This has nothing to do with this topic. NRS supports their games for only 2 years only because WB are forcing them to do so, so they can work on the next game. Even if the balance was perfect to the point you won't see 5 Deadshots in the same Top 8 NRS will still support the game for only two years. Why? Because that's what WB wants, so the can get the cash from the sales.
The fact that you make this huge salad is just ridiculous beyond any fucking believe. You see only one Top 8 with 5 Deadshots, while again, in like the fucking 4th time already, Batman and Superman, two other characters who appeared at least once in every Top 8 so far, didn't appear in this Top 8, but because Deadshot in particular appeared 5 times in one Top 8, the whole game is unbalanced and you actually claim that the whole reason for it because of the time they get to support the game while it's not their decision to begin with.
The game is balanced, very balanced actually. Aside from MKX, IJ2 is the most balanced game NRS got from the start so far. They only improved their balance from each game. Even at EVO where Dragon won with Aquaman, the game was already in a very balanced state due to the diversity of the characters and players in that Top 8 and those who won the majors so far.
Oh and MKX is still played up to this day. I guess you didn't watch Viennality which took place two months ago why after IJ2 was out. MKX was there alongside IJ2 and it was HYPE AS FUCK! And people still play the game online.
Stop with these excuses. I get it, we all get it, Deadshot can get a couple or nerfs, but the game is very well balanced and it has nothing to do with the support period. One Top 8, especially after so many other Top 8's, doesn't reflect anything at all.