It wont be over with Akuma. Still got more characters coming.
I am not worried about those characters at all. if one comes along that I genuinely like, Im fine to switch over, and I will 100% check all of them out, but I *know* what Akuma does (as much as anyone in the general SF public that is) and I *know* he is something I'm looking for in a character.
From what I've seen so far, Nash has been gutted. Its idiotic and retarded and it shows just how far Capcom's head is shoved up their own ass - so more than ever I am on the hunt for new mains. I say mains because I just get bored with one character.. I always pick two. Akuma checks every single box I want checked in one character and Guile checks almost every box I want checked in another. Ive enjoyed my couple weeks of fiddling with Karin though, and she might end up a tertiary character I visit from time to time.. But Im pretty happy going forward in S2 with Guile who I think is going to be very strong, and Akuma who I think the same of.
*I* am going to be awful in S2 for a long time, especially on Akuma, but I think if i can get over the initial hump, I'll be a FAR better player for it.