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I don't think it's too early for a really broad tier grouping...

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Swap Superman and Atrocitus with Deadshot and Canary. Then I think A tier would be solid.

B & C, can't really say. I don't think we know enough to say joker, swap thing, beetle, etc are the shitters. lol Tbh, I think beetle is pretty good.
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Saltiest Joker Player
Swap Superman and Atrocitus with Deadshot and Canary. Then I think A tier would be solid.

B & C, can't really say. I don't think we know enough to say joker, swap thing, beetle, etc are the shitters. lol Tbh, I think beetle is pretty good.
Joker was trash in injustice 1 and he's lost a mega ton of stuff in injustice 2. He struggles more now then he did in the first game. He's ass. I've been playing him since day one of injustice 1. He's just gotten worse. Joker players would know enough unless there's some super secret game breaking tech that nobody knows or isn't sharing, joker plays the same exact way with less tools at his disposal.


Official Merlin of TYM
I don't get why people can't read. He know it may be too early, but he wants to discuss it anyways. That simple.
And my thing is, it's not even a tier list, it's grouping up of characters.
Is Deadshot better than Doctor Fate? That's clearly yes, so Deadshot goes above him. Is Batman better than Swamp Thing? Yes, so Batman goes above him. How hard is it to read or place people in loosely graded tiers? If you think it's too early, don't comment in the topic. I swear a good 60% of the comments are some variation of, "It's too early."

For the most part I agree with your list. There are some oddball placement IMO, but I'll give it a week before I place judgement on those characters just yet.


Good comments in here. Good discussion. A few extra points:

- Just bc I put someone low tier doesn't mean they're bad. Game is relatively balanced, but I definitely feel the bottom 5 (with maybe exception of Cyborg or Beetle) are significantly worse than the top 5 or 10.

- Anyone downplaying Supergirl is delusional. She has so many fast options, she would be absolutely ridiculous if she did more damage.

- Atrocitus could probably be switched with Canary. I have her so high bc her damage is ridiculous and no one is blocking ambiguous crossup overheads.

- While this game is relatively balanced, the damage seems really out of whack. Why do big slow characters like Swamp Thing hit for a fraction of the damage as highly mobile or fast characters like Bats/Supes/BA/Aqua/Canary/etc. I don't get it. There's a reason Zangief hits like a truck...


I usually lose, but at least it's flashy.
Idk why people keep putting flash kinda high. You guys must not play him enough lol he lost a lot of tools and seems to have a lot of tough mus

Probably because people's only experience seeing Flash is Zyphox and HoneyBee who are far FAR above the average skillset of Flash players.


Character Loyalist
Interesting list. I see Aquaman and Black Adam standing above the rest. Superman is versatile as always and Deadshot seems to be suprisingly strong even up close.

I don't understand why you put Black Canary among the top 5 though. She does not even hit this hard, given that she has to safe her trait to get in. She can be outzoned all day, but even once she comes close, she has to take major risk. all her normals are slow or not reaching too far .

most of the time a well-timed d2 and patience are all it takes to beat her...

I am surprised that such a technical character is ranked among the top 5 this early.
I feel like Cold is one of those characters who takes time for ppl to figure out what he can do at its fullest potential. After a month or two people might figure out how solid he can be with all that potential he has.
you clearly haven't played him then, all high strings except one which has a gap in it and a wakeup move that is unsafe w/o meter, aswell as many other issues


I don't think its right to comment on the strength of characters you don't really play.

So with that in mind this is for the characters that I do play:

A tier: catwoman, atrocitus
B tier: cheetah, brainiac, cyborg
C tier: scarecrow, firestorm, bane
D tier: grodd, swamp thing


Honestly the only character I'm willing to say is straight booty low tier in current state is Swamp Thing.
He is the only character who I believe it is entirely justified to say that he is absolutely booty buttcheeks. He does okay vs some of the rushdown characters, but get's lamed out so easily by anyone with any sort of decent projectiles, mobility, or good damage output. I played Aquaman for 15 minutes yesterday and won more matches than I did with my die hard dedication to Swamp Thing I've mained since day 1.

Joker might be close in the suck scale, but I'm keeping it simple and general for now.
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Aht Aht Aht!
Joker sucked in injustice 1 and got nerfed. He's worse in injustice 2. I dare someone prove me wrong. If your losing to this legacy character it's still because you don't know the match up and are still simply getting outplayed.
Really? Why is he worse? Just wondering because I played a long set against a joker the other night as Bane and was able to remember and block most of his strings and get out of most of his teeth setups except for a few. it was fun. Basically if he kept me out and was able to stay out of the corner he did alright, but if I got him to the corner he was done...like, every match up against bane.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
If you want to explain why why none of his tools at least make for a decent character I'm all ears. Great range, minimizes a lot of zoning, nasty corner game.
To start with his only safe string to cancel out of is 11, and F23. That's literally it, one is a very tight confirm and the other is like 20+ startup, and both are High. Not that it's even that relevant because he is the only character in the game who doesn't have a launcher to cancel strings into, but it also means he has fuck all to pressure you with. He has no safe launch at all, the two ways he does have to lunch are both is highly punishable in MULTIPLE places and completely unconfirmed able, he has to commit to the bar before seeing if he even gets the hit. And even just applying it is a gimmick. Wtf is air pressure? Free anti-airs, dash outs, or Mb b3s all day because he doesn't even have a priority air attack, and his jump is ridiculously floaty and his divekick like half the velocity of Bladams.

things he doesn't have: a safe mid, a cancellabel launcher, a safe launcher, a hitconfirmable string, a wake up, a projectile, any sort of plus on block pressure, a 50/50, high damage combos, basically anything all resembling one of the many tools a real character has

Things he does have: the floatiest jump in the game and the slowest walkspeed. And a trait that disappears on block and have limited practical use even if it didn't, and is impractical as hell to setup most of the time anyway unless you in the corner.

With trait + meter + corner in dreamland, he can get what I get meterless with Flash off a hitconfirmable +6 pressure string. Where's the payoff?

he doesn't deal with zoning at all, maybe some of the crappier projectiles in the game but no real zoning. I WOULD say zoners are his hardest matchup since at least he can try playing spacing game with his normals against rushdown, but then again everything with range is punishably negative so even if you may not always get punished at range, one misread and they are in anyway and again, you don't have a wake up or anything even resembling counter pressure, so he just loses to everyone.

Basically if he does something it's either heavily unsafe or there is no reward:

Whoever you got at the bottom of the game - Brainiac is a tier below that if not two. He makes CSZ look legitimate. He is not even a real character lol he has to a joke on NRS behalf he fuckin sucks.

But he ppl will still lose to it and stay jumping into his D2 all day, so meh just like CSZ he'll stay Hercule tier


At this point, it's easy to understand who is strong, it's hard to tell who isn't.

We all know who is strong, mostly due to ease of use of these particular characters. Those who people perceive as weak are usually under developed characters that have a broad palette that just simply hasn't been discovered.

For that reason, I don't agree with this tier list. Except for the top tier, those are obvious at this point.