FL Rushdown
it was at least 7-3. Guy didn't have a single run cancel that wasn't straight up punishable by spd. Every button he had up close except close st mk was punishable by spd unless it was a light. There's a reason that mark teddy had beat everyone at wnf at least once except for snake eyes. Literally had to try to win the the matches with st hk only.Neither one was even close to Alex's tier. And then they even nerfed T Hawk when he was already ass tier. He ended up sub-ass tier.
And Guy was buns against command grabs but 7-3 is a stretch. Those two had some matchups that wish they were 7-3 though lol.
Also Hugo vs gouken was imo the worst matchup in the game. Except for maybe gouken vs rolento. Hilarious to watch Hugo get hit by the mid fireballs at half screen just for standing.