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Legendary Multiverse Help


Finally got the legendary Beetle gear, only took me a month lol. I didn't do any glitches so I'm super pumped and it looks pretty legit to boot.

Scarab's got all the answers!

Now I'm gonna go for Cheetah after a break lol.


When's Mahvel
Well I guess I can pass on my personal tips.

1. AI is your best friend for all types of damage dealt/enemies defeated types of things. Just let it (or yourself) run through Endless Towers while you're doing other stuff.
You have to be there to press X to continue after the fight though..

For my Supergirl one, I just play the MV at the top right of the multiverses screen, the one with the boss... I just kept replaying the boss fight and I got a lotta unlocks. 1 boss fight = 1 Multiverse event so i got that 200 multiverse event completions in like two days. You also get that damage thing and a lot of motherboxes which you might get rare/epic gear from


FGC Cannon Fodder
You would if you were cool and had a hori fighting commander.

Then you could do stuff like run endless while getting groceries and taking naps. I didn't get 5000 min with ww by hovering over that button.