Stamina loss is not a bug, its just how it works for everyone and there is no way to fix it without changing game system which in turn will enable everyone els to RC 2 times, which you couldnt possibly wish for.
You can still combo off b32 or just get smaller combos midscreen. Imho you just have to bear with Jax changes, like everyone else has.
Anyway until they fix his dashpunch there is no reason to play him
Who said stamina loss was a bug? the error i am referring to is ( i think) an oversight - something that wasn't tested as it seems it wasn't the only thing that wasn't tested. The only way we can report it tho is using the report bug section on the NRS website. I know even tho' you're not directly replying to me (don't get why people do that) your responding to what i said.
So in-case you didn't read what i said earlier ill put it in context so you realise that blurting out a backhanded statement without understanding what the point is = unhelpful.
Jax has had an issue with f21 from MKX day 1 - it wasn't consistent to exOHP RUN and connect f21. In-fact on some female characters it just wasn't do-able due to the hitbox/hurtbox issues.
Well jax got patched and they eventually fixed both his f21 hitbox and female hurtboxes. Fast forward to today and the new stamina update is
fine. However due to jax's design every other cancel character can still hit their midscreen 1 bars because they don't need to run after they cancel because the opponent is still close enough to connect a string - for example raiden.
But for jax this is completely different (based on the characters design). exOHP pushes them too far. Resulting in an issue that would only be present if jax wasn't tested because his stamina bar usage is different to all other cancel characters - mainly that he needs a whole bar or 3/4 to be precise to do just '1 cancel' 1 bar combo.
If NRS were perfect we wouldn't need a patch after day 1 mkx but they aren't because 'human error'. So until they confirm that this is in-fact what they intended then no im not just going to "bear with".
Think about your flawed way of thinking tho - i have been given i am just going to accept it. Hmm that's like saying in 1505 america - oh well slavery is now legal by law so lets all just get used to it and accept it no need to think anymore lets all just bend over and take whatever D we are given. SMH