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NetherRealm scene on fire as question sparks debate

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Miley Cyrax®
Boon saying "Please stop stirring shit up" is basically him saying he doesn't want drama. However, by even saying that, he is getting involved in drama. So, he made an oopsies. I don't know if Pig's response was appropriate either. He could have reminded Boon that he's basically creating hype/advertising HIS game. Perhaps also an oopsies. Regardless, it's pretty neat for Pig that he got the attention of a gaming company's CEO.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Boon saying "Please stop stirring shit up" is basically him saying he doesn't want drama. However, by even saying that, he is getting involved in drama. So, he made an oopsies. I don't know if Pig's response was appropriate either. He could have reminded Boon that he's basically creating hype/advertising HIS game. Perhaps also an oopsies. Regardless, it's pretty neat for Pig that he got the attention of a gaming company's CEO.

Uh Yea............


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Honeybee and George are the real champs because they are the People's champ.

Seriously though, this poll on twitter was just to see what everyone thought about the two, it didn't need to turn into a war in the comment section.

Art Killer B

[Mid-tier Humble-man]
This question/Tweet stemmed from a private DM group of 50 where sonic and dragon were in good nature going back and forth debating on who is actually the champion.

All of us chimed in, the debate was fun and awesome. We in the chat were getting hype for 2018 so i took the conversation in good nature to the public eye for more hype, create some interest in KIT and other future tournaments and then the CEO of the company shits on me in public for doing so.

It’s insanely uncalled for, in 24 hours i received more than 3k notifications about the topic. People were magically hype and interested again. I tried rivakry of champions has been born and the NRS head shut down the hype and made me look like an asshole.

So if the head of the company shits on me what’s the point of aiding the scene, creating hype events, helping develop narratives and storylines that we sorely miss from 2011-2014 era HELL even 2015 era w Yomi and CO. Vs Cowboy.

This was a puzzling move by Ed and I’m frankly pissed off about it. All of you know i don’t compete anymore because of career and family and this basically shuts down any energy i had to be an advocate for the scene and hype.

I’ll also add there was no demoralizing toxicity at all in the original tweet, i even told a dude who tried to make toxic to “keep it respectful and hype”

Super disappointing move
Funny thing is, Eventhubs asked the exact same question 15 days ago, yet Boon nor anyone reacted this way...


I think Brant's question was uncalled for, Ed Boon's response was uncalled for, and that Brant is taking Ed Boon's tweet way too personally.
The Creator of your favorite game responds to you for maybe the first and only time ever and he's telling you to "stop stirring shit up", yeah, I'd be destroyed to.
This question/Tweet stemmed from a private DM group of 50 where sonic and dragon were in good nature going back and forth debating on who is actually the champion.

All of us chimed in, the debate was fun and awesome. We in the chat were getting hype for 2018 so i took the conversation in good nature to the public eye for more hype, create some interest in KIT and other future tournaments and then the CEO of the company shits on me in public for doing so.

It’s insanely uncalled for, in 24 hours i received more than 3k notifications about the topic. People were magically hype and interested again. I tried rivakry of champions has been born and the NRS head shut down the hype and made me look like an asshole.

So if the head of the company shits on me what’s the point of aiding the scene, creating hype events, helping develop narratives and storylines that we sorely miss from 2011-2014 era HELL even 2015 era w Yomi and CO. Vs Cowboy.

This was a puzzling move by Ed and I’m frankly pissed off about it. All of you know i don’t compete anymore because of career and family and this basically shuts down any energy i had to be an advocate for the scene and hype.

I’ll also add there was no demoralizing toxicity at all in the original tweet, i even told a dude who tried to make toxic to “keep it respectful and hype”

Super disappointing move
Pig, I support you in this whole thing. Even with the thread that @DevilMaySpy made before I posted this earlier clearly showed both Sonic and Dragon in clear banter. They're competitors who don't give a fuck. Their mission is to show up and destroy everyone.

I'm disappointed in Ed... which is weird, considering what Ed is to me and MANY others.
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Pew pew pew quitality
Do you know how long it took to remember my account info on this site? FML. Point being the hype was real and I was ready to add my two cents. Then I read this shit...

No reason at all to derail a hype train for a game that's in an off season. Don't understand Ed's reply at all. Pig had been the face of twitch bringing the hype to MKX with RHS. So many hype matches . Shame it's gone.

Back to the original question I don't think it's a debate. Sonic will mop the floor with Dragon. I've seen many long sets between them. Right now though Sonic is messing around with other games and Dragon with some Kobe dedication made this debate a real thing. Just my two cents. There's no bad blood between them so I don't think will be seeing a money match anytime soon, so will all have to wait til next season to see what happens.

Shame could have been a great time to bring back RHS...


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Also not buying Ed is serious, his tweet alone has done exactly the opposite of his Tweet and IS stirring things up. Unless Pig has Boon's Lawyers ordering a cease and desist, Boon is trolling to generate hype for his game. Note in Ed's tweet the "...Thumbs down" a more serious tweet may not have emojis.
ohh yeah, I stand by what I said about pigs reaction, but the more I think about it the more sense Zero's comment makes to me.

Yeah, this is just Ed's sense of humour being taken all wrong.


Positive Poster!
The Creator of your favorite game responds to you for maybe the first and only time ever and he's tell

Pig, I support you in this whole thing. Even with the thread that @DevilMaySpy made before I posted this earlier clearly showed both Sonic and Dragon in clear banter. They're competitors who don't give a fuck. Their mission is to show up and destroy everyone.

I'm disappointed in Ed... which is weird, considering what Ed is to me and MANY others.
Try to get an official statement out of him on what he meant and why he said that. It's a good story from both journalism's and the community's standpoint.


Shirai Ryu
You dudes should organize something behind the scenes and generate even more hype that way.
Like, the next major comes up, everything goes as expected and nobody ever mentions this whole Boon incident, but then right after GFs someone from the TOs walks up on the stage and asks the golden question, and shortly after the two players in question appear on stage and fight it out in a FT10 to see who among the crowd really had the right idea.
Just my 2 cents


Based on the length of this thread one would think Boon said something like "I hope your mom dies in a housfire.".
Businesswise it was a stupid move but why would you go 100% emo about it? No one cares much about Boon.
From my perspective he is just the guy with the fancy CEO title who sometimes announces DLC characters.
We don't have to seek his approval.


Always down for games.
MKX' main playstyle was Rushdown, but other styles were viable as well, I can tell you from experience. On the same token, IJ2's main playstyle is Zoning, while others were viable as well. Just because other playstyles aren't the main ones that doesn't they aren't viable.
I disagree, zoning in Inj2 is as strong as rushdown. Rushdown is even stronger than defensive play, look at Aquaman was solid defensive char and it was nerfed cause rushdown players couldn’t deal with it.
My point is since rushdown isn’t as brain dead as MKX a lot of players feel like zoning+defensive is too strong but in reality both styles are strong.


Meta saltmine
My point is since rushdown isn’t as brain dead as MKX a lot of players feel like zoning+defensive is too strong but in reality both styles are strong.
> Scolds rushdown character players for being too used to braindead gameplay

> proceeds to mourn our beloved 1-move hero Aquaman.


End Of Humanity
You are missing the point. "this exhibition" you speak of is just free marketing/hype/advertisement for the people backlashing at pig here. Would you go work at mcdonalds if they didn't pay you AND when you showed up for work everyday the manager gave you the finger?
If ur mcdonalds owner and there is a guy who rly wants to work in ur place,but you dont want him cuz he cant make food properly. But he still comes to work anyway and to it for free. Wouldn't you tell him to stop or "show finger" ?

From what I know ed didnt ask for "free hype"

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Funny thing is, Eventhubs asked the exact same question 15 days ago, yet Boon nor anyone reacted this way...
The Creator of your favorite game responds to you for maybe the first and only time ever and he's tell

Pig, I support you in this whole thing. Even with the thread that @DevilMaySpy made before I posted this earlier clearly showed both Sonic and Dragon in clear banter. They're competitors who don't give a fuck. Their mission is to show up and destroy everyone.

I'm disappointed in Ed... which is weird, considering what Ed is to me and MANY others.
Thanks storms

You dudes should organize something behind the scenes and generate even more hype that way.
Like, the next major comes up, everything goes as expected and nobody ever mentions this whole Boon incident, but then right after GFs someone from the TOs walks up on the stage and asks the golden question, and shortly after the two players in question appear on stage and fight it out in a FT10 to see who among the crowd really had the right idea.
Just my 2 cents
something was being setup, like Big
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