Scoot Magee[/MENTION] - To be honest, I had you finishing top 8 in your pool and you did exactly that. Great job, my VSM Brother! Awesome matches in SFA2, btw... we definitely have to get some SFA3, 3s and ST under our belt as well as some UMK3. See you at VSM soon.

[MENTION=8871]Death[/MENTION] - I had no clue who you were coming into NEC. I only found out later that you're one of the very best in your area and that you regularly beat the snot out of the people you practice with in MK9. Great showing in your pool...I'll be keeping an eye on you because I'll have to seed you better from now on. We'll have to play some KI one day too..

[MENTION=5186]funkdoc[/MENTION] - Josh, always a pleasure to see you. You should have come to the stream area and done some commentary! I'll see you soon though...

[MENTION=1465]xxteefxx[/MENTION] - great seeing you again after meeting you at one of the Salty Battles tournaments. Thanks for providing a PS3 for MK9 as well and great job in the tournament! I shall see you soon my friend!

[MENTION=5334]mcpeanuts[/MENTION] - Always great seeing you... 2 tournaments in a row now I believe. Glad we can continue giving you reason to be less productive and play more MK...LOL I hope one day to get you to a VSM stream as well! See you at Winter Brawl!

[MENTION=1266]REYTHEGREAT[/MENTION] - It was great seeing you again. We didn't get to play that Scorpion MKDC mirror rematch but who cares, its MKDC! LOL... see you soon!

[MENTION=5442]rev0lver[/MENTION] - Always so negative... but you came in top 32! You were better than MORE THAN HALF the players there...and think about all the good players who were in attendance! You're good bro! You just need to believe that you're good! See you at VSM soon.

[MENTION=3429]PimpUigi[/MENTION] - Always so hype... and a fellow lover of 9.95 by Spunkadelic(yes, that's right people, my name comes from a song title from the original TMNT live action movie!). Great seeing you and GREAT Scorpion! See you at Winter Brawl... hopefully sooner.

[MENTION=3199]CitizenSnips[/MENTION] - Great seeing you again and that BEAST REPTILE! Hope to see you again at Winter Brawl.

[MENTION=8741]RTO Toxic[/MENTION] - didn't get to talk much, really just got to meet you and introduce ourselves... great meeting you nonetheless!

[MENTION=7135]josh99[/MENTION] - It was funny getting you to admit being a troll, but damn bro... need to stop going nuts on the forum so you keep yourself unbanned! LOL... serious skills in MK9 and you should not quit going to tournaments... you're young and learning, and quitting is NOT how you're going to get better. Hope to see you at Winter Brawl.

[MENTION=7367]catch22[/MENTION] - Alex, it is always great seeing you. You do what you need to do... take care of the family. Tell Alex Jr. that we all missed him and want to see him again soon. I will see you soon enough bro... you're like long lost family from a colder state. LOL

[MENTION=4641]BeerGuyEd[/MENTION] - Great meeting you bro. It was a ton of fun playing those MK2 matches... and I def want to get more in soon! You're a throwback to the days of the arcade and someone that I relate to on that level. Definitely looking forward to seeing you again!

[MENTION=2765]KT Smith[/MENTION] - Yet another VSM Brother... we didn't talk too much at NEC, but it was great to see you there. Beast mode Smoke! I will see you at VSM soon and looking forward to you doing more commentary!

[MENTION=3011]Matix[/MENTION] - Another person I simply didn't get enough time to talk to. I was glad to get to meet you and talk to you for the brief time we did, and I hope to have that pleasure again at a future event so we can chill and talk longer.

[MENTION=714]NoDoubt[/MENTION] - IF YOU TOUCH MY COMPUTER I'M GOING TO BREAK YOUR HAND! LOL... Arion, you're such a dedicated UMK3 Player that your excitement overcomes you sometimes, but that isn't a bad thing. Great job and congratulations on your win! I will see you at Winter Brawl soon!

[MENTION=7728]Esoteric[/MENTION] - We only talked briefly and I look forward to talking more on skype. Great meeting you and we will see what develops soon enough with what we talked about! See you soon at another tournament!

[MENTION=7844]Bear[/MENTION] - I saw you EVERYWHERE! Great meeting you and talking to you... and a bunch of us will all get together and go to your restaurant in NYC!

[MENTION=7921]OneBoxyRobot[/MENTION] - one thing to say: J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!

As I said above... if I forgot ANYONE, I'm sorry... If I forget anyone, it's simply because there are SO MANY of you to recognize and thank for this event.


missiles are coming
Wait, what do you mean? You're going to Winterbrawl but not for MK?
Dat Marvhel baby. I really only have enough time and brain capacity to dedicate to one fighter. With Ac1984 possibly moving out of the country I feel a lot less inspired to contiune Mk. Also a lot of my friends only play mvc, a game I kinda like more than Mk. Mk is all about the community.


Come On Die Young
Dat Marvhel baby. I really only have enough time and brain capacity to dedicate to one fighter. With Ac1984 possibly moving out of the country I feel a lot less inspired to contiune Mk. Also a lot of my friends only play mvc, a game I kinda like more than Mk. Mk is all about the community.
Pshh you should enter MK anyway, you'll already be there.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Dat Marvhel baby. I really only have enough time and brain capacity to dedicate to one fighter. With Ac1984 possibly moving out of the country I feel a lot less inspired to contiune Mk. Also a lot of my friends only play mvc, a game I kinda like more than Mk. Mk is all about the community.
Maaaaaaaan :(.
I get it though. I have no fucking clue how some people can master multiple games at a time...

Think about it, though: how many people did you endure past? Not a lot of people manage such success, my friend...

But if you do cross to the comic book side, I hope you drop more bodies than a free-falling plane, pally. I love watching Marvel.
Just remember: you and I still have a casual battle or ten to wage should we meet again :D.
No more of my assed out pad silliness (god, i felt like such a shmuck trying to fight with that thing >.<), I want the best the Swift One has to give. You and me. Human Sek Contra Human Cy. Hopefully. One day. Maybe. Fuck, I need to go to another show...
Thank you to everyone that showed up at NECXII this past weekend and supported MK. I met so many great players and amazing people, I miss everyone already and hope to see everyone soon enough. At the very least I will be at Evo, and will be trying to make it to Winter Brawl.

[MENTION=1580]BigE[/MENTION] – Thank you for hosting the event and supporting the MK scene. Also thank you very much for the pizza on Saturday, it gave me a boost in energy that I think allowed me to qualify for top 8!

[MENTION=4863]Phil[/MENTION] 9.95 – You are a true pillar in this community. It was really great finally getting a chance to meet you and talk with you on Sunday afternoon. My only regret is that I wish we had known that your room was directly across from ours sooner. To hear from you that in your opinion my match with Riu48 was one of the most anticipated matches of the weekend really feels amazing, it really means a lot coming from you. These are the kinds of things that make me want to improve in this game that much more, thank you so much.

[MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION] – Also a pillar in the MK community. Thank you for making it out to NEC to support this game and help make sure everything ran well. My match with Maxter in top 8 was so beyond nerve-wrecking, I was incredibly relieved to barely inch that one out. After that match, you made eye-contact with me and gave me that nod and thumbs up. It really was an honor to play in front of you and to know that you enjoyed my matches and it is a moment I will always remember. Thank you for everything you do and supporting the MK community. I was watching some of your matches with Crazy Dominican, the Sonya mirrors were epic! I hope to meet you again sometime down the road. Plan for Evo!

[MENTION=1]STORMS[/MENTION] – Thank you so much for making it out to the event and making sure our game had a stream. I was initially really bummed when I overheard that the bandwidth in the hotel was lackluster and the stream priority was going to prevent a stream from happening for MK. You really pulled through and ensured that our game got the exposure I believe it deserves. To read some of your comments on here about how much you enjoyed my matches and the comebacks, I cannot describe how much of an honor it really is. When you shook my hand after my matches in top 8 and congratulated me, it was a very memorable moment for me. Thank you so much for everything you do.

[MENTION=442]DetroitBalln313[/MENTION] – Kind of weird giving you a shout-out since I see you almost everyday haha, but let it be known that I am very proud of you. To consider that we practiced as much as we did within the past month and it payed off really is a great feeling. You deserve the win and it’s been long past due.

[MENTION=275]Pig Of The Hut[/MENTION] – Man, I don’t even know where to begin. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t even know if I would’ve been able to make it to NEC. Thank you for being so kind as to let myself and Detroit stay in the hotel with you for the weekend. Driving around in downtown Philly, going to Geno’s for my first authentic Philly Cheesesteak; Seeing cars parked in the middle of the street, in turn lanes, on train tracks. I had a great time, lots of laughs. You really brought you’re A-Game this weekend, I learned a lot by playing with you and tons of new matchups. I know who I’m rooming with for Evo!

[MENTION=6624]Maxter[/MENTION] – Holy hell that Cyrax is nasty. You were absolutely the last person I wanted to run into in this tournament, and to have to play you in Top-8 was beyond stressful! I don’t know if you saw it, but my hands were literally trembling so much I had to take my hands off the arcade stick to calm them down temporarily. You have a really cool presence about you and were an incredibly nice throughout the weekend. It makes me wish I lived in New York so I could hang out with you guys on a regular basis.

[MENTION=7303]CRAZY DOMINICAN[/MENTION] – Your Kitana is amazing! Prior to NEC I had my doubts about whether or not rushdown Kitana is an effective way to play her, but the layers of frame-traps you have, the level of footsies and counter-pokes you have made me a believer. Thank you for being so kind throughout the weekend. It was hilarious watching you play Killer Instinct, running fatalities/stage fatalities/humiliations every round. It was great meeting you, I hope yourself and your brothers can make it out to Evo so we can hang out more.

[MENTION=4675]CD jr[/MENTION] – That Jax!!! I learned A LOT by watching your matches and playing the few casuals matches we had. I think you have inspired me to pick up Jax as my alt. I really feel like he could cover some of the bad matchups I feel Sonya has. Your counter-poke game is the best in the business, it really was great finally getting a chance to play you as well as watch all of your matches in person.

[MENTION=16]REO[/MENTION] – MAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN, I never look forward to playing your Kabal in a tournament! You are way too good at this game! It was great seeing you again and getting an opportunity to chat. I am a little bummed that I didn’t get to watch you play any matches with Detroit or Pig of the Hut! Hopefully those matches happen at some point in the future, I think they would really make for some amazing tournament matches and should be something the MK community can really look forward to for next time.

[MENTION=1465]xxteefxx[/MENTION] – TEEEEEEEEF! I miss you already brother. You have got to be the kindest person in the world! On pools day after I lost to Blackula, I had no idea how I was going to play that match. The matches and advice you gave me for the Kenshi matchup between my pools matches were beyond helpful. If it wasn’t for you, I am not sure I would’ve made it into the Top 8. If you are ever in Arizona, let me know. I hope to meet you again, plan to make Evo!

[MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] – Thank you so much for your support and your words of encouragement. It’s always great getting a chance to talk with you about the game. To be able to spend a whole weekend with this community and you chose to hang out with us (Pig’s room + Teef!) really was an honor. As I’ve told you before, it was your combo videos that really inspired me to really play this game competitively. Congratulations on taking MKvsDC, the reads you had with Shao Kahn were nothing short of amazing!

[MENTION=9393]Sushi[/MENTION] – Thank you so much for everything you helped with over the weekend. When you were recording the matches on pools day Saturday I couldn’t help but think ‘that poor girl!’ as you were holding that phone up to the monitor for hours on end! It was nice meeting you.

[MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION] – MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. That was a nice jacket you were wearing. It’s always great hanging out with you at tournaments, plenty of laughs throughout the weekend. I am glad to hear you were also underwhelmed by the Whistling Solo in the new Muppets movie, Walter should have had a better talent! Also, it was NOT Detroit that was pausing your matches during breaker combos in MKvsDC. :D

[MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] – Thanks for being so chill throughout the weekend. You are one of the funniest guys in the MK community. I am going to have to think about that arcade stick artwork I would like to have for my TE. Once I have some ideas I will let you know.

[MENTION=3]Krayzie[/MENTION] – Wow you have leveled up a lot since Evo! Both your Cyrax and Ermac were very fun to watch. I am predicting you will get top 3 at SCR. Don’t let me down!

[MENTION=1321]Blackula[/MENTION] – Your Kenshi was way too good man, I was crushed when you sent me to the losers bracket on Saturday! It was nice talking to you after the matches. I hope to meet you again at a future event, we will have to hang out more.

[MENTION=2228]Eazail[/MENTION] – Amazing Kung Lao. You gave me some ideas with the way you use your dive-kicks for baits. It was really nice talking to you as well all throughout the weekend.

[MENTION=8741]RTO Toxic[/MENTION] – Toxic! Thank you for being such a cool guy all weekend. The amount of leveling up you did between Thursday to Sunday really was amazing. You’re going to be a big threat pretty soon at future tournaments, keep it up man and keep practicing with Pig and the ATL crew.

[MENTION=4641]BeerGuyEd[/MENTION] – Thank you for everything you did all weekend with letting everyone have casuals in your room until the early morning as well as the stream you ran. It was really nice meeting you, Atlanta has an amazing community and it’s crazy to think that half of those guys weren’t even able to make it! Hopefully at the next event we will see Clint and ATL Redd.

[MENTION=3635]Red Djinn[/MENTION] – Thank you for being so cool throughout the weekend. Your Cyrax is crazy good, the matches we had on Saturday night were really intense. I hope to meet up again!

@Mesmerize – I hope you had a safe flight back home. Your Kung Lao was really nice to watch during the casuals you had in Ed’s room. I hope to hang out again, make it to Evo!

[MENTION=8508]Quantus[/MENTION] – It’s really cool seeing someone main Stryker in this game. I enjoyed watching your matches a lot. Keep it up man.

It is incredibly late right now, so I am going to stop here and will probably revise this tomorrow (There are some others I need to add as well). Thank you to everyone, I had a great time at NEC and can’t wait to see you all soon enough.


I love seeing all the shoutouts after tournaments, one of my favorite parts of the whole experience.

Morty when I looked over at you after your match I could immediately sense you appreciated the whole event right then and there. It's stories like that which inspire more players to come out. This tournament was particularly stacked with heavy hitters and many players who love the scene and will stop at nothing to support it. It's always good when you have a beyond dominant top 8 that consists of 8 players out of like, 12 who can be there on any given day and put on a show.


Elder God
Good shit to every1 involved and shout outs to the mk community. Wish I coulda been around more. Oh yeah shout outs to Riu for finally getting his revenge and pig for keepin me out of top 8 again! 2x 9th place in the last 2 majors now! Oh and I'll be hitting ya up for those liqs at final round' cya all next time


Excellence is my presence
I have so many shoutouts I don't know where to start! lol
[MENTION=2208]Noobe[/MENTION]- What can I say about you homie you are the reason im at the level that im at today. Im looking forward to playing again soon dude. Two Florida players in the top 16!
[MENTION=6548]Ashenar[/MENTION]-Im glad you came out dude we had a great time and im looking forward to playing your kenshi and hanging out this month.
[MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION]- As always dude it was a pleasure hanging with you im glad you made it out and I look forward to getting some games in with you at CEO.
[MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION]- It was great seeing you again tom your a great person and a great player. Had a good time playing casuals with you brother I look forward to seeing you at Final round
@Eazil- It was great meeting you homie. Your lao was on point we had some pretty crazy mirror matches and im looking forward to seeing you again dude. Keep up the good work.
[MENTION=7502]Revolver[/MENTION]-Great kitana player and a great person im glad we finally got to meet dude and GGs in our tournament match shit was crazy lol
@Pig-Congrats on getting to top 8 homie you deserve it. Im glad you finally got to games in and hang out your a great person and I look forward to seeing again at final round.And im glad I was able to help out in your match vs brady I knew you were gonna win that!
[MENTION=4641]BeerGuyEd[/MENTION]-It was a pleasure hanging out and getting some games in with you. Ima start calling you d1Ed from now on lol good times good times. stay stafe brother
[MENTION=6423]Red[/MENTION]d djinn- Had a great time playing you dude your scorpion is sick and I look forward to hanging with at final round homie. Who would have thought that after all that online trash talk we would end up becoming friends lol.
@ All the Cd brothers- What can I say you are all great ppl and players. Im glad I was able to hang out with you guys. I learned alot from you cats and I hope we meet again in the future.
[MENTION=16]REO[/MENTION]- Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn! Your to gdlk lol
@AC- Another amazing kabal player that blew my mind. Im glad we got to play some casuals dude I learned alot from you. And watching you play UMK3 has inspired me to pick it back up again.
@Teef-It was awsome hanging out with you as well dude always had me laughing. I hope we meet up again dude it was a pleasure meeting you.
@Detroit- Congrats on winning dude you really deserve it. It was only a matter a time before you won. Also it was great chillin with you and morty both of you guys are great ppl and I look forward to seeing you guys again. P.S someone get this man a sponsor!
@Morty- It was awesome meeting you dude and congrats on 4th you play one hell of a sonya IMO the best sonya. I hope to see you again
[MENTION=1266]REYTHEGREAT[/MENTION]-Iwas great to meet you homie if your ever back in florida hit me up

Im sorry if I missed anyone there is just so many awesome people I met this weekend I love this community and I look forward to next time we meet . GREAT TOURNAMENT GREAT EXPERIENCE!


Ah yes... its time for my shoutouts...

First... I have to give a huge shoutout to [MENTION=278]Riu48[/MENTION] for not only letting me stay at his apartment, but driving me down to VSM, and having me as a guest since Wed. You're a true friend, and I truly cant even describe to you in words how much I appreciate everything you have done for me, including training together and just overall hanging out. Thank you so much man, I knew you would top 8, and I'm happy you did. You are by far in my top 5 players of all time, and best Sonya hands down.

[MENTION=7303]CRAZY DOMINICAN[/MENTION] - When I arrived in NY, my understanding was that Ermac was a bad match for Kitana and that Cyrax lost to Kitana. When I left, I changed my mind, and I have you to thank for that. You’re a down to earth dude, and it was great hanging out and training with you. Hopefully we can do so again when you come down to SoCal or when I visit again.

[MENTION=6624]Maxter[/MENTION] – You’re a funny guy man, it was awesome kicking it with you, talking strategy and everything. Thanks for helping me out on the Kitana matchup, and I hope that you incorporate that rush down Cyrax into your game and kill them all. Also, let’s not forget about Cyblax… lol I already have a lot of people saying he’s broken over in Cali. Lol

[MENTION=4675]CD jr[/MENTION] – What can I say? You’re the true definition of a “Teammate.” Thanks for having my back on my matches, it helped greatly. vVv in top 9, but next time it will be all top 3 baby!


[MENTION=275]Pig Of The Hut[/MENTION] – I can’t believe we never get matches in, it’s definitely getting ridiculous… lol Next time we have to room together, bring a setup and we can get practice games in all day. Real talk dude, it’s always a pleasure seeing you man, hope I see you soon brotha. Oh, and next time lets pay with pennies at McD’s lol

[MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] – A pleasure hanging with you again man, it’s been a while. I just can’t stop and think back about all of those aim conversations we had where we said we would kick it, and now it’s finally happened. It’s your turn to come to Cali now though!

[MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION] – Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, this fucking guy. We need to get some serious practice matches in boy. I see you more often than most players and we never do get games. Glad you enjoyed Cyrax beating Cyrax… lol Good luck in Brazil, too bad you won’t be here for SCR dude. I’ll see you at the next major.

[MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION] – Always a pleasure seeing you man. Thanks for working so hard for the community, and I’m here to let you know that I appreciate every bit of it.

[MENTION=1]STORMS[/MENTION] – Always have fun hanging out with you man. Its jokes, serious business, and work! Lol I just can’t help but think back about the day we started TYM, we have come so far man! Let’s keep it up!

[MENTION=433]DanCock[/MENTION] – Dude, I can’t wait for you to start wrecking fools with Kitana. You’re a good dude, and I hope that you start doing well in tournaments, you deserve it.

[MENTION=355]AC1984[/MENTION] – I think we have said good bye like 3 times already! Lol If this time it’s real. Then it was a pleasure man. Your Kabal definitely leveled up, keep up the good work!

[MENTION=2311]Sabin[/MENTION] – Always awesome seeing you support the MK community. Too bad we both got blown up at 9th place! Maybe next time! 

@Citizen Snips – Very impressive Reptile man, I almost swore that you had the match against Detroit. Good shit to you.

[MENTION=1321]Blackula[/MENTION] – Nice meeting you man. I’m not gonna lie, out of everybody, you impressed me the most at the Venue. You have the nicest Kenshi I have ever seen, very legit. Hope to play you at the next major.

[MENTION=2765]KT Smith[/MENTION] – Awesome times at the Hut! We have to expose that Cyblax soon. Nuclear Brutality! Lol

[MENTION=1465]xxteefxx[/MENTION] – Yo man, it was a pleasure meeting you man, you’re a good dude, and I hope that you do well in your next major. Just keep in mind what I told you about meter management. Hope we get many more games in next time for sure my dude.

[MENTION=58]9.95[/MENTION] – Thanks for your hard work my man. I can already see, if it wasn’t for your hard work, the scene wouldn’t be as great as it is now! You’re also my favorite commentator. I hope you keep it up and you never stop. Let’s make some more snow angels! Lol

[MENTION=442]DetroitBalln313[/MENTION] – Yo man, congrats on winning NEC. WEST COAST BABY! Hope you make it out to SCR, if not then it’s all good. We have to keep the West Coast torch on fire!

[MENTION=3679]MortySeinfeld[/MENTION] – Awesome chatting with you about the scene man. Too bad we didn’t get any games in, but hopefully next time we will. Congrats on top 8.

[MENTION=7921]OneBoxyRobot[/MENTION] – Nice meeting you man, may the yellow be with you!

[MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] – It was nice getting in games with you man, you’re a cool dude. Remember all of the counters I told you about with Noob vs Cyrax. Blow him up! Anyway, I’ll see you next time man, hopefully Winter Brawl.

[MENTION=7502]Revolver[/MENTION] – Nice seeing you man, and now I finally figured out how you keep up with all of those streams! Lol

@‎w1nter_warz – You’re a cool dude man, and it was awesome getting in Stryker games in. I’m telling you, he’s not that bad. The problem is a majority of the cast is just on the super level… lol Hope to see you next time man, maybe I’ll visit Canada sometime!

[MENTION=2228]Eazail[/MENTION] – Man… it’s been so long since I’ve seen you active on the forums, and it was great meeting you over the weekend finally! I still remember the time we came up with the name BMF in the MKA lobby… lol Hope to see you and get more games with you next time man, hopefully by Winter Brawl.

[MENTION=2208]Noobe[/MENTION] – Too bad I was too broke to get in a money match, but awesome that I got to play you in the tournament. Keep the resets going brotha, and I’ll see you at the next major!

[MENTION=279]AREZ God of War[/MENTION] – Always a pleasure man. Thanks for helping the venue out, and hopefully I see you soon enough!

[MENTION=5003]SwiftTomHanks[/MENTION] – You’re a very funny guy man, awesome Sektor as well. It was nice getting in games with you, and hopefully I will see you again very soon!

@Lion Heart – Nice to finally meet you man. Too bad we didn’t get any games in, hopefully next time we will!

[MENTION=3074]Jer[/MENTION] – Great games we had man, and hopefully we get many more in the future. Thanks for the Mileena matchup knowledge against Ermac too.

[MENTION=6818]James[/MENTION]MK – Awesome meeting you man, you’re a funny dude. But seriously, you need to tell me if I win SCR on the 17th, I know you were present! YOU’RE FROM THE FUTURE!

[MENTION=5716]J360[/MENTION] – Yo man, awesome chatting it up with you man. We need to get that Cyblax to another level, I have him at 68% so far mid screen. Some of my SoCal practice partners already want him banned… lol

[MENTION=9393]Sushi[/MENTION] – Nice meeting you, and thanks for holding it down with the camera stream!

[MENTION=6619]summoning[/MENTION] – Always a pleasure meeting you man, we should definitely get games in next time.

VSM – Thank you guys for having me over. It was nice not only coming down to NEC in Philly, but staying in NY with Riu and being part of the scene for a week. Much love and respect to everyone at VSM, and I hope that I will see you guys again sometime. I loved hanging out in NY, and there is no doubt in my mind that I will do it again.

And here is the part I hate… I know I am missing a ton of you on this list, but I can’t possibly remember everyone right now… lol Sorry if I missed your name, know that I did not truly forget, and every moment I had over at NEC and VSM/NY was great, and I wouldn’t change it for anything!
THIS IS A TRUE “TEST YOUR MIGHT” OF THE COMMUNITY! Let’s keep it up and get this bitch at EVO!


Focused Grace and Intensity
Probably a week too late but here goes:

[MENTION=3074]Jer[/MENTION] ur cool as shit as well. Wish u and the montreal BlazBlue community could just move here and play with us! Btw if you like that game the community for it is really strong there as opposed to here. If I do go to winterbrawl or Final Round I know I'll see u there, repping the MTL MK scene on ur own like a boss.

[MENTION=275]Pig Of The Hut[/MENTION] I already knew u were a cool dude from the fourms but ur even cooler in person. It was nice meeting u and congrats on making top 8.

[MENTION=5003]SwiftTomHanks[/MENTION] glad we squashed the cross border conflict ;) but seriously ur a cool dude and a great Sektor player. IMO u can focus on mahveel and MK at the same time, in fact focusing on two games at a time I think is for the better. Sry we couldnt play casuals after. :(

[MENTION=2200]w1nter warz[/MENTION] ur still an asshole. :p but we still support each other at international tournaments and Im always glad u do our scene proud, even if the attitude could use work. ;)

[MENTION=5334]mcpeanuts[/MENTION] ty for the advice on the LK MU. I def was annoyed that I didnt let my Kit just dash block in to at least alleviate the zoning pressure like I do with basically every other MU but I didnt and thats def on me. Also thats not to take away from u at all, u played well to eliminate me and it was a pleasure to compete with u, props.

@Neo Russel, Canada's icon in the competetive gaming scene for this genre of games, what more can I say. Congrats on the outstanding performance as always, it was a pleasure to chase u down and hold ur controllers like a caddy for Saturday. :)

@L7 forgive me if this isnt ur exact tag. U got a good Kitana and Kabal. GGs in the tourney.

@Detroitballin313 congrats on ur win again, I enjoyed being blown up by you in casuals and enjoyed ur performance in top 8 even more.

[MENTION=4641]BeerGuyEd[/MENTION] ggs in casuals. Ur a nice guy and I liked the look of that hitbox.

[MENTION=1266]REYTHEGREAT[/MENTION] also ggs in casuals. Keep reppin that Baraka, he's a better char than ppl know.

@Quantas ggs in casuals, I always like playing a good stryker.

[MENTION=2208]Noobe[/MENTION] I know we didnt meet but i really like the way u play Cyrax, it reall stands out how tactically play him. I suspect when he gets his reset removed ull be one of the few who will still rock with him.

[MENTION=2765]KT Smith[/MENTION] NYC My match with u on stream was def the most intense experience of the whole weekend. I was super nervous and took a whole game and a round to settle down. When ur smoke flawlessed my Kit and the crowd shat on me, all I thought was "I cant lose like this" and did my best to adjust. But its true what they say u got a great smoke and it was a pleasure to play u.

@Mike Metroid I still cant believe ur as old as u say u are. GGS in casuals.

[MENTION=714]NoDoubt[/MENTION]Arion nice meeting one of w1nter's good friends and a true legend in UMK3. Ur a really cool guy and congrats on the tourny win.

[MENTION=3199]CitizenSnips[/MENTION] u got one of the best reppie's there is. It was nice meeting one of Shady's online friends and props on sending me to loser's.

[MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] thx for making fun of my tag during pool announcements. lol. Again nice to meet another one of Shady's online friends.

[MENTION=5411]LionHeart V1[/MENTION] nice meeting u and watching top 8 with you.

[MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION] all I have to say is mmmaaaaannnn apparently. But ur a cool dude and real personable in person and the way u hyped ur money match with Noobe to start things off was epic.

[MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION], [MENTION=58]9.95[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6619]summoning[/MENTION] u guys ran a great tournament especially given the circumstances and u were all really cool and chill the whole weekend.

I hope Im not missing anyone and Im sorry I didnt make more of an impression on u guys as evidenced by the lack of shoutouts for me lol. This was my first major and first time travelling abroad for any kind of tournament and I was just dead most of the weekend, so I couldnt take as much adv of the whole event which is def my biggest regret. But now that I am more used to the experience I will make the most of it from now on when I do make it out and look forward to improving my skills and ability to play under pressure for the next major. I may go to either WB or FR so i hope to see most of u there!


tupac aint dead
Where do I start...

Shoutouts to:

[MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION] - This guy.

[MENTION=58]9.95[/MENTION] - Kinda sucks that it took us till the final day to realize that you were 1 room away from us. Other than that, it was great meeting you. Thanks for running such a great tournament.

[MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION] - It was a pleasure meeting you. It was you who gave me such interest in Mortal Kombat in general due to all you did for the community.

[MENTION=6619]summoning[/MENTION] - One of the umk3 OG's. Very good games in the Umk3 tournament. Thanks for everything

[MENTION=3199]CitizenSnips[/MENTION] - By far, the best Reptile i've played. You completely raped my Shang in pools. Your Rep has potential, keep it up.

[MENTION=16]REO[/MENTION] - Hitbox or no Hitbox, you are still the best in my eyes. btw why haven't we played yet? lol

[MENTION=7303]CRAZY DOMINICAN[/MENTION] - For destroying me 5-1 in casuals. By far the best Kitana i've seen or played.

[MENTION=1465]xxteefxx[/MENTION] - I love this guy. Thanks for the support and thanks for the fun casuals.

[MENTION=6624]Maxter[/MENTION] - That match against Morty.... wow. You're one of my favorite players to watch.

[MENTION=714]NoDoubt[/MENTION] - Congratulations to you for winning Umk3, you def deserved it.

[MENTION=3283]MeZMeRiZe[/MENTION] - It was cool meeting you. Kinda sucks how we really only got to talk at the airport.

[MENTION=3915]Scoot Magee[/MENTION] - Sucks we didn't get to play, but it was cool meeting you. Keep reppin' that Scorpion, it has potential.

[MENTION=275]Pig Of The Hut[/MENTION] - I cant thank you enough for letting me stay in your room. Thanks for helping me with match ups I had no answer to.

[MENTION=3679]MortySeinfeld[/MENTION] - For all the offline training & Sonya experience

[MENTION=278]Riu48[/MENTION] - Amazing Sonya. Nice to finally meet you.

[MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] - I am so glad that I didn't play you in the tournament. I can easily say I feared you the most.

[MENTION=5716]J360[/MENTION] - Casuals was fun, till you downloaded me ha. Good shit my man I can say that you and Pig both have the best CSZ

[MENTION=9393]Sushi[/MENTION] - Thanks for helping Phil, Shock, and summoning run a great tournament. You're a fun person to be around

[MENTION=5207]jamessmk[/MENTION] - I'm glad I have your blessings. You are right, I feel like there is a big target on my head. lol

Wolfkrone - For reppin' Detroit hard with the big AE win over Justin Wong. Congratulations brotha4]

[MENTION=8871]Death[/MENTION] - Thanks for helping me with the Mileena match up, I wonder how the tournament would've been if you didn't play Reo.

[MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] - I will always give you my support. Congrats on the big win in mkdc. It was a pleasure to finally meet you.

[MENTION=4641]BeerGuyEd[/MENTION] - Very cool guy, thanks for everything.

and last but not least...

[MENTION=4675]CD jr[/MENTION] - I don't know where to start. That Jax is definitely the best there is. I can't tell you how much respect I have for you. You are by far the best player i've played. That 5-1 in casuals was pretty bad haha. You had me shitting bricks when I saw your reaction to me picking Jax. Like I said before, I wasn't trying to disrespect you by using Jax, I felt like I had no other answer against Smoke, since he beats Shang so bad. I can not wait for our next major, I really want you to be there when I put my title on the line because I honestly think you deserve it more than I do. Thanks for everything

Sorry if I missed anyone


Noncompliance to ASTM F 899-12 Standard
Thank you all for an amazing weekend per usual, LOVE To hang out with the MK CREW! shout outs to everyone nice to meet some new faces

Till the next one !

CD jr

[MENTION=442]DetroitBalln313[/MENTION] dude when i saw the way you beat me my brother i knew i was in trouble.you are without a doubt the best shang out there and one of the best mk9 players you totally deserved that shit man.yea i wanted to win first,hell anyone that goes to a tournament wants to win first but you came out on top all the way from AZ.like i said before if someone had to win nec was either you,morty,or pig because you guys came from so far.i am happy that i met all you guys and i am proud to call you guys my friends.see you soon man and practice hard because im coming for that paper belt :)


Noncompliance to ASTM F 899-12 Standard
DetroitBalln313 and CDjr, those were the best matches ive ever seen in this game , cant wait for the rematch


Cock Master!!
first i want to say i had a good time this last weekend. theres so many people i would like to say a shout out too but im so sure im going to forget many many people. i just worked a double shift and a bunch of hours this week to makeup for the lost hours from NEC. so im sorry if i dont mention you :(

my only regrets in this tourney was that i showed up with shitty sticks im pissed i only used Kano once. i should have used him 100% instead of sindel :( my stupid heart makes me use her im so stupid.....

@SwiftTomHanks , @STORMS , @Jer , [MENTION=5442]rev0lver[/MENTION], @AC1984 @CitizenSnips thank you guys for chipping in for the room. you guys made this tourney trip my least expensive Thank you thank you thank you :)

@Tim Static thank you for the idea for drinking while i play to relieve the stress, shakes and nervousness. it worked this was my first tourney where i had no nerves effecting my play, however as i kept drinking and moving on in tourney i started to get that "not caring" kind of attitude, i was getting a bit too tipsy :p so i will need to tweak the drinking a bit. but it worked so THANK YOU!!

@Riu48 thanks for having that sindel mirror match. it made me realize that @THTB was right that my sticks were laggy/my attacks had a slight delay. so thanks to you i was like ok "hey ac can i try your sticks real quick" and then having MY MIND BLOWNNNNNNNN finding out how much more responsive my attacks can be. theres a huge learning curve once i get better sticks. so im kind of going to have to relearn the game. thank you for pushing me into the light lol you are the one guy i wish i lived near, you can be a great MK coach for me.. i love how you are willing and able to share knowledge at all times.

@AC1984 ~ thank you so much for letting me use your sticks, if it werent for you and your awesome sticks i wouldnt have won a single match. too bad my last fight was VS you and you had to use your sticks. :( so sad that the tourney had to end that way for me. i should have asked for us 2 to be in different brackets oh well... :( it was awesome chilling with you. you are one of the nicest guys out there wish you didnt have to leave the country. hopefully everything gets better :)

@STORMS ~ it was awesome you actually came on friday. too bad we didnt get any offline fights in. but its always a pleasure being your partner in crime.. until interviews go past ten minutes and i start to get O_O annoyed because my arms start to hurt from holding that thing up lol im so out of shape its awful.. fun car rides "MINES BETTER" :p :sindel: :sindel:

@SwiftTomHanks ~ fun times as always. thanks for being our taxi driver :p and getting us to taco bell. love your sarcasm. fun sektor vs sindel matches, i was holding back 2 things i do vs sektor with her incase we played in the tourney.. VVggs!! i hope we share a room again if we are ever at the same tourney again.

@REYTHEGREAT ~ it was awesome seeing you again. sucks we got matched up in the tourney. you were the only person i busted out kano vs and i wish i used him vs others :( VVVGGS i got very lucky vs you in the tourney. i was shitting my pants with you using smoke.

@Jer and @rev0lver it was awesome meeting you too.. too bad we didnt get to play much i was too down on my sticks and the only time i was able to play after i found out my sticks blew was whenever ac wasnt practicing/playing.. it would be a pleasure to share a room with you guys again..

@Eazail ~ fun games friday night. glad you made it far in the tourney. you are welcome to sleep in my room whenever but try not to OCCUPY THE BATHROOM for so long LOLOL occupy bathroom gate was funny as shit. lolol you missed it.

@cdjr ~ I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE. Beware of the COCK O_O lol nice little chat and fun game in the tourney. you are a nice guy.

@Check ~ im so glad you came. nice chatting and it sucks we didnt play more :( i watched most of your matches. crazy combos uppercuts into 5 hit combos and such lol i actually went into practice to try that shit with sindel. so far i have been able to get 3 d+1's in the corner.. sucks we didnt get to play any matches :( that was my fault stick problems, read my shout out to riu48 for more info..

@OneBoxyRobot ~ holy shit you are one awesome guy. sucks we both had controller/stick issues and we couldnt play. but nice none video game conversations about politics. LOL at you saying OMG you arent 500 pounds.. the look on your face was awesome :D you are welcome to stay in any room i have at these tourneys. loved all the boxy family nick names.

@REO ~ nice seeing you and not chatting as always at these tourneys LOL its so weird and funny cause we always chat online but when in person we dont say shit. glad you made it far as always.

@Tom Brady ~ nice seeing you again, loved the hood and thanks for wishing me luck. i was rooting for you. you are another guy like riu48 that helps, coaches and shares knowledge at any time. wish i lived closer to you.

@DetroitBalln313 ~ nice meeting and great fucking win. storms and i know you from way back and already knew your skill level at MK so it wasnt a shock that you won this thing.. too bad we couldnt get any offline sindel vs shang mirrors like online, thats actually a weird match up for both of them.

@BeerGuyEd ~ nice meeting you and chatting. nice kitana and tourney matches. glad you guys came up here. i wish i actually tried out your hitbox, i have no idea why i didnt try them out :confused:

@Pig Of The Hut ~ fucking great finally meeting you in person. i had called it quits on the round robin tourney when i saw people going past the 3 games. i was like uhhh yea this isnt going to work out LOLOL i had it all planned out with my laptop and shit. next time.. awesome chatting football with you, the bills still have a chance they havent flat lined yet but they are having a heart attack ATM, too many injuries just cost them. with zero real depth but rookies :( you get what you pay for..... sucks we didnt play any games, it was my fault though when i found out my sticks sucks i could only play when AC wasnt..

@MortySeinfeld ~ we were one match away from having an epic sindel vs sonya match. i know it would have been intense and crazy read my message to riu48 and ac to find out why it didnt happen :( so close.. nice meeting you, you are a cute guy :p dont take that the wrong way lolol

@jamessmk ~ aka paper legend nice chatting with you and doing teh interview with yo.. you are a funny guy. fun MK2 fights. i wish i was able to stay and play in the tourney.

@summoning ~ awesome MK2 fights. nice chatting too. im sorry i didnt stay for mk2 and KI. i had thought since we lost the room that we werent getting it back. plus with the 6-7 hour drive i wanted to get home by 7 pm. i dont like getting home late late night. my first few tourneys i didnt get home till 4-6 am :x screw that. hopefully maybe at winter brawl we can do KI on saturday ;) that would be awesome.

@Shock ~ thank you for doing all the hard work in organizing all this shit. nice chatting you are THE MAN!!

@9.95 ~ thank you thank you thank you for getting my a/v cords from rob for me.. thanks for all the work you do. you didnt get to yell as much this time around lol im sorry i didnt stay for KI :( maybe next time KI could if its ever possible could be played on saturday..

@CitizenSnips ~ one of the top reptiles out there. sucks we played while i was trying to use the pad. shit was funny lol

@xxteefxx ~ you are so nice its funny.. offering every one sandwich's, thanks for that. i dont eat meat and im very very picky when it comes to bread and food. nice meeting and chatting. nice kenshi.

@CRAZY DOMINICAN ~ we never talk but im a huge fan of yours.. kitana is my all time fav mk character i ahve her tattooed on my arm. love watching you destroy people with her :)

@Krayzie ~ nice seeing you again, chatting and watching your cyrax at work. RESET RESET RESET 11,11 RESET ENAGE. LOL you have no idea how heart broken i was when you didnt make top 8 :(

@Maxter ~ nice short chat with you, you probably have no idea who i am but fun watching you play :)

@Hitoshura ~ nice seeing you again. we need to play sometime at these tourneys. sindel vs noob is a crazy zoning battle. fun times :D

@Death ~ fun meeting you in person. sucks you got reo in round one. im so positive you will get to final 8 next time..

@NoDoubt ~ nice seeing you again. you get real into the game when you are practicing. i was trying to have a conversation with you and you had no idea, it was funny. it was interesting watching you practice.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

@OneBoxyRobot ~ holy shit you are one awesome guy. sucks we both had controller/stick issues and we couldnt play. but nice none video game conversations about politics. LOL at you saying OMG you arent 500 pounds.. the look on your face was awesome :D you are welcome to stay in any room i have at these tourneys. loved all the boxy family nick names.
Awwwww. :D. You're the best, man.
PLEASE tell me you're coming to Winter Brawl - I'll have my converter/PS2 pad down, so there wont be any more malfunctions on my end, and I reeeeally need to work on my Kano strategy, so you'll be the man to see. And I'll be sure to bring some pre-tourney drinky drink for us - I was freeeaking out before the show started, pacing the room praying to my saints, the whole bit, lol...got knocked into losers by Pimp, killed like 2 beers, and came within a D4 of making it out of a set alive, so I'm with you on that.
Once everybody starts throwing their names in the hat, we should DEFINITELY try and run the round robin again, or some kind of mini-gimmick. I wanna make sure New-And-Improved-Box is up to snuff this time, most definitely.


@STORMS ~ it was awesome you actually came on friday. too bad we didnt get any offline fights in. but its always a pleasure being your partner in crime.. until interviews go past ten minutes and i start to get O_O annoyed because my arms start to hurt from holding that thing up lol im so out of shape its awful.. fun car rides "MINES BETTER" :p :sindel: :sindel:\
Man, you got nothin' on [MENTION=9393]Sushi[/MENTION] and I! lmao Holding my phone for 5 hrs straight for the stream... 10 minutes?????

lmao :D


Kenshi Moderator
@morty sienfeld: hehe dude! same here man, we all miss u for sure guys. hopefully soon we will meet. and it was my pleasure!
also, NO! i wasnt the reason for the top 8! you're :p u deserve it pal.
keep in touch man and see u soon

@detroit: hehe ^_^ take care buddy...hopefully when i am done with the KHARAH! called school, i will be able to see u more often guys haha.

[MENTION=3915]Scoot Magee[/MENTION]:
DUUUUUDE!!! i comlpetely apologize cause i forgot to mention u. how rude of me.
this guy is such a respectful person man! whenever i talk he never argued, never interrupted my talks. when i asked him wanna see some stuff and tech, not like others he noded his head and fully respected me.

Ty magee ^_^ haha. you re a great guy. and HEY! we will see each other soon man :p salty battles, VSM and Event PARTAAAAY!! lol (this time u will come for sure)

also ty for calling me this name when we where outside while i was smoking a cig with check. haha, meant a lot ^_^

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
It was nice talking to you again teef as it was with everyone else I know and met at NEC. Everyone was really cool, I just wish I was able to play some matches with everyone but it would have been tough considering how many people came. Anyway shout outs to all the MK players, you guys know who you are. Much respect to all and I can't wait to meet up with everyone again.


I believe my exact words were, "#1 Sonya in the US!" ;)
I think I echoed those same words after he won that mirror match. That was a hard fought victory.

I'm so late with shoutouts, but I promise to have them up soon. I'm putting them all in a notepad document so I can just copy and paste it here when I'm done.


It took me long enough but here it is.

Just wanted to say that I had a blast as always. Great to see everyone come out and make MK9 a success.

[MENTION=442]DetroitBalln313[/MENTION] - the most amazing Shang Tsung playing I've ever seen. I enjoyed watching every minute. Congrats on taking NEC 12. I wish we had gotten the chance to play.

[MENTION=4675]CD jr[/MENTION] - Thanks for blowing me up. :p J/k. There's a reason why you've placed top 3 in almost every major you've entered. You've got some serious skill there. It was cool to play against you, and I look forward to doing it again. Hope to see you at Pass The Salt.

[MENTION=16]REO[/MENTION] - it was cool to finally get to play against you. I just wanted to let you know that I
hate Kabal. :)

[MENTION=3679]MortySeinfeld[/MENTION] - One of the best Sonya's I've ever played. We had an epic set of matches. I can't wait until we get to do this again. I will get my revenge. MUA HA HA HA HA!!!

[MENTION=278]Riu48[/MENTION] - thanks for the talk prior to my match with Morty. Good seeing you again.

[MENTION=7303]CRAZY DOMINICAN[/MENTION] - Wish we got to play against each other. We've got some unfinished business to take care of. I still need to get my retribution!!! Good job though on getting another top 8 finish.

[MENTION=6624]Maxter[/MENTION] - One of the best Cyrax's out there. Good seeing you again and congrats for making top 8. Next time, it'll be me playing against you in top 8 though so watch out.

[MENTION=275]Pig Of The Hut[/MENTION] - One of the coolest guys I've met. It was great meeting you and getting to play against you in an offline setting. Can't wait until Final Round, provided everything goes well.

[MENTION=3915]Scoot Magee[/MENTION] - Great to meet you and to play against you.

[MENTION=355]AC1984[/MENTION] - Our match was way too close. Great playing against you. Oh yeah, I hate Kabal. :)

[MENTION=1465]xxteefxx[/MENTION] and [MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] - thanks for all of the Kenshi info and strats. Great getting to see you guys again. Had a blast. We must play more next time.

[MENTION=3]Krayzie[/MENTION] - thanks for making the trek all the way out to the East Coast for this. It was great meeting you. We didn't get to play offline, but hopefully we'll get to play online again soon as you get your Internet up.

[MENTION=3088]Hitoshura[/MENTION] - What up Guido!!! Great seeing ya again. We still have not played against each other yet. We must make this happen!!!

[MENTION=433]DanCock[/MENTION] - We didn't get to play each other but props to you for maining Sindel. I wanted to use her when the game first came out since I used her in UMK3 but that just didn't happen. lol

[MENTION=5003]SwiftTomHanks[/MENTION] - We didn't get to play, but don't worry, we'll get to play each other at PTS should nothing come up. You're going down sir!!!


[MENTION=8871]Death[/MENTION] - Great offline matches. Now you see the difference between playing offline and online. Makes a hell of a lot of difference.

[MENTION=10737]Skkra[/MENTION] - It's been forever since I've seen you. Funny how we ended up playing each other in casuals not realizing who the other person was at first, lol. Great seeing you again bro after so many years.

[MENTION=1580]BigE[/MENTION] - A big thanks to you for another successfully run NEC. I always enjoy myself when I come here. I can't wait to do the damn thing all over again next year.

Also it was great seeing the lot of you and hanging out with you guys: [MENTION=3199]CitizenSnips[/MENTION], [MENTION=5411]LionHeart V1[/MENTION], [MENTION=4641]BeerGuyEd[/MENTION], [MENTION=58]9.95[/MENTION], [MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION], [MENTION=2975]NeoRussell[/MENTION], [MENTION=279]AREZ God of War[/MENTION], [MENTION=7921]OneBoxyRobot[/MENTION], [MENTION=3074]Jer[/MENTION], [MENTION=2311]Sabin[/MENTION], [MENTION=41]Tom Brady[/MENTION], [MENTION=7502]Revolver[/MENTION], [MENTION=2208]Noobe[/MENTION], [MENTION=1]STORMS[/MENTION], [MENTION=7135]josh99[/MENTION], [MENTION=3429]PimpUigi[/MENTION], [MENTION=5207]jamessmk[/MENTION]

Sorry if I missed anyone but there were so many people there. This shoutout is for you!

Oh, and a big shoutout to shoutouts!!!