I already lose, so Alex wouldn't be a bad choice. i could option select my losses. I actually *really* like him, but I just dont want a low tier character. Even though he fits me reasonably well.
Ya know why I dont play Laura? You. You and I sat down one day and I played Laura, it was, for the most part, the first time I had played her vs a person. Maybe 45m in training mode. You saw, I had no combos, but occasionally I did a thing.
Obviously I lost badly, but ya know what? I had rounds, where my complete shit Laura, with me having not a damn setup to speak of, just understanding the SUPER basic meaty stuff, while learning the character, took a round off you, or ran it surprisingly close. Not because I was doing a damn thing right, but simply because if I knocked you down and you guessed wrong I caught up or got ahead on life.
Something about that left a bad taste in my mouth. VERY rarely when I was 'winning' a round or even just keeping up, or I ran a health lead you had built back mostly back and evened things out, I didnt feel like *I* had done something smart or worthwhile. I felt like I yolo'd and it worked and then you made a wrong guess and that meant I was good at SF or something.. Because I saw SEVERAL rounds, and one or two games, that if I hadnt dropped the combo, or had just known the thing from the start, that Id have won through no real intelligent play of my own, but simply because I did a thing that worked and then you didnt guess right.
I know guessing right *is* this game, every character makes you guess, but on Laura I felt like, even though i was losing badly 90% of the time, I was being carried by the character and I could see just how far that carry would have actually been, had I had a few basics with her, like Vtrigger combos, down in the slightest.
Shrug. I know its a stupid reason, but that set of ours turned me off to her. I saw how I could work on her and how strong she'd be, but I also saw that I would be carried.
Mika is still dope as shit and probably the grappler I *should* play, since she can play in so many different ways. I keep forgetting about her and I dont know why.
Gief I want to learn mainly, so I understand how to play against him, since, and I am probably wrong, but since I think as time goes by, and especially after the upcoming patch, he will end up top 1-2-3 and there will be 10million of them.
This is an odd question, but what character in this game relies the ABSOLUTE LEAST on setplay and oki?