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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


Normalize grab immunity.
When picking up the game it's important to stick with one. Pick whoever you enjoy and who feels intuitive, this is the most important thing. At some point you will dabble with other characters than your initial "main" and you may end up dropping that character altogether, or not. All characters have weaknesses and whether or not you want to stick with your main comes down to you being able to accept their weaknesses because you enjoy their particular strengths more and you have found a way to not let your opponent play into your character's weaknesses.
The general system and the allowance for BS has always been my favorite thing about Tekken (well besides all the cool kung-fu). The way two different players can vary so much. Not to mention how you need to utilize things like sidestepping and ducking to tip MUs to your favor no matter who you play. There's so much allowed because the base game is designed in such a way that characters can perform.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Does anyone understand how Akuma's Raging Demon works yet? Does it have armor? Can it only be avoided by jumping?

Evil Canadian

Premium Supporter
wow so this is my first time practicing kbd ever, I can't do it on stick at allllllllll. Watching ttt2 vids and like im trying what they are doing and it just doesn't work, ever.

On pad I can get it decently well but hurts my wrist after a while.


Normalize grab immunity.
Lucky Chloe has a grab that puts her to the opponent's back. I'm guessing I'm supposed to get a free combo here. How do I make sure my follow up works in Tekken?


Believe in the hop kick
Lucky Chloe has a grab that puts her to the opponent's back. I'm guessing I'm supposed to get a free combo here. How do I make sure my follow up works in Tekken?
Record the dummy doing the combo/sequence you want to test and try to get out of it by either turning straight around or turning around with db into crouch then stand block again.
How do I stop pressure? I got tournament to work and I fought a dragnov that was just pressing shit and I kept getting stuffed. I'm playing Leo btw


Dojo Trainee
How do I stop pressure? I got tournament to work and I fought a dragnov that was just pressing shit and I kept getting stuffed. I'm playing Leo btw
Literally had this exact same problem vs a Jack-7 when i was playing King. He would jus spam random buttons and stuff me with his range.

I went 2-3 in games against him. My wins were basically me staying back and using movement to my advantage then punishing his 9000000 whiffs. Just punish what you can and then play keep away as best you can. New players are gonna want to stick to you. Make movement work to your advantage. Its also a good learning experience to help you learn how to fight against certain situations and how important movement is in tekken.


Normalize grab immunity.
Record the dummy doing the combo/sequence you want to test and try to get out of it by either turning straight around or turning around with db into crouch then stand block again.
I never think of me being the opponent in training mode. I need a training mode that allows me to stay as my character.

Azarashi Elder

So is it better off to just stick to ONE character in a game like Tekken?
Coming from Mortal Kombat and Injustice, it's very easy to have pocket characters when you want a different style of play or to cover a match-up better, but I feel Tekken is so intricate and in depth that knowing one character 100% is better than knowing 3 at 50% since most match-ups aren't worse than a 6-4 ?

@Immortal @Sutter Pain @Smoke_Of_Finland @Azarashi Elder @GAV

I'm going to be smart and side with Smoke here. You may start tinkering around with 2-3 characters but narrow it down to one as quickly as you can. Counter picking isn't really a game changer here like it is in other FGs, and since zoning isn't really a thing either, you have no choice but to learn your spacing in each, individual matchup. That, in itself will take some time.

Also, keep in mind that each character has 80 plus moves and combos to learn, if not 100 plus. It's a LOT of muscle memory to gain, a LOT of frame data to learn and a LOT of in-game experience to attain. You don't want to face a punish situation and leave damage on the table because you confuse one character's tools for another's.

Pick one ASAP, Learn every matchup and your own character in depth. I personally wouldn't consider switching or learning another character until MK11 comes out.:)


Dojo Trainee
if anyone is on PS4, add meh lol I can't find a game for nothing right now. also, what do you guys recommend discord wise? any particular thread?

edit: PSN ID: armvni

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
If only Jin was nerfed to the bottom of the earth where he belongs.
He was, F4~f its no longer +2 on block reverted back to -1
B3 hitbox nerfed, this might not look like a lot but its huge

Jin can only do 70 combos from electrics if he is able to do the B3 loops, so far only a few players are being able to do it

Just beware of his CH game, those can keep anyone honest.
Also, don't duck near a wall, its certain death.