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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


Dojo Trainee
im having way too much fun with this game. Eliza's setplay is fucking amazing and I'm surprised that the Tekken team was able to pull this street fighter esque style with her and akuma... like bruh lol

it's safisfying as hell fishing for counterhits and blowing people up for blindly poking while she's pressuring. d3 xx qcb3 is a borderline gimmick, but lord jeebus it's a godsend lmao. if the opponent doesn't backroll after qcb3 she can put people in 50/50s

I don't know the frames but I want to say that she's safe after light divekick, I've been able to loop 1/d1/d3 xx qcb4 until people stick out buttons and I wallsplat with heavy divekick.

aside from her usual pokes I find myself using ff3 in neutral, as it's the most reliable in catching people who move around a lot, its an advancing homing move so yeah. and if you can hit confirm it into the extension then boom full combo. this is duckable though just saying lol

if you whiff punish with her fireball at max distance, if you spend the meter (qcf2 xx dp3+4) the follow up will combo.

df4 is an insanely good tool to check people with

just to spread da knowledge: the (flashiest) & highest damage wall ender: b4 xx qcb4, b4 xx qcb2

and also, nina got a crazy buff, the range of her uf1. I swear it covers a lot more space than it did in TTT2, I've been catching people a lot (and almost for no reason imo)

is anyone else having difficulty figuring out weaknesses with the new cast? katarina, claudihoe, shaheen, kazumi, and eliza are looking very strong.
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Blind justice....
lol if you know that they're going to rage art, trust your gut and block

edit: and then blow them up for being a noob
Better yet learn all characters rage art, block all mid ones and destroy them after or duck high ones and destroy them after coz those are safe on block.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
@Smoke_Of_Finland I have had a lot of people ask me and I dont know for sure. Is hell sweep or ff3 a 50/50? I don't think it is but may seem like coming from 4-5 wave dash but last couple people I played says it is.

I think its more of a dear in headlight situation from the WD's
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NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
@Smoke_Of_Finland I have had a lot of people ask me and I dont know for sure. Is hell sweep or ff3 a 50/50? I don't think it is but may seem like coming from 4-5 wave dash but last couple people I played says it is.

I think its more of a dear in headlight situation from the WD's
it is a 50 50. Hell sweep is a low and ff3 is a mid
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Believe in the hop kick
Neither hellsweep or fF3 can be blocked on reaction. Anything that's faster than 23 frames is basically unreactable due to the input lag. Regular Jin's fF3 is borderline reactable. There are players who can block moves like Heihachi's db2 and Jack's Debugger on reaction offline.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Neither hellsweep or fF3 can be blocked on reaction. Anything that's faster than 23 frames is basically unreactable due to the input lag. Regular Jin's fF3 is borderline reactable. There are players who can block moves like Heihachi's db2 and Jack's Debugger on reaction offline.
Good to know so how do I help players stop this when they ask me about it. It's not like I go for that every time I am mixing it with everything kaz has like ws4, df2, ws3, ewgf, gates of hell, ws1,2 running 3, ws2 ect...

Most of the time people just stand there and watch me wd in there face like 3-5 times.
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NaCl man

Welcome to Akihabara
Better players don't let themselves get in the situation constantly from my experience that shot just don't fly. I am just trying to help ppl out but I am not gonna dumb down my game if that makes any sense lol.
its still good but with the new rage system its not as good as it used to be. It used ro be the 50 50 preasure to kill with but with rage art on deck you have to be careful.


Believe in the hop kick
There is a mind game at about 2 crouchdash distances away or a dash into 2 consecutive crouchdash distance. If you commit to an electric on the 2nd one it can control space to some extent but moves like Lee's b4 or 44 or Bryan's neutral orbital when done in reaction/anticipation to your movement will clip you out of it, If the opponent is like let's say playing Jack and he tries to stick out fF1 to challenge that space he is getting blown up and he'll lose the trade, most likely.

Personally, what I do is a short sidewalk left into standing block after I see that the Mishima player is almost at a crouchdash distance away (roughly slightly inside lets say Bryan's b1 range). When timed correctly, everything done on the 2nd crouch dash or 2nd crouchdash into f4 or fF3 will whiff or get blocked. Hellsweep is going to whiff and with Kazuya the punch portion of the HS will land on block and leave him at -15.

As a Mishima, If you see someone do this, there is a way to throw off their timing and commit to an electric on the 3rd consecutive crouchdash when you are already in their face. Needless to say this does not control space in any way what so ever and if they challenge your movement with anything before that, you will get hit. However, you have a chance of hitting them as they are sidewalking with the electric. However you must watch out for the sidestep crouch blockers, particularly as Devil Jin.

Dash electric or deep dash electric can't be sidestepped on reaction to the dash when at neutral. Lateral movement between range 0 and this tip range is asking to get EWGF'd. Either stay outside this range or point blank range, don't get stuck in the middle. If you are inside this range and you don't know "whose turn is it" because neither player retaliated after block/hitstun, it's not your turn. You will get EWGF'd once again if you think you can commit.

One thing I like to do with Heihachi to test someone I've never fought before is to maneuver myself into about dash - crouchdash - fF2 range( all of the 3 cancelled into each other in quick succession), or rather, just outside maximum effective range for Heihachi. I'll commit to the fF2 at some point like this. If it's 5 bars and the opponent gets hit, their movement is not very good or their understanding of neutral is somewhat underdeveloped yet... or they just haven't played against Heihachi. If the opponent blocks and maybe punishes they are OK, maybe more rushdown oriented and just looking to play safe. If the opponent sidesteps left to evade the fF2 and launch me they have good movement and they have experience fighting Heihachi.

Only real way to stop the wavedash into 50/50 at neutral is to contest the space with something every now and then and risk eating the electric. Quality high crush moves are vital, otherwise the only "safish" option you are stuck with is "random" standing 4 and hoping the Mishima gets CH'd out of the electric. Chucking out advancing launchers is also not a bad idea every now and then. Just because someone can wavedash into electric doesn't mean they know how to use it or have any control doing it. Being intimidated to do anything is a sure way to lose.

With Heihachi having yolo ws1, f3 and fF2, he has the best space control of all the Mishimas. Dash into crouchdash into ws1 is unsafe but I've found it is one of the highest priority things to do with the beefiest hitbox, the chance to mash anything out and beat Heihachi out of it or try to evade it is very slim. Random ducking is not an option against Heihachi, but then again his 50/50 is ass so there is no real reason to duck. Devil Jin faces the problem of being steppable even right into crouch due to his lack of a safe homing mid and df1 being linear. F1+2 is ass and bf2-series is unsafe too so you might as well chuck out the iWS2 if you are going to put yourself at -12. Learning how to wavedash into iWS2 with DVJ is of critical importance to curb the "sidewalk into duck" option selecting. The new fF4 Changes a lot of things for Kazuya, I forgot how big of a game changer it is until I actually got my hands on the game. I remember being super stoked when it was introduced in the arcade version.

TBH I don't wavedash with Heihachi much anymore, I don't think electric abuse is an effective gameplan with him anyway. I'll close the space with dash into bf3 to get an f3 out of a dash. i18, -2 to -3 on block, face down head towards KD on normal hit and a potential wallsplat or CH launch, knee that hits low to the ground and even tracks to his left slightly... There is no reason not to abuse the crap out of that move, it is an absolute S tier move when used properly. I'll also just dash into block a lot more since getting as many pokes exchanged as possible is vital to Heihachi's gameplan so you can get a large volume of mids out to make the inevitable power low harder to read and blow up... and also make the opponent uncomfortable for being on the defensive as much as possible so he or she will attack more frequently and thus give me the openings I need to take the round.

Uuuhmm... I just started writing, not gonna check for errors, take away from that what you will and try to implement it into your game if possible (and call me out if you think I am full of shit and we'll discuss what's BS and what's legit :D)

Edit: Ch f3 buttflop with Kaz doesn't combo into anything... or I am not sure needs more testing.
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