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Net Neutrality: What is all the talk about?


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
I loathe those who created anything that's bad for the Humanity. It's not America at fault for this mess. It's the Deep State.

I hope you guys win, otherwise it's Orwell's time for all of you. They will try to win this, and then implement it to the other regions (EU, AUS, AS, AF).

Good Luck, and I hope you come around this.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Look at this shit! US poverty dropped by around 4%, but those awesome EU countries more than doubled. The future of the EU looks bright! Time to move out to Europe!
Sorry, but they lied to you. The real poverty percentages will be revealed once you come EU side. Greece's poverty is at 45% and rising as we speak. Soon this shit will happen to the other countries.


Are you not entertained!?
Sorry, but they lied to you. The real poverty percentages will be revealed once you come EU side. Greece's poverty is at 45% and rising as we speak. Soon this shit will happen to the other countries.
I meant the poverty level more than doubled, not the the dropping rate. I should add a doge there so people don't get confused. And they should bring in more immigrants, "cause they boost the economy" lol.
Also Greece is not even in that chart lol, which is also outdated.
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The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
I meant the poverty level more than doubled, not the the dropping rate. I should add a doge there so people don't get confused. And they should bring in more immigrants, "cause they boost the economy" lol.
Also Greece is not even in that chart lol, which is also outdated.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I just want to point out this what happens when TYM gets political. I love politics and I hope to run for office some day but this is not the platform to express political leanings on IMO.
Why not? This is in the off-topic sub forum. There’s nothing wrong with some debate and arguing. As long as it remains civil to an extent, I don’t see the issue. People don’t have to get a long or agree with each other, that’s the entire point.

If you don’t like what’s being said here, don’t visit the thread. Not calling YOU out specifically, just saying in general to everyone. You do not have to read or participate in this thread.


Why not? This is in the off-topic sub forum. There’s nothing wrong with some debate and arguing. As long as it remains civil to an extent, I don’t see the issue. People don’t have to get a long or agree with each other, that’s the entire point.

If you don’t like what’s being said here, don’t visit the thread. Not calling YOU out specifically, just saying in general to everyone. You do not have to read or participate in this thread.
^^i approve of this internet person. grassroots net neutrality ftw :cool:


Mid-match beer sipper
It's definitely rough trying to make an honest living here in the U.S. The gf and I are 27 and 29 respectively, been living together for years. Trying to find a home, so as not to continue throwing money down the toilet by renting, however student loans and late payments on said loans have totally ruined our credit. We will not qualify for any sort of home loan. I honestly don't see how people do it on their own. Maybe we can try again in another 5 years...

Forego college and take the best job you can get. Maybe get a good one if you know someone.

Further your education and go into debt up to your eyeballs and spend the next third of your life trying to pay it off. And perhaps not even net a high paying job regardless of your degree.

Of course if you're born into money, you don't have to worry about these things. But for most, this is the American dream. I guess I should be thankful we are out on our own.

Fuck life. Rant over.


Confused Thanagarian
Just to throw out my America credentials: a few years ago, I ended up homeless. After working 2 jobs (just above minimum wage, that high school diploma really helped) while working on my Bachelors I had my own apartment and turned things around on my own. I've done more to turn around my financial situation than 95% of people who still live with their parents and talk about the poor leeching off the system.

America is not a perfect country. You can't point out third would countries as examples of why we are the best when first world countries who do not have our level of wealth are doing better. This does not mean I hate America, that type of thinking if frankly psychotic and prevents any discussion on how to improve. While yes, some people do make dumb college decisions, that's not all of us. We can do better, but we need to be informed about what our government is doing and seriously ask "is this really what's best for everyone?".

With that said, Net Neutrality (the point of this topic) is something important, and we need to ask "why do internet providers want this done away with so badly?". This is the third time in about a year this topic has come up. If the FCC makes the wrong call here, new properties that take advantage of the internet will now fall to the giants, like Amazon and Netflix, who can afford to throttle access to the guys who can't pay. Someone correct me if I have this wrong, but this would also allow providers to start capping data for home wi-fi plans. This is something that is already a thing in parts of this country, for those of you who don't know. This literally would impact everyone of us here, as this is a website dedicated to a game with a pretty heavy focus on online play. I don't want to hear about why America is so much better than Germany because our military is the biggest, that's not relevant: how does this improve life for the average American? It doesn't. This only benefits the few behemoth internet providers, who would be able to charge more for less and pass the savings onto themselves.


Yeah it's basically just a way for ISPs to shit on people even more. When they did away with the monopoly-esque laws in regards to ISPs and the areas they service they started raping people on prices and services and this would only make that worse. If the example set by what they did after that got cleared is any indication then most people would be without internet or with very basic internet if you wanted to pay less than $150+ per month

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Depends what you mean by great , I think its great without the U.S imagine the world today, American inventors created many of the important things you use today, everyday ppl wanna comehere for a better life, The american dream, getting out of poverty etc. Does it have downsides sure but wouldnt like to live anywhere else.
America is pretty low tier overall compared to a lot of other 1st world countries. Its good in the grand scheme of things, but not great, and I doubt it ever really was or can be 'great' with the short violent history its got.

The whole 'land of the free' thing is a bill. Freedom isn't an American idea, and America isn't exactly the greatest example of a free land considering its built pretty much on the backs of slaves (amongst many other issues that battle with the idea of America being free). There's so many countries that are 'free', and were free before America too.

On to the point of net neutrality, it sounds really unfair, but it seems like the US government is out of control, just do what you want right? Sounds like another good method to control the masses, get their money to flow in the direction they want.


There are no bad seeds, only bad men
I first read this and had a flash of frustration at the stupidity of this statement, which was immediately replaced by pity for the level of education the average citizen of your country is barreling through life with.

The discovery of fire began nearly 2 million years ago, with the earliest tangible evidence 1.6 million years ago in Africa. The earliest outside of Africa was in Israel, at 800,000 years ago, and then followed by a more or less tie for China and UK areas at 400,000 years ago. None of these people were American, or went on to become "American citizens".

You probably can't even fathom how idiotic you look like citing off statements like "fire is an American invention" or "the guy who invented the wheel went on to become and American citizen", but really, all this stuff is easily researched - you cannot lean on the excuse of your poor education for this, because you KNOW you are talking about stuff you know absolutely nothing about right now. Rather than doing that, just spend a few minutes online fact checking your statements.
But..But..The world started only 6000 years ago, and ..and.. dinosaurs and humans co existed and the earth is flat and God Bless America

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
America isn’t perfect especially in the last few years. I’m not gonna pretend to know everyone’s situation. But I know people in poverty(the drug and poverty rate is super high in San Juan County and New Mexico sucks ass as a whole). Going on to the Navajo reservation is like literally going back 50 years. I know people in poverty on both sides. Some who legitimately tried but didn’t make it, some who have 8 kids and didn’t graduate high school. I am very blessed in that I didn’t have to worry about money as I grew up and I’m gonna get to go to college next year and start working on my degree in occupational therapy. America’s very great when you’re like me and born into money, but not everyone is sadly. But America isn’t great because poverty exists? Poverty is always gonna exist everywhere. And the fact that this thread that started from talking about net neutrality turned into this shows what you guys who are arguing really wanna get out of this regardless of the topic, any excuse to talk about America. I’m not saying America is or isn’t great, it’s mixed just like everything else.


The whole 'land of the free' thing is a bill. Freedom isn't an American idea, and America isn't exactly the greatest example of a free land considering its built pretty much on the backs of slaves (amongst many other issues that battle with the idea of America being free). There's so many countries that are 'free', and were free before America too.
I'm American and I never understood why so many people willingly ignore the fact that our country's "freedom" was built on the backs of those who did not benefit from said freedom (usually the same folks who pretend that slavery/Jim Crow has no impact or should have no impact today). In my mind, the opposite of freedom is slavery. We may disagree on the role and scope that the government should play, but let's not be ignorant to history.
So on the impact of net neutrality specifically as it relates to gaming:

Put me squarely in the camp of people who think that net neutrality is a super important issue and that it should be enshrined forever....but I doubt we'll see much impact in terms of your typical xbox live and psn stuff.

The danger of losing net neutrality is that you will see different lanes of traffic being offered to the provider side....but whatever costs come with being in the fast lane I'm pretty sure Xbox live and PSN can cover as the cost of doing business, especially considering the ridiculous service charge they have.

Where I really see this being a *HUGE* problem is in the PC and indie gaming scene.


Not America bashing here (been a few times, it’s fine/great), hopefully everyone lives in a country they consider ‘great’. I doubt it, and I certainly don’t (“Great” Britain....). I’m sure Bhutan considers itself great... from a carbon emissions perspective. Just choose the right metric!

That being said I thought the car was invented in Germany.

Also ‘the internet’ as it was originally invented in America isn’t exactly the whole story. It took global innovation to create what we now have, and to omit the refinement from www.berners-lee.co.uk seems... selective.

Not that I think technological innovation is the best measure of greatness, but credit where it’s due.... Everyone’s standing on some giant or another’s shoulders.

I would also assume that an active military in a powerful economy spurs technological innovation like little else. Every little helps, but I’m not really into ‘progress through war’ as an ideal.

On topic, I can’t see any public benefit from the loss of net neutrality. Fight it if you can, else null.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
This is pretty inaccurate, when America is far, far different from all these countries and from whats going on in them. There is 2 many factors to consider such as population,whats going on in the country, amount of immigrants etc. So to say a country like Denmark with a pretty small population, doesnt get itself into conflicts, doesnt provide as much service and aide to the world as the u.s, etc etc. This goes for many of the countries on this list. But theres a reason people come to America rather than any of these other "better countries" . Most of the technology you use today is again American and thats because no where else in world could people become tycoons and business man like in America, the person who created ebay, the internet, the car, the smartphone etc. Also in America there are plenty of ways out of poverty, (link the study below) found that you need to do 3 things to stay out of poverty in the United states. Dont have children before you are married, graduate highschool, and have a fulltime job. Only 2 percent of people who do this are poor. Also America is the largest peace keeping force in history. The U.S sends the most foreign aide relief, tries to calm the most foreign conflicts. Helped stop the spread of communism, imagine the world now if the U.S didnt help out in so many circumstances.
None of that means anything about quality of life.

Who cares if we send a lot of troops to Afghanistan and get lots of people killed and don't solve anything. How does being peacekeepers like that positively affect a SINGLE citizen living in America.


UPR Methademic
America is pretty low tier overall compared to a lot of other 1st world countries. Its good in the grand scheme of things, but not great, and I doubt it ever really was or can be 'great' with the short violent history its got.

The whole 'land of the free' thing is a bill. Freedom isn't an American idea, and America isn't exactly the greatest example of a free land considering its built pretty much on the backs of slaves (amongst many other issues that battle with the idea of America being free). There's so many countries that are 'free', and were free before America too.

On to the point of net neutrality, it sounds really unfair, but it seems like the US government is out of control, just do what you want right? Sounds like another good method to control the masses, get their money to flow in the direction they want.
I wish more people inside the country would open their eyes and see this for the truth it is.


Knife Fight
I'm going to be beyond pissed and leave America asap. Not just gaming will be ruined everything that makes the internet great will be ruined all for profit and control over us. This is one step closer to them having even more control that's all it is, America was once a great country but now its going downhill fast. However, at the rate its spreading around the internet I doubt it will pass.
Good bye then. Try playing your favorite online in Iran, North Korea, Syria, Yemen, Mexico or Venezuela. Funny how ungrateful spoiled Americans like you are quick to claim leaving but then always end up staying. lol


Confused Thanagarian
Good bye then. Try playing your favorite online in Iran, North Korea, Syria, Yemen, Mexico or Venezuela. Funny how ungrateful spoiled Americans like you are quick to claim leaving but then always end up staying. lol
Yes, those are the only options. You have America or third world dictatorships. Every single one of you living in Europe and the first world nations of Asia and Africa have been lying to us.


Knife Fight
@Meep8345 We get it.... You hate capitalism.
He loves capitalism and so do you. We all do. You love your tech right? You love your games right? You love your iphones and you love your opportunity to make something out of your self and have complete control over your own future and destiny right? Well that's capitalism. Capitalism is merit based which means you have to bust your ass to reap the rewards that you get to keep all for yourself. The way Ed Boon did. Socialism/communism does not inspire anyone to do anything other than obey a totalitarian leader and give up your wealth to those who didn't bust their asses like you did.