Any tips on b23 mb d2 b3 combo? I'm struggling to get the timing down.
The d2 must come out the moment you recover from mb b23. The b3 timing is less strictAny tips on b23 mb d2 b3 combo? I'm struggling to get the timing down.
Does it work on females? I'll update the opIs this combo known?. I didn't see it at the OP.
Meterless trait combo.
F2+3+Trait--F2+3--F2+3+dash punch = 288.89 %
I am able to to this combo consistently by pressing forward without releasing it and only pressing the buttons at the correct timing![]()
There's the combo working on a female. Add My combo please. I'm not a liarDoes it work on females? I'll update the op
Sorry, just straight up forgot after work hahaThere's the combo working on a female. Add My combo please. I'm not a liar
I'll tack these on when I get homeCorner:
223, d2, 11, 3xxdb2 - 278.27
Midscreen 1 bar + trait
F23xxtrait, step forward, b23mb, d2, b3, ji3, 3xxbf3 - 446.52
Midscreen 1 bar + trait + background bounce
F23xxtrait, j2, b23mb, f2xxbgb, b3, ji3, b21 - 510.96
Meterless Midscreen
F23, j2, 111xxdb2 - 262.90
F23, j2, 111xxRGHV - 276.14
Correct, but I figured I might as well check all of them while I'm at it.Also, the only damage adjustment was on breath correct? So all other combos will remain the same
Updating when I get home. Good shitAlthough only frost breath damage was changed since the patch, I decided to check all the combos and update their damage values. Some new combos have also been added to the list. I personally tested each combo in this list on Bizzaro. I did not do any testing on any other characters. There were only 2 combos I gave up trying to execute: the double b3 into mb breath combo and Tony T's b3 starting corner combo.
Meterless Midscreen (no trait)
F23 , j2, 11, b23 236.86 DMG
F23 , j2, 11, b21 256.68 DMG
F23, j2, f2 x Dash Punch 222.46 DMG
F23, j2, f23 x Dash Punch 246.76 DMG
F23, j2, f23, x Scoop 257.13 DMG
F23, f23, f2 x breath 226.90 DMG
F23, f23, f2 x Dash Punch 221.05 DMG
F23, f23, f2 x Scoop 232.64 DMG
F23, f23, f2 x RGHV 245.87 DMG
F23, f23, f23 x Dash Punch 242.78 DMG
F23, f23, f23 x breath 247.46
F23, j2, 111 x Dash Punch 251.09 DMG
F23, j2, 111 x RGHV 276.14 DMG
F23, j2, 111 x breath 256.99 DMG
F3, j2, 3 x Dash Punch 303.64 DMG
f3, j3, b21 304.93 DMG
F3, j2, 111 x RGHV 316.14 DMG
Crossup Jd3, d2, f23 x breath 226.23 DMG (credit @Yashiro Aniki)
Crossup Jd3, f23, RGHV 245.65 DMG
Crossup Jd3, d2, (step forward) 11, b23 213.86 DMG
Crossup Jd3, d2, (step forward) 11, b21 230.06 DMG
Crossup Jd3, d2, (step forward) 11, f2 x Scoop 235.05 DMG
Crossup Jd3, d2, (step forward) 111 x RGHV 245.96 DMG
Trait Midscreen-
F23 x T, f23, f23 x dash punch 281.51 DMG
(Credit @neveradestroyer )
F23 x T, j2, b21 236.87 DMG
F23 X T J2, B23 236.41DMG
F23 x T, walk forward, f23, f2 x scoop 268.84 DMG
(Credit @Drecker )
D2 x T, 111 x RGHV 220.15 DMG
D2 x T, step forward, 3 x rghv 237.76 DMG
D2 x T, f23, f2 x Scoop 213.86 DMG
D2 x T, f23, f23 x Dash Punch 224.86 DMG
D2 x T, f23, f2 RGHV 228.22 DMG
1 Meter Midscreen-
F23, mb b23, d2, b3, j3, 3 x Dash Punch 374.79 DMG
F23, j2, 11,mb b23, 3 x RGHV 371.86 DMG
F23, j2, 11 xx mb breath, Walk forward, b3, j3, b21 344.12 DMG (Credit @Wrubez )
F23, j2, 11 x mb breath, walk forward, b3, j3, f2 x Scoop 346.74 DMG
F23, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, walk forward, 3 x dash punch 331.67 DMG
F23, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, j2, b21 330.42 DMG
F23, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, f2 x dash punch 310.86 DMG
(More reliable version of midscreen bnb. This version can also end in RGHV, use to side switch.)
22 x mb scoop, 3 x dash punch 240.83 DMG 272.05 w RGHV
b2 mb 3, walk forward 11, 3 x dash punch 319.88 DMG
crossup divebomb, d1 x mb breath, b3, j3, 3 x dash punch 343.60 DMG
(credit @TONY-T )
crossup divebomb, d2 x mb breath, b3, j3, 3 x dash punch 300.75 DMG
-f23, j2, f23, x MB Scoop, 3, x RGHV 322.65 DMG.
(Credit @Yashiro Aniki)
b1 x mb breath, b3, j3, f2 x dash punch 293.46 DMG
B1 x mb breath, b3, j3, 3 x Dash Punch 320.84 DMG
111 x mb breath, b3, j3, 3 x dash punch 345.09 DMG
Mb b23, d2, b3, j3, 3 x dash punch 377.57 DMG
(Credit @TONY-T )
F3, f2 x mb breath, j3, 3, rghv 361.13 DMG
(Credit @TONY-T )
1 Meter Trait Midscreen-
F23 x T, F2 x mb breath, b3, j3, 3 x dash punch 392.63 DMG
F23 x T, mb b23, d2, b3, j3, 3 x Dash Punch 446.52 DMG
(Use f2 on small characters and if you have trouble getting the 3 to connect reliably. F2 version can end with RGHV.) F2 DMG 366.62
mb b3, T, j2, 3 x dash punch 410.71 DMG
F3, trait, f2 x mb breath, j3, 3 x rghv 420.24 DMG
(credit @TONY-T )
D1 X MB scoop, 3 x rghv 250.58 DMG
D1 X MB scoop, 11, b23 184.25 DMG
2 Meter w and w/o Trait Midscreen-
F23 x T, F2 x Mb breath, b3, 3, f2 x mb scoop, 3 x RGHV 420.70 DMG
F23 x T, walk forward, 11, b23(mb), db2(mb) b3, j3, b21 252.87 DMG
(Credit @farfromcasual)
F23, j2, 11, b23(mb), db2(mb) b3, j3, b21 400.79 DMG
(Credit @farfromcasual
f23 x T, j2, mb b23, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, f2 x rghv 478.71 DMG
D1 X MB scoop, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, f2 x rghv 336.54 DMG
F23 x T, mb b23, mb breath, b3, j3, 3 dash punch 464.42 DMG
F23 x T, j2, mb b23, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, b21 470.79 DMG
3 Meter Midscreen-
f23 x T, j2, mb b23, walk forward 11 bbc, j3, f2 x rghv 548.37 DMG
F23 x T x BBC, j3, j2, mb b23, step forward, 3 x rghv 556.85 DMG
4 Meter Midscreen-
223 Super 418.58 DMG (no buttons pushed for offense/defense)
F23 x T x BBC, j3, j2, mb b23, step forward, 3 x RG(mb)HV 573.18 DMG
Meterless Corner-
f23, 3, 11, 3 x breath 319.64 DMG
223, 3 x breath 259.70 DMG
f3, 3, 11, 3 x breath 368.67 DMG
j3, 11, 3 x breath 316.40 DMG
Divebomb, 11, 3 x breath 276.45 DMG
F3, 3, 3, d2, 3 x breath 397 DMG
(Credit @Infinite_resign )
F23, 3, 3, d2, 3 x breath 346.55 DMG
223, d2, 11, 3 x breath 273.62 DMG
223, 11, 3 x breath 289.89
Trait Corner-
F23 x T, 3, 11, 3 x breath 377.59 DMG
F3, 3 x T, 11, 3 x breath 409.27 DMG
F23, 3 x T, 3, d2, 3 x breath 391.85 DMG
223, d2 x T, 11, 3 x breath 303.85
1 Meter Corner w and w/o Trait
F23 x T, 3, 3 x mb breath, heat zap, 3 x breath 481.73 DMG with Trait 402.95 w/o
(Works without trait cancel, whiffs on small body characters-canary, catwoman etc)
22 x mb scoop, 3, 3 breath 311.99 DMG
divebomb, 3 x mb breath, heat zap, 3 x breath (whiffs on small body characters)373.89 DMG
divebomb, 3 x mb breath, f3, 3, 3 x breath 396 DMG
223, 3 x mb breath, heat zap, 3 x breath (whiffs on small body characters) 388.8 DMG
223, 3 x mb breath, f3, j2, 3 x breath 394.86 DMG
223, 3 x mb breath, f3, 3, 3 x breath 411.27 DMG
(Credit @Harry NightMare )
B3, j3, 3 x T, 3 x mb breath, zap, 3 x breath
(credit @TONY-T ) ??? DMG (my execution can't match Tony T's, I can't land the last breath, but the combo ends over 507 DMG without the breath. It does 555.59 DMG with RGHV ender instead of breath)
2 Meter Corner-
f23 x T, 3, 3 x bbc, nj3, 3 x breath 586.24 DMG
( Credit @Drecker )
Super sick situational swag
Midscreen with bgb behind you-
f23 x T, j2, mb b23, f2 x bgb, b3, j3, b23 501.16 DMG
f23 x T, j2, mb b23, f2 x bgb, b3, j3, b21 510.96 DMG
Midscreen bgb- f23 x T, f2 x bgb, b3, j3, f3 x dash punch 452 DMG
Carry to bgb- f23 x T, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, f2 x bgb, j3, b23 426.58 DMG
B3, walk forward, b3, f2 x mb breath, j3, 3 x rghv
D1 x mb scoop, f2 x bgb, b3, j3, b23 346.16 DMG
D2, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, 3 x superman punch 268.42 DMG
J1, f2 x mb breath, b3, j3, 3 x superman punch 326.11 DMG
J1, mb b23, d2, b3, j3, 3 x Dash Punch 374.68 DMG
J1, mb b23, d2, b3, j3, step forward, 3 x Rghv 387.30 DMG
I've been putting time into these as of late because of the f23 trait mb b23 combo. The secret is that the d2 needs to come out as fast as possible. Try double tapping d2, works like a charm.Any tips on b23 mb d2 b3 combo? I'm struggling to get the timing down.
It's up to date as far as I know homieIs this still being updated?
It's still there as far as I know.Out of curiosity did we lose J1 into air laser? I tried doing it the other day and it wouldn't come out.
Irma was happening for me as well I have been trying it but it doesn't seem to work.It's still there as far as I know.
Can't test right now because Hurricane Irma is happening.