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Discussion The negativity online (mkxl)

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
Roy you must notice this pattern of everyone disagreeing with you in big discussions. I've been in about 4 threads where about 5+ people are disagreeing with you and nobody is backing you up.

I get where you're coming from but the point you're making is reductive and idealistic boyscout fgc chat.
I was wondering who everyone was arguing with lol. I forgot I ignored Roy for these very reasons.
Aside from the fact that I had people backing me up several times in the past, the line of thinking that being the 1 guy arguing with several people is being in the wrong is so passe and childish beyond any belief, especially that the OP started this discussion about one thing, yet those group of people have mixed it with complaints from other arguments, whatever it was intentional or not, just like that right now, you're trying to make this argument all about me instead of the topic from the OP. And countering posts that spread misinformation that's not being any boy scout at all, just because it doesn't fit to you wanting to get your frustrations and anger out of your chest that doesn't mean it is wrong nor it means that I'm being too nice. Being bashing and angry is not gonna make you any better or more right then anybody else. All you're doing is proving the point that Juxtapose made earlier in the thread, that our instant gratification society, critical thinking is simply in heavy decline because people don't need to or want to think for themselves. That's at least what it looks like. I mean, why else after everything I said, you come here with this stupid response of "I got 4 other guys that back my side of the argument while you have nobody that is backing yours", as if that would completely disqualify everything I've said? I'm sorry but that's pathetic.

Now let's get back to the topic people.
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There it is...
I wrote out a big thing. But no point. Had this discussion before. Roy just carry on having 0 self awareness and shit posting.

If you're actually a 13 year old it explains a lot and I apologise.
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Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
I wrote out a big thing. But no point. Had this discussion before. Roy just carry on having 0 self awareness and shit posting.

If you're actually a 13 year old it explains a lot and I apologise.
Whatever dude, keep your childish behavior and anger to yourself.


There it is...
Roy one day this sites guna be a big empty waste with all the people who have you on their ignore list. So long.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I think both you and Barrogh have misunderstood the OP, just as much you misunderstood me, with all due respect. Of course it has to do with how fighting games in general are a lot harder to learn then other genres, I'm not a rookie you know, but what the OP said is clearly not about the game's elements but instead the behavior of his online opponents that he happened to run into. Of course that the fact that FG's are harder to learn and master in general has something to be associated with, but not only it doesn't relate to only one game or a select few, you can find people that behave like that in any game, just like you can find them in any social media platform. The real problem here is the anonymity of these people. If they would've face the OP in a local match, I can assure you that even if they would've get salty (which is understandable) they would've behave in a much more mature way, because they know they can't behave the same way they can behave online without having social repercussions to it.

Also regarding strategies, your whole statement is just wrong in it's core. I was talking about GENERAL STRATEGIES, and none of those are required low skill in order to reach their full potential, even if the char is easy to use. Your example about Deadshot is just wrong, because the only reason that strategy happen too be to easy to implemented with Deadshot in particular is because that Deadshot, like you said by yourself, was too easy to abuse at that time due to Deadshot's particular tools being too strong. Of course that can be char-specific strategies, but the GENERAL STRATEGY of Zoning and keepaway and frustrating the opponent to no end does require skill and work, no matter how easy it is seen from the opponent's POV. All you're doing here is just mixing up between general strategies and char's specific tools and that is just wrong. And even about Deadshot specifically, I for one already found ways with how to deal with Deadshot one the first week that Sub-Zero was out as DLC, in which Deadshot was still powerful before the nerfs he got, and I already managed to deal with Deadshots online. Not to mention that you said by yourself "there is a difference between playing above average Deadshot and full potential Deadshot". If that Deadshot player is above-average, that means he had to put at least SOME WORK into his gameplan, which means he would've had a decent amount of skill, unlike a below-average Deadshot who had to put minimal amount of work in which can then, and only then, he might have only very low skill.

I never said that MKX is perfect nor I said that IJ2 is a bad game. Hell I praised IJ2 a tone, DO NOT PUT INTO MY MOUTH. Every fighting game can make you angry by losing int it as I said and even @Cursa said, all of those stuff you said can be easily said about IJ2 for the Zoning and the long stages in it yet that would be false as well for the same reasons. In fact, YOU ARE THE ONE who tries to trash MKX almost all the time, I've seen it a several other threads in addition to this one. Well let me tell you something pal, Mixing and Setplay are indeed legit strategies, even if them are easier to implement in some games, they are still legit, just like in IJ2, it is a lot easier to implement Zoning and footsies, if you can't deal with any of those stuff, that's on you. So yes, if you get panic by the Mixing and Setplay, that means that the opponent has managed to get into you, just like he can make you panic by raw Rushdown, Knockdown and other stuff, or even Zoning that yes, also still is in MKX. If you got panicked, that's on you. MK in general is a lot more offense based then other franchises, and MK3, UMK3, MKT, MK4 and MKG also were more offense based as they had the Run mechanic too, and if you think that MKX's offense is too much, you probably never played DBFZ or any of the MVC games.


I think that ultimately, all of you guys ran out of the OP's question about the THE PLAYERS AND THE COMMUNITY, and turned that into yet another discussion about the game's mechanics and elements. Like I said earlier, that can be related to that too, but ultimately, it's about the online and how people wanna use it. Period.
Yeah I hate MKX because I made thread called positive things about MKX because I felt it didn’t deserve all the bashing it got, but yeah I hate MKX sure pal

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
If it’s not directly and mostly related to the game’s mechanics I want to know why the community in MKX was a lot more enraged and sent a lot more hatemail than in games like I2, KI, etc, in not just my experience, but others

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
If it’s not directly and mostly related to the game’s mechanics I want to know why the community in MKX was a lot more enraged and sent a lot more hatemail than in games like I2, KI, etc, in not just my experience, but others
First off I saw that thread from you, and the very first thing you said was:

I know how everyone feels about MKX, I honestly agree, the game was a mess in a lot of ways and I much prefer Injustice 2. But I definitely enjoyed it and I sure as hell played it a lot and I know a ton of us put a lot of time into it too, even some of those who “hate” it still found themselves dumping tons of time into it.
You said that EVERYONE feels it and that game was a mess, while this couldn't have been any further from the truth. I've seen a ton of people, both in and out of the community and even personal friends, that highly prefer MKX over IJ2. And yes, you said that you enjoyed it, but with an opening line like that, I highly can't take that claim seriously.

And no, it doesn't have anything to do with game's mechanics, and no, the hate mail has no connection to the mechanics whatsoever. As I said in my very first post here, I got a huge amount of friendly messages from players from a ton of different skill levels. And yes, I got a chunk of hate mail from shitty people as well, but the majority of messages I got were from people who are friendly and helpful. Also, MKX was had higher sales then IJ2 which means more people play it, and like I said in my first post as well, the more people play the game, the higher chance you would run into such players that act in a bad way, but at the same time that you will get a higher chance to meet people that act in a good way, because you have a much larger amount of players to play with.

So no, it has nothing to do with the mechanics, and if it is, it's only by a minuscule level, it's all about the the online environment and how people wanna present themselves in it. And like I said earlier, if you think that offense in MKX as well as the Mixing and Run Mechanic in it are too much, try to play any MK game from MK3 to MKG that had the Run mechanic to, any of the MVC games that were already super fast and every char could've run by just tapping forward as if it was a regular dash and also had Mixing in it, or DBFZ that not only has Mixing and Setplay in it, but also has Super Dash which is just as fast as the Run in MKX but with no Stamina meter and can nullify a big chunk of the projectiles in that game, a universal teleport that any character can do via the Vanish mechanic (unlike MKX in which only some chars can teleport), and the Dragon Rush that can work as a universal combo starter for all chars and is unblockable. I've seen people already complain about that game a lot, and claim and every character in that game feels the same. And saying they're right, though. But regardless, MKX, by comparison, is definitely not as much as offensive based as DBFZ or any of the MVC games, except maybe X-Men Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes, and that's a BIG MAYBE. And it sure as hell is not a mess unlike DBFZ or the MVC games that are much higher candidates to be such, if anything.
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Counterpoke with armoured DB2 at all times.
Zoning as Deadshot is a low skill strategy. There is absolutely 0 questions about this.

If you think playing Deadshot required any work at all then idk what to say. Basically any player will tell you they had a pocket Deadshot it took like an hour in the lab TOPS to be above average

YES, SOME zoning strategies do require skill to execute. Cyborg and Fate are examples of this. But there are zoning strategies that are low skill, such as Deadshots. It was BF1 into MB rifle when the opponent got close. Watch any pro player play Deadshot before he got nerfed and you'll see almost zero difference between them all except for MAYBE Foxy Grandpa, who still lost against other Deadshot's because he was going for too much fancy shit like trick shot anti-airs.

I don't think I've heard anyone say ever that Deadshot's gameplan was anything but low skill. It's absolutely absurd to say it wasn't. BF1 into Rifle. If they get in close, 50/50 and stagger till you open them up.

If you think it's not low skill then I don't think there's anyway I can't convince you it isn't. It should just be clear as day


Counterpoke with armoured DB2 at all times.
I think both you and Barrogh have misunderstood the OP, just as much you misunderstood me, with all due respect. Of course it has to do with how fighting games in general are a lot harder to learn then other genres, I'm not a rookie you know, but what the OP said is clearly not about the game's elements but instead the behavior of his online opponents that he happened to run into. Of course that the fact that FG's are harder to learn and master in general has something to be associated with, but not only it doesn't relate to only one game or a select few, you can find people that behave like that in any game, just like you can find them in any social media platform. The real problem here is the anonymity of these people. If they would've face the OP in a local match, I can assure you that even if they would've get salty (which is understandable) they would've behave in a much more mature way, because they know they can't behave the same way they can behave online without having social repercussions to it.
Did you read a thing I said?

No, the OP isn't talking about elements, but the elements of the game is what makes people salty.

Yes, elements in every game are usually the cause of what makes people salty.

The difference is the elements in FG's, MOBA's, and RTS's are generally much harder to grasp and as a result leave people in the dust, confused, and frustrated.

I'm not even saying that MKX has a higher amount of salty players than any other FG. In fact I'd say IJ2 has more. I've had dude's complained that I've cornered them.

Yes, being anonymous online helps too, but same in every game. And there is 0 difference between being anonymous in MKX versus in, say, Overwatch, so that's not the real problem of why MKX might be considered "saltier" than other games (Quotations ebcause I don't think MKX is more negative than other games).

The difference with FG salt compared to something like R6 salt is that in R6 you can just learn how to beat every strat by playing the game. You literally can just keep doing things until they work. You can't do that in FGs or MOBA's or RTS'. There's a lot of stuff in all these games that you won't be able to figure out how to beat unless you specifically change your entire gameplan and mindset to suit. That doesn't exist in most other games, and as a result, is probably the reason why FGC's can seem salty at times.

Same as the Deadshot post though. If this doesn't convince you of it you're being stubborn, that's it.


Counterpoke with armoured DB2 at all times.
^This. I also play StarCraft II, and am a veteran Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne player. My personal opinion is that proper real time strategy games (1v1) and fighting games are the two genres that take the most "skill" to succeed; they're the hardest games to master and compete in.

You really need a proper mindset to do well and enjoy these genres. Interestingly, while having players and followings, they're no where near as popular or mainstream as other genres, and the unforgiving nature and actual time investment needed to get good in them is a big factor of that.

Edit: I've also had great luck with Subway cashiers. My fav were the two fighting game guys, one loved Mortal Kombat, the other Street Fighter. We'd talk games every time I was there.
It's funny because I've played all of the big 3 I mentioned (FG, MOBA's and RTS') and I sucked so hard at RTS. Watching some of those Korean players play Starcraft II was absolutely insane, like 250 actions per minute. SC2 was my first RTS. I wasn't completely trash but definitely below average. It's really hard to tell the difference between something that is OP or just that I'm doing the wrong strat to counter it at that sort of level


It's funny because I've played all of the big 3 I mentioned (FG, MOBA's and RTS') and I sucked so hard at RTS. Watching some of those Korean players play Starcraft II was absolutely insane, like 250 actions per minute. SC2 was my first RTS. I wasn't completely trash but definitely below average. It's really hard to tell the difference between something that is OP or just that I'm doing the wrong strat to counter it at that sort of level
The Koreans are insanely good at the genre, as you no doubt know. So much so, they have their own league the rest of the world typically doesn't get to compete in; they're really on another level.

Having said that, for ladder at least, you certainly don't need to be that skilled to compete, and typically APM does _not_ equal skill. Lots of people spam clicks to up their APM, which is fine, but it doesn't mean anything. My APM, as an example, is often only between 60 to 80, and I've regularly defeated people with double plus my APM.

Another pointer is unless you're truly competing at a _very_ high level, there's no need to worry or think about what's OP, balance, etc. simply because it won't affect you. Any game you're loosing is not going to be due to balance, you're either getting plain out played or making mistakes that cost you.

Remember, if the matchmaking system is doing it's job right, you're win percentage should be about 50%, plus or minus a bit.

If I may ask, how far did you progress? What League and what was your Race? I made Platinum 2 last Season, and I exclusively play Random (though I really should be in Platinum 3).


Counterpoke with armoured DB2 at all times.
The Koreans are insanely good at the genre, as you no doubt know. So much so, they have their own league the rest of the world typically doesn't get to compete in; they're really on another level.

Having said that, for ladder at least, you certainly don't need to be that skilled to compete, and typically APM does _not_ equal skill. Lots of people spam clicks to up their APM, which is fine, but it doesn't mean anything. My APM, as an example, is often only between 60 to 80, and I've regularly defeated people with double plus my APM.

Another pointer is unless you're truly competing at a _very_ high level, there's no need to worry or think about what's OP, balance, etc. simply because it won't affect you. Any game you're loosing is not going to be due to balance, you're either getting plain out played or making mistakes that cost you.

Remember, if the matchmaking system is doing it's job right, you're win percentage should be about 50%, plus or minus a bit.

If I may ask, how far did you progress? What League and what was your Race? I made Platinum 2 last Season, and I exclusively play Random (though I really should be in Platinum 3).
Oh like barely played it at all. Don't think I even played any ranked. This was years ago. I don't like going into ranked into games until I feel like I've mastered almost all the aspects of the game/character I'm playing.

And yea I know you can build your APM by just doing button clicks on things that can't built and whatnot but still, they get like crazy numbers if you don't include those. Just the amount of macro going on is insane

Took me 4 weeks to take my Liu Kang into ranked lol

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
First off I saw that thread from you, and the very first thing you said was:

You said that EVERYONE feels it and that game was a mess, while this couldn't have been any further from the truth. I've seen a ton of people, both in and out of the community and even personal friends, that highly prefer MKX over IJ2. And yes, you said that you enjoyed it, but with an opening line like that, I highly can't take that claim seriously.

And no, it doesn't have anything to do with game's mechanics, and no, the hate mail has no connection to the mechanics whatsoever. As I said in my very first post here, I got a huge amount of friendly messages from players from a ton of different skill levels. And yes, I got a chunk of hate mail from shitty people as well, but the majority of messages I got were from people who are friendly and helpful. Also, MKX was had higher sales then IJ2 which means more people play it, and like I said in my first post as well, the more people play the game, the higher chance you would run into such players that act in a bad way, but at the same time that you will get a higher chance to meet people that act in a good way, because you have a much larger amount of players to play with.

So no, it has nothing to do with the mechanics, and if it is, it's only by a minuscule level, it's all about the the online environment and how people wanna present themselves in it. And like I said earlier, if you think that offense in MKX as well as the Mixing and Run Mechanic in it are too much, try to play any MK game from MK3 to MKG that had the Run mechanic to, any of the MVC games that were already super fast and every char could've run by just tapping forward as if it was a regular dash and also had Mixing in it, or DBFZ that not only has Mixing and Setplay in it, but also has Super Dash which is just as fast as the Run in MKX but with no Stamina meter and can nullify a big chunk of the projectiles in that game, a universal teleport that any character can do via the Vanish mechanic (unlike MKX in which only some chars can teleport), and the Dragon Rush that can work as a universal combo starter for all chars and is unblockable. I've seen people already complain about that game a lot, and claim and every character in that game feels the same. And saying they're right, though. But regardless, MKX, by comparison, is definitely not as much as offensive based as DBFZ or any of the MVC games, except maybe X-Men Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes, and that's a BIG MAYBE. And it sure as hell is not a mess unlike DBFZ or the MVC games that are much higher candidates to be such, if anything.
That’s fair but those are my honest opinions, I don’t really feel like I have to validate my opinions. The “everyone” I referred to in my OP of that thread was nothing more than hyperbole, I know not “everyone” dislikes MKX. I did enjoy the shit out of game, I wouldn’t have played it nearly as much as I did if I thought the game was shitty, I just do think it is very flawed in a lot of ways and Injustice 2 is a lot more balanced and the flow of the game is more level and even paced so people may treat it as such. That’s just my opinion though, there’s no way to prove why people do or don’t act in a certain way, so I’m sorry for being a dick to you about your opinions as well

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
in my experience i never played in such a shitty toxic community than mkxl and im a CS player since beta 7.
I also played Dota 1 and 2.

imo inj2 was less toxic but thats my experience.

Capcom games seems to be more friendly for the times i played SFV
For reals. If you don't play overwatch, that shits bad

Go into a game everyone goes dps and then everyone throws because everyone else is dps.

Eu PS4 servers are all Saudi arabians' who are apparently the most toxic people on the planet. Had no dealings with them before OW then noticed I kept getting players with KSA in their names who could barely speak English and do nothing but hurl abuse and disconnect. Realised it wasn't a clan but kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It's like the Russians from CS GO.
Moba's are by far the most toxic games ive ever played.

Here's a short clip of a game I had where I was teamed with a 4 stack. We lost, my "team" all blamed me , as inevitably happens when it's 4 friends and 1 pubby on a team, even though they were the ones losing the game for us. It started happening early on in the match, and I'd learned from past experience not to argue with hate in matches where you are a solo guy with a 4 stack, it just doesn't ever turn out well, so I had said like two sentences all match and they were play related, I just tried to ignore it win through the struggle. It was years ago now, but I believe I didn't contribute enough to teamfights by this person's measure, and the.... toxicity here to put it GENTLY, is what prompted me to start recording, I only caught a small clip of it, but it says all it needs to.

Important stuff is between from the 0:50-1:30 mark, but the start is pretty toxic too.

Like, I'm a married adult with a child and a job and real life, and I've got a pretty high tolerance for bullshit so the insults fall kinda short on me. But can you imagine if I was just some geeky guy trying to play a video game? Or even worse, someone with depression? Nothing was done to provoke this person other than perceived bad play, and even that is a reach as I had the best score on the team. So I can only imagine that this person does it quite often.

This was probably the worst human interaction I've ever had on the game, or online at all. But some others have come close. Fuck Moba's man. A bunch of people incapable of dealing with personal faults. Much prefer 1v1 gaming now.
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Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
That’s fair but those are my honest opinions, I don’t really feel like I have to validate my opinions. The “everyone” I referred to in my OP of that thread was nothing more than hyperbole, I know not “everyone” dislikes MKX. I did enjoy the shit out of game, I wouldn’t have played it nearly as much as I did if I thought the game was shitty, I just do think it is very flawed in a lot of ways and Injustice 2 is a lot more balanced and the flow of the game is more level and even paced so people may treat it as such. That’s just my opinion though, there’s no way to prove why people do or don’t act in a certain way, so I’m sorry for being a dick to you about your opinions as well
I accept your apology, and I do respect your preferences, you're entitled to them. You prefer IJ2? That's perfectly fine. With that being said though, I think calling a game flawed while it's clearly mixed with your personal preferences rather the equal quality or the direction of the game and it's elements in comparison to other games is wrong. I will leave it at that.

Zoning as Deadshot is a low skill strategy. There is absolutely 0 questions about this.

If you think playing Deadshot required any work at all then idk what to say. Basically any player will tell you they had a pocket Deadshot it took like an hour in the lab TOPS to be above average

YES, SOME zoning strategies do require skill to execute. Cyborg and Fate are examples of this. But there are zoning strategies that are low skill, such as Deadshots. It was BF1 into MB rifle when the opponent got close. Watch any pro player play Deadshot before he got nerfed and you'll see almost zero difference between them all except for MAYBE Foxy Grandpa, who still lost against other Deadshot's because he was going for too much fancy shit like trick shot anti-airs.

I don't think I've heard anyone say ever that Deadshot's gameplan was anything but low skill. It's absolutely absurd to say it wasn't. BF1 into Rifle. If they get in close, 50/50 and stagger till you open them up.

If you think it's not low skill then I don't think there's anyway I can't convince you it isn't. It should just be clear as day
I was talking about GENERAL STRATEGIES, you on the other hand taking every char as if every single char in every fighting game has a unique strategy, that's not what I was talking about. And I never said that Deadshot wasn't too easy to use back then. And FTR, an hour in the lab, while certainly not a lot of time indeed, is not like 10 minutes in the lab, so you had to put SOME skill, and if you took Deadshot with only like 10 minutes or less of work, you wouldn't win that easily, that is true for every easy-to-use/super powerful char. Was he needed to put the same amount of work as Doctor Fate? Of course not, not by a long shot, but you had to put a decent amount of skills. And once again, my very first refernce to strategies was about GENERAL STRATEGIES of Zoning, Rushdown, Knockdown-based offense etc, not specific characters by any means. That is you who mixes things up.

I already have put all of those points both in this post and the previous one overall, I can't clear it any further then this.

Did you read a thing I said?

No, the OP isn't talking about elements, but the elements of the game is what makes people salty.

Yes, elements in every game are usually the cause of what makes people salty.

The difference is the elements in FG's, MOBA's, and RTS's are generally much harder to grasp and as a result leave people in the dust, confused, and frustrated.

I'm not even saying that MKX has a higher amount of salty players than any other FG. In fact I'd say IJ2 has more. I've had dude's complained that I've cornered them.

Yes, being anonymous online helps too, but same in every game. And there is 0 difference between being anonymous in MKX versus in, say, Overwatch, so that's not the real problem of why MKX might be considered "saltier" than other games (Quotations ebcause I don't think MKX is more negative than other games).

The difference with FG salt compared to something like R6 salt is that in R6 you can just learn how to beat every strat by playing the game. You literally can just keep doing things until they work. You can't do that in FGs or MOBA's or RTS'. There's a lot of stuff in all these games that you won't be able to figure out how to beat unless you specifically change your entire gameplan and mindset to suit. That doesn't exist in most other games, and as a result, is probably the reason why FGC's can seem salty at times.

Same as the Deadshot post though. If this doesn't convince you of it you're being stubborn, that's it.
Once again, I'm not contradicting that FG's are indeed harder to get into, and yes that can be part of the problem too, but the OP was talking about the players and the community and how the behave with negative responses and such, not the elements of fighting games in general or a specific fighting game.

I can't clear this any further as well. I'm done with this argument.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
I was focusing on the the negativity as that is what the OP was focusing on, that is not me contradicting about the difficulty of fighting games in general. And when I did menetion the term 'elements' I was talking about the specific elements of MKX, not the general difficulty of fighting games.

Get it now? It is really not hard to understand.

I am done, for real now.


Counterpoke with armoured DB2 at all times.
I was focusing on the the negativity as that is what the OP was focusing on, that is not me contradicting about the difficulty of fighting games in general. And when I did menetion the term 'elements' I was talking about the specific elements of MKX, not the general difficulty of fighting games.

Get it now? It is really not hard to understand.
The negativity of a game is almost directly proportional to how difficult said games are. Hence why MOBA's and RTS' are also pretty salt-filled communities. MKX or otherwise

Hence why I brought it up in the first place.


God Confirm,

That type of behavior from the MOBA video just shouldn't be tolerated. If I ran into that type of behavior online in game, I'd probably just quit immediately, block them, and report them. Your time is valuable and should never be wasted on trash like that.

That's basically my philosophy on dealing with negative players. Being married and having a full time job I have little enough time to play as is, no sense wasting it.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
The negativity of a game is almost directly proportional to how difficult said games are. Hence why MOBA's and RTS' are also pretty salt-filled communities. MKX or otherwise

Hence why I brought it up in the first place.
Do you actually play RTS's? They have incredibly friendly communities. Even the largest ones still get the nicest guys ever. And I've played fighters for years and the closest thing I got to a hate mail is some guy calling my Cyborg a "counterpick".

Mobas on the other hand are downright easy in comparison to both, the mechanical skill requirement is not there, and yet it's the worst communities in the world.

Your theory is bunk, and if I was to make one my own, it would be that teamplay has a bigger correlation with asshole behavior than execution.


I'm not very good at fighting games. I really love them, and I find them super interesting, but I didn't really get into them until a couple years ago, and I often struggle to find the consistent time to put into them to get decent. Most of the negativity I face is simply better players taking the opportunity to taunt, which I just ignore and move on from, or being verbally abusive, in which case I wait until the match is over and then block & report. If I ever encountered the "kill yourself" type of toxic stuff, that'd be an instant quit for me though.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
God Confirm,

That type of behavior from the MOBA video just shouldn't be tolerated. If I ran into that type of behavior online in game, I'd probably just quit immediately, block them, and report them. Your time is valuable and should never be wasted on trash like that.

That's basically my philosophy on dealing with negative players. Being married and having a full time job I have little enough time to play as is, no sense wasting it.
I felt the same way, and decided to quit the game shortly after this. I don't really play team games anymore. Some people are just scum and I don't want to get stuck playing a video game for 60 minutes with them that I'm punished for abandoning if I don't want to play it through with them.