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October 10th Hotfix Notes

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
What strong zoning? lol

Zoning is viable now but far from "strong"
You have no idea what you are talking about. Nothing you are saying makes any sense. Do you even play this game? It's not even about just zoning, the man can't get up under pressure. He has no defensive options unless he's in pumped up and LOL jokes on you if you pick that variation. You're clueless. Foreal


I don't wanna come off as "that guy," I really don't...it's just that Jax has never seemed like a particularly weak character to me, even taking the armor off the table, but he's legit one of only three people out of the whole roster I don't have at least a pocket variation of, so at the end of the day I know that I don't know him from a ham sandwich.
That being said, to have one "shit, looks like I'm gonna need a counterpick" matchup out of a hundred, especially against a character that's an much of an across the board pain in the ass as Grandmaster...doesn't seem like a great reason for players to be abandoning ship and calling the man dead before the patch is even a month old.

tl;dr: it sucks for Jax. immensely. but it's the nature of the beast, especially when armor is being taken off the top of the totem pole across the board.
Sorry but you came off as "that guy" - you know the one that doesn't know what he's talking about :)


Well if Sub is close you go the Gotcha grab. If he is away then start up frames dont matter ....i dont know.
If your talking about in the corner after a clone - the whole purpose is to keep you and kill you in the corner so not sure why he would clone and walk away.....he can d4 while i try and energy wave his clone, gotcha only has double armour in PU. Normal gotcha isn't gonna do anything. He could even 1 2 shatter whilst im trying to get an energy wave out lol. Basically you would have to be lucky and if the sub player has nothing to fear behind his clone because i have no advancing armour moves he could pretty much just sit there flip a coin to jump or grab or OH e.t.c.


Scrubby nice guy
Both advancing armor moves to close out the range between opponents. If I am wrong then please explain. I am not omniscient so you may teach me something. :)
Ex Ball had its armor taken because it can be used as a launcher. Also it is fullscreen and can be cancelled and used as a combo link. Can be done in air and is a mid not a duckable high.
Should I continue?
"advancing armor to close range" - shows how well you understand the problem.


Dojo Trainee
Ex Ball had its armor taken because it can be used as a launcher. Also it is fullscreen and can be cancelled and used as a combo link. Can be done in air and is a mid not a duckable high.
Life tip.
If somoene starts a conversation and mentions a topic you know nothing about then don't start talking out of your ass. Makes you look stupid.

We are talking about clone cancels so how does gotcha help?
Thanks for the explanation, I appreciate it. :)

Safe Armor

Tier Whore. BS, GM, Mystic etc.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Nothing you are saying makes any sense. Do you even play this game? It's not even about just zoning, the man can't get up under pressure. He has no defensive options unless he's in pumped up and LOL jokes on you if you pick that variation. You're clueless. Foreal
Blocking on wake up is also an option btw, against pressure in general you can block and counter attack like everybody else.

If you played MK9 you wouldn't have issue escaping pressure without an armored launcher.


The Longbow Hunter.
You obviously are cause you took the time to reply lol.
And I could also say the same about scrubs crying about Mystic.
Scrubs crying about Mystic's BatGirl neutral game and safe armor. Tell them how skillful you are using such a complex kharakter as Mystic.