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Net Neutrality: What is all the talk about?


Knife Fight
Yes, those are the only options. You have America or third world dictatorships. Every single one of you living in Europe and the first world nations of Asia and Africa have been lying to us.
Then why haven't your people risen from poverty, civil war and economic failure? Give up what the European founders created and gave to you in the west and go make your national background great and great again. Simple as that.


Knife Fight
When exactly was America great? Not being shady here, I'm an American and I'm so glad I'm here, but I wouldn't exactly call it great.
Go live in the middle east or Africa or North Korea or China or Russia or Mexico or South America for a year then come back and post your enlightened opinion if America was great, is great and will always be great. Try Cuba and Venezuela too. lol


Confused Thanagarian
Then why haven't your people risen from poverty, civil war and economic failure? Give up what the European founders created and gave to you in the west and go make your national background great and great again. Simple as that.
I'm quoting myself earlier in this thread, because I have no idea what you are talking about "Just to throw out my America credentials: "a few years ago, I ended up homeless. After working 2 jobs (just above minimum wage, that high school diploma really helped) while working on my Bachelors I had my own apartment and turned things around on my own. I've done more to turn around my financial situation than 95% of people who still live with their parents and talk about the poor leeching off the system."

I am American. I also have an education. Which means I'm aware that most successful countries on the planet do not operate under entirely Capitalist structures. When America tried that, we had children being crippled in factories and people burning to death in warehouses that weren't required to install emergency exits. After that Great Depression thing, America realized that it wasn't perfect. So then we got Socialist programs, such as Medicare and Social Security that fixed some problems in our society. And those have become such a staple of American life that even the most hardcore of conservatives will go ballistic if you take away those Socialist programs.

One of the most important things about America is that we have the ability to see problems and fix them. That's why we still don't follow the Articles of Confederation. That's why the Constitution contains provisions that allow us to add more. That's why our country didn't fall apart after the Depression. That's why our country didn't fall apart after the Great Recession. Donald Trump's whole campaign was based on "Make America Great Again" not "America is Perfect, Always Has Been Perfect, And If You Say Otherwise You Can GET OUT!"


America is pretty low tier overall compared to a lot of other 1st world countries. Its good in the grand scheme of things, but not great, and I doubt it ever really was or can be 'great' with the short violent history its got.

The whole 'land of the free' thing is a bill. Freedom isn't an American idea, and America isn't exactly the greatest example of a free land considering its built pretty much on the backs of slaves (amongst many other issues that battle with the idea of America being free). There's so many countries that are 'free', and were free before America too.

On to the point of net neutrality, it sounds really unfair, but it seems like the US government is out of control, just do what you want right? Sounds like another good method to control the masses, get their money to flow in the direction they want.
As an American, I can agree that American freedom and quality of life is greatly exagerrated compared to other 1st world countries. But lets not pretend that most other major 1st world powers, the UK included, don't share an equally violent and overall lengthier history of subjugating various peoples to amass power and influence.

On topic, net neutrality protections have only been around in the US since 2015. Their removal is a huge mistake for sure and a step back in protecting American consumers, but everyone is acting like we are being robbed of something that has been protecting us all along, when in reality it's a fairly new thing. We aren't going to get knocked back into the dark age when this happens.


Confused Thanagarian
As an American, I can agree that American freedom and quality of life is greatly exagerrated compared to other 1st world countries. But lets not pretend that most other major 1st world powers, the UK included, don't share an equally violent and overall lengthier history of subjugating various peoples to amass power and influence.

On topic, net neutrality protections have only been around in the US since 2015. Their removal is a huge mistake for sure and a step back in protecting American consumers, but everyone is acting like we are being robbed of something that has been protecting us all along, when in reality it's a fairly new thing. We aren't going to get knocked back into the dark age when this happens.
At the same time, you have the defenders of this decision trying to say "nothing bad happened until Obama suddenly did a thing" when there have been issues as early as 2003/4 (according to the net neutrality wiki anyway)


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
....or if you get sick.....
I guess it depends on what you consider as being “poor”. I definitely agree that getting sick/injury is probably the only thing you can’t control that will crush your financial situation. But you still will be able to get disability and perhaps social security checks as well. This is what happened to BOTH of my parents. They both get disability and I have to help them with bills and groceries every month, they simply don’t make enough. And they can’t get food stamps for whatever reason. Also with that said, it’s not as easy as you would think to get disability.

So yeah, getting sick in some way including an injury that prevents you from working is absolutely a way to become “permanently poor”. I actually thought about that as soon as I posted that but forgot to edit it and add that exception.


At the same time, you have the defenders of this decision trying to say "nothing bad happened until Obama suddenly did a thing" when there have been issues as early as 2003/4 (according to the net neutrality wiki anyway)
Yeah it's a real shit show. It has been an ongoing issue for 15-20 years, but nothing has been in place legally until recently, and it is a shame that 15 years of moving towards progress is being washed away by greed. Shoot, I remember 8-10 years ago Comcast was under constant fire in the media and from consumers for throttling whatever they felt like and lying about it, and it's stupid that we are now returning to a state where they can legally do that again (minus the lying). I'm just saying though, it's a giant step back, but it's not a complete dismantling of the internet like some sensationalists act like.


Mid-match beer sipper
I guess it depends on what you consider as being “poor”. I definitely agree that getting sick/injury is probably the only thing you can’t control that will crush your financial situation. But you still will be able to get disability and perhaps social security checks as well. This is what happened to BOTH of my parents. They both get disability and I have to help them with bills and groceries every month, they simply don’t make enough. And they can’t get food stamps for whatever reason. Also with that said, it’s not as easy as you would think to get disability.

So yeah, getting sick in some way including an injury that prevents you from working is absolutely a way to become “permanently poor”. I actually thought about that as soon as I posted that but forgot to edit it and add that exception.
How about if you try to put yourself through college?


Why does it need to be so expensive in the US?


Confused Thanagarian
How about if you try to put yourself through college?


Why does it need to be so expensive in the US?
Much like our medical costs, there's no reason for it. The answer is simply that there is nothing that says they can't charge that much, so they do. As much as I support the Pell Grant system (basically a US program designed to give people a chance at college) it's no coincidence that the cost of attending college suddenly went up by the same amount of money the average person will receive from a Pell Grant-there was no law restricting universities from doing that, so they saw it as free money


Knife Fight
Yeah the person who invented the wheel was American as well yeah? And the person who discovered the fire too.
Funny how you speak, text, write English and have been educated by those very people you seem to silently envy and call oppressors lol. I smell the stench of a indoctrinated liberal progressive social justice warrior wearing the shirt of pro-socialism and the hat of pro-victimhood.
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I want Kronika to step on my face
Funny how you speak, text, write English and have been educated by those very people you seem to silently envy and call oppressors lol. I smell the stench of a indoctrinated liberal progressive social justice warrior wearing the shirt of pro-socialism and the hat of pro-victimhood.
Man I thought I used deodorant this morning :(


Knife Fight
I'm quoting myself earlier in this thread, because I have no idea what you are talking about "Just to throw out my America credentials: "a few years ago, I ended up homeless. After working 2 jobs (just above minimum wage, that high school diploma really helped) while working on my Bachelors I had my own apartment and turned things around on my own. I've done more to turn around my financial situation than 95% of people who still live with their parents and talk about the poor leeching off the system."

I am American. I also have an education. Which means I'm aware that most successful countries on the planet do not operate under entirely Capitalist structures. When America tried that, we had children being crippled in factories and people burning to death in warehouses that weren't required to install emergency exits. After that Great Depression thing, America realized that it wasn't perfect. So then we got Socialist programs, such as Medicare and Social Security that fixed some problems in our society. And those have become such a staple of American life that even the most hardcore of conservatives will go ballistic if you take away those Socialist programs.

One of the most important things about America is that we have the ability to see problems and fix them. That's why we still don't follow the Articles of Confederation. That's why the Constitution contains provisions that allow us to add more. That's why our country didn't fall apart after the Depression. That's why our country didn't fall apart after the Great Recession. Donald Trump's whole campaign was based on "Make America Great Again" not "America is Perfect, Always Has Been Perfect, And If You Say Otherwise You Can GET OUT!"
Wow that was a long lecture and I get you. I'm all for MAGA too. I voted for Trump too and will again. Long live the Republic and the American way of life!


Confused Thanagarian
Wow that was a long lecture and I get you. I'm all for MAGA too. I voted for Trump too and will again. Long live the Republic and the American way of life!
So that's the point of what people are saying here. Not necessarily "FUCK AMERICA" it's more like "America has problems that need to be fixed, but it's still a pretty good place"
Is it really just republicans? I'm pretty sure it's a bipartisan issue, involving both parties.
This is a bipartisan issue, there are democrats and republicans who want to stop it, do I disagree of course but kinda of a misleading title to say republicans lol.
House Vote disapproving the FCC's dismantling of net neutrality:

6 Democrats and 234 republicans voted against net neutrality.
The rest of the democrats and only 2 republicans stood with net neutrality

And here's the similar senate vote disapproving of the FCC's anti-net neutrality stance.

Complete party lines. Democrats pro net neutrality. Republicans against it

So for all those Republicans out there, call your congressmen and congresswomen. Democrats are on board, but we dont have a majority at the moment. Republican constituents need to let their representatives know how fucking dumb this is or they won't stop.
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On topic, net neutrality protections have only been around in the US since 2015. Their removal is a huge mistake for sure and a step back in protecting American consumers, but everyone is acting like we are being robbed of something that has been protecting us all along, when in reality it's a fairly new thing. We aren't going to get knocked back into the dark age when this happens.

The regulations went into place after their was a string of incidents showing the classifcation was needed.

It was only in 2011-2013 where ISPs and cable companies actually went about fucking blocking Google Wallet because they were working on their own competing services.

And then in 2013 streaming services entered content creation (basically, creation of television shows like House of Cards), and ISPs couldn't really blackmail this content by now including it in their services unless paid the same way Cable could do with these shows. They've already been caught throttling to this extend

So yes. It's a recent need. We already know what violations look like and they're not good.

Rabid Justice

Your Soul Is Mine
Net neutrality does not fix the problem of big business lobbying to stop there competition. This is the overall problem in America. You are still locked in with them. They just have less rule to follow. In 10+ years of online gaming I have never met someone that has comcast and are happy with it. Yet their still one of the biggest internet provider in the US.

The biggest reason this is going away is because of all the streaming cable services coming out for cheaper on top of netflix, hulu. Cable is loosing customers at alarming rate and seeing as their the gate keepers to the internet they can stop this by throttling these services.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
America isn’t perfect especially in the last few years. I’m not gonna pretend to know everyone’s situation. But I know people in poverty(the drug and poverty rate is super high in San Juan County and New Mexico sucks ass as a whole). Going on to the Navajo reservation is like literally going back 50 years. I know people in poverty on both sides. Some who legitimately tried but didn’t make it, some who have 8 kids and didn’t graduate high school. I am very blessed in that I didn’t have to worry about money as I grew up and I’m gonna get to go to college next year and start working on my degree in occupational therapy. America’s very great when you’re like me and born into money, but not everyone is sadly. But America isn’t great because poverty exists? Poverty is always gonna exist everywhere. And the fact that this thread that started from talking about net neutrality turned into this shows what you guys who are arguing really wanna get out of this regardless of the topic, any excuse to talk about America. I’m not saying America is or isn’t great, it’s mixed just like everything else.
honestly, this is the worst comment in this thread, and this is a thread where a guy said that the wheel is an American invention and tried to backpedal it so you guys are shooting high today. The guys who started talking about America being so great because it's the greatest place to build yourself up out of poverty, are the same people you are in here clearly agreeing with and liking the posts of. But then the people who post FACTS concerning the statements you made are "just looking for an excuse to argue about america"? The problem is NOT the people who corrected misinformation, and the problem isn't even the people who were misinformed - the problem is the people like yourself who willfully campaign against knowledge because you don't like what the truth says. You guys make all these outlandish and incorrect statements, and then as soon as someone says, well, no that's actually not the case I'm afraid, you guys get all butthurt about someone said your country isn't the greatest at literally everything in the world, and turn it into dumb shit like "you guys just looking for an excuse to argue, why do you hate Murica, how dare you say America isn't great because of poverty when there's poor people everywhere", when I literally never did, I just said that poverty is NOT something you can point at as the reason your country is so great, when you guys are so far behind the rest of the 1st world in this aspect and have been since at least before anyone in this thread was born. How is saying ANYTHING else being objective in any way here? It's clearly not.

Also, quote me next time instead of trying to be subliminal, its pretty blatant which post set off your patriot alarm.
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The regulations went into place after their was a string of incidents showing the classifcation was needed.

It was only in 2011-2013 where ISPs and cable companies actually went about fucking blocking Google Wallet because they were working on their own competing services.

And then in 2013 streaming services entered content creation (basically, creation of television shows like House of Cards), and ISPs couldn't really blackmail this content by now including it in their services unless paid the same way Cable could do with these shows. They've already been caught throttling to this extend

So yes. It's a recent need. We already know what violations look like and they're not good.
I don't get what part is "bullshit." The passing of the legal protections are recent, and I've stated across multiple posts that it's shitty that they are being removed so that ISPs can go back to legally throttling/blocking services at will. We are saying the same thing, and even in the post you quoted I even said that this is a "huge mistake" and a "step back in protecting American consumers." I'm just pointing out that, contrary to what several of the dramatic news articles and posts I've seen lately claim, we are not going to some unprecedented form of the internet in America--what it is is a reset to pre-2015, when we weren't protected from this crap.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
honestly, this is the worst comment in this thread, and this is a thread where a guy said that the wheel is an American invention and tried to backpedal it so you guys are shooting high today. The guys who started talking about America being so great because it's the greatest place to build yourself up out of poverty, are the same people you are in here clearly agreeing with and liking the posts of. But then the people who post FACTS concerning the statements you made are "just looking for an excuse to argue about america"? The problem is NOT the people who corrected misinformation, and the problem isn't even the people who were misinformed - the problem is the people like yourself who willfully campaign against knowledge because you don't like what the truth says. You guys make all these outlandish and incorrect statements, and then as soon as someone says, well, no that's actually not the case I'm afraid, you guys get all butthurt about someone said your country isn't the greatest at literally everything in the world, and turn it into dumb shit like "you guys just looking for an excuse to argue, why do you hate Murica, how dare you say America isn't great because of poverty when there's poor people everywhere", when I literally never did, I just said that poverty is NOT something you can point at as the reason your country is so great, when you guys are so far behind the rest of the 1st world in this aspect and have been since at least before anyone in this thread was born. How is saying ANYTHING else being objective in any way here? It's clearly not.

Also, quote me next time instead of trying to be subliminal, its pretty blatant which post set off your patriot alarm.
Okay it’s because I didn’t wanna argue with you. You’re argumentative as fuck and like to type out essays which I frankly don’t have time for. I couldn’t care less what you think. America is shit!!! I don’t care what you think about America it has no affect on me, you’re the one who started a big ass arguement about poverty in a thread about net neutrality you fuckin psycho.

Point out the part where I said that America isn’t last when it comes to poverty or anything about patriotism.
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tafka Djinn

One for three off the roof
Okay it’s because I didn’t wanna argue with you. You’re argumentative as fuck and like to type out essays which I frankly don’t have time for. I couldn’t care less what you think. America is shit!!! I don’t care what you think about America it has no affect on me, you’re the one who started a big ass arguement about poverty in a thread about net neutrality you fuckin psycho
Just going to throw this out there, if you care enough to subtweet some shade you are saying you care.

To address the main point of this thread; if you're against net neutrality you're either ignorant, or have a vested interest in deregulation.
Now I'm going to mosey on the fuck back out of this thread now, because I'm going to have enough of this tomorrow.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Just going to throw this out there, if you care enough to subtweet some shade you are saying you care.

To address the main point of this thread; if you're against net neutrality you're either ignorant, or have a vested interest in deregulation.
Now I'm going to mosey on the fuck back out of this thread now, because I'm going to have enough of this tomorrow.
No I just don’t wanna argue with him. I’m not argueing with the FACTS he presented. I didn’t feel like reading an essay he’d respond with. It wasn’t meant to be some passive aggressive bullshit. I really don’t care.

Also some of it had to do with me and what poverty is like where I live and what Iv seen of it and had little to do with what he was saying. He’d rather it be a subliminal message so he can give me another essay.
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