I have been playing him, and I'm sorry guys, I gotta turn in my ring, put my red cape on and charge up my lighting strikes cause he feels like ass. I love the fact that b23 is now a true mid and 2231 is +1 but his specials kinda feel like hot steaming monkey shit, pardon my French. They nerfed lift, the range has been lessened, but that would be fine....if that also didn't kill the virtical hitbox. I was playing a set with my friend who is an aquaman player and he neutral jumps at the start of almost every round, I did lift, and got stabbed right in the eye, where if that where inj1 he be dead. Also for some reason I cannot hit mb lift, b3, j3, 223. Like it just doesn't work. Even crimson panther said he can't do it, now I could be wrong about the combo but as time goes on I think GL just doesn't fit my style anymore. Plus the loss of Oa's rocket was just awful. Thoughts, comments (which I know there will be), questions or concerns?