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When this game comes out don't overreact. Hit the lab, work your way around.

OKay after watching some videos of yours and seeing what you just said, no offense but you seriously do not know what you are talking about. First things first, you cannot push block mid combo at all. The only way to escape a combo is with a clash, which you only get one of on your second health bar. Secondly, if done correctly you CANNOT wake up. It is and guaranteed OTG. You cannot avoid it at all.
NO ONE CAN WAKE UP EITHER. If you have woken up out of it, the person didnt do the setup properly, no ifs or buts. It us fully, fully guaranteed.

They should be balanced obviously, but making them unblockable and an otg is not balanced at all unless they do like 2 percent on an otg and 5 normally. They need to be blockable to be balanced imo. No more of this 20 percent bullshit on a inescapable otg.

If you still don't believe they are avoidable in a guaranteed setup then I have no words for you. The bane player if done correctly will hit you with the interactble and it is not that hard. It's one button. How the hell can it miss? If he does it with the car in metropolis, theres no missing or escaping at all.

No one is trying to remove interactables, we are all trying to get NRS to improve them and having them still otg for massive unblockable damage isn't the way. Please explain to me how they can make us work for interactables? They are part of the background, there's no other way about it. You can't work for a set interactable that spawns, you literally just have to stand/jump near it and press one button and you get free damage. You can't change that without making it into something that isnt interactables.
@BatmanBeatsCap Look, if you don't wanna hear it from me that's fine. I'm a prick and I am well aware.

But take it from another guy that isn't flaming you and keeping his cool. You objectively are not qualified to speak on this subject matter. Does it not strike you as odd that no one is agreeing with your side of the argument, yet you are hearing so much of what I say in others' arguments?

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I agree, but I believe you're thinking too logically. Let's remember that inevitably, many people will beg for unnecessary character fixes rather than core mechanics fixes.
Logic is far better thing to ask NRS to follow then what the masses want for nerfs buffs and characters.

Logic is what this thread was asking people to do and apply in the first place.


Aspiring scrub

You're an idiot. Geez, now you've brought me down to your level.

That connection was incredibly fucking laggy, because all my games were incredibly fucking laggy until recently.

More than that...So what? People know that online does not mean jack shit. Your response to what I say is "HAHAHA but you can't do this in this video from 1 year ago on a laggy connection u suxors!!!!!1!!!". Yeah, I bet you're real Mensa material.

Honestly, sparky, that kind of bullshit just makes you look bad. You repeatedly try to embarrass, insult and attack people because you are not intelligent enough to enter into a discussion.

Ad hominems, strawmen and deliberate distortions of what I'm saying. Damn, you must be really intimidated, and since what I'm saying is not at all hard to respond to, you must be incredibly fucking simple.

People like you who can only attack and not actually respond are generally not worth listening to.

Now, since this topic is too complicated for you to participate in, why don't you go find some other videos of my shitty gameplay to distract from your inability to respond intelligently.
I mean no offense here, but if that video is representative of your gameplay and the gameplay of people you play, you should not be flailing your opinion around as if you are a top player playing top level competition. ESP Black already covered my thoughts on why your arguments are lacking and pretty much everyone else on why 20% interactable otg should go as well.

PS4 has no "top players" on it at this point in the games life. They haven't had them in a very long time. So I have no idea who you are referring to either when you say you play them.

@meanzuga has come off as a dick, but hes been right in just about everything hes said regarding the game. I honestly have not seen a good argument from you what so ever besides repeating the same things over and over again differently and then going off being just as insulting and condescending.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I understand, but what I'm saying is such hopes are not too realistic, so don't be surprised to be let down.
I hear ya. Of course. I'm well aware. Look at this thread. The messages and posts that is taking up unnecessary space. Do you want to spend your money on these voices or the WB NRS who might listen to them?

This is why I waited on a PS4 for SFV. Not because of the masses or the fan base. Because it seems pushing out games faster then you can make it THEM releasing patches and content to mask the problems before you delay the game and spend the time to make a quality title seems to be the ebb n flow of most games these days.

I'm tired of spending over 1000 hrs of a game and money I shouldn't have to fork over for titles that aren't complete or balanced.

I do get your points & I think you agree with mine so it a start.

It's the RIGHT start in the RIGHT direction that needs to happen.

Or Injustice 2 will end up just like MKXL and other past NRS titles.

Frankly I'm seriously not hyped for this game. Not because of the game. But because even you see theirs room for illogical shit too happen unnecessarily if it's not tested and balanced correctly the second time around.

But... Sadly. Your right. It's sad because most people probably won't view it that way either.

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
BatmanBeatsCap! I agree with you that unblockable interactables that OTG should be left in the game because they are the most unique trait about the Injustice franchise. I also agree with you that they are overpowered, unbalanced, and must be made more fair in the next game. Most people don't enjoy reading or complex thought but they do like pissing people off with very little effort. Just let it be, you said your piece, haters gunna hate, trolls gunna troll. Now let me offer my take on the subject...

Some Interactables Should OTG; the game would look like cheap broken bullshit if throwing an exploding vehicle on top of a body did nothing. It would make no sense!

Solution; Combo-Damage-Scaling on all OTG interactables. All the Goro and Tremor players know how effective damage-scaling OTGs can be.

Large Interactabes Should be Unblockable;
It's physics guys. Regardless of durability and strength, Batgirl still only weighs like 120 pounds which means a 2 ton car flying through the air at 100MPH is gunna knock her back unless she can counter that force with an equal and opposite action. Blocking is not an equal and opposite action.

Solution; Reduce the base damage of projectile interactables to 14% or less. The reason I want 14% or less is because it would take eight 14% projectiles to do over 100% damage. In my opinion, damage boosting abilities should still apply to interactables. Also unlimited respawning interactable is lame and as such the maps should be designed accordingly. The side of the map that a character starts on should be random for each match; a 50/50 chance to be on the left or right side.

Well there you go guys; problem solved.

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
Remember the first patch that Injustice received? Solomon Grundy's trait was made so that it could be wagered out of. This knee-jerk nerf ruined the character for a few reasons...

#1) The opponent would retreat full-screen against a big and slow character with close to no full-screen presence while also avoiding the KO.

#2) Grundy's unbreakable damage went from some of the best in the game to tied for the worst (barring his power trait of course).

#3) Grundy is one of, if not, the most meter hungry character in the game so he rarely ever wins the wager (his foe can get away with not betting).

This is all because people refused to learn the match-up specifics such as; throw immunity (like when to jump, which of their strings had throw immunity, or how to use armor), as well as the fact that Grundy is extremely slow and has a unique move in Walking Corpse.The change Grundy should of had is his Guaranteed reset turned into a standard 50/50 escapable vortex.

Please people, don't wreck a perfectly good character because you are uncomfortable with being beat by him/her. Unless you want them to play like this...
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Sorry, but that's bullshit. Maybe you didn't put in enough time, because you just thought they were bad.

I know there are people who can play the game at a high level and adapt to them, and there there are people that just bitch about them.

Ohh, right, because I disagree with you I must not know what the hell I'm talking about. GTFO.

First, that was in a practice mode.

Second, I have seen that match, and that's a good example. FK is obviously better at interacctibles in the game then the sinestro player, since sinestro has all the tools to keep Batman out, and only has to use the dumpster once to destroy it.

People are welcome to their opinions, but I hope to god IGAU2 does have unblockable and oTG interactibles. It's part of the game and I think a big part of the gameplay of IGAU1. Those who don't like don't have to play it.

Yet, some people adapt and learn to incorpate them into their game play and avoid them, others bitch. Hmm.

If a single differing opinion offends you that much, the internet must be hell for you. Sorry.
lol you dont know what you're talking about because you thought the OTG unblockable setups people posted were avoidable. Also I have it on good authority you're a ragequitting scrub lol
Yes, it does, because some people can figure out how to use them to their advantage while others just bitch. And since when is 'adapt' a buzzword?
No shit you can figure out how to use them to your advantage. They are very advantageous to use against someone. And horribly alter match ups based on which side of the fucking screen you are on or what stage you are on, or what type of character you had. No way on earth I should eat that kind of damage because superman decides to use a car on me that takes up 3/4 of the screen solely because it's fucking unblockable. It's not about "adapting" or "leveling up", the way interactables were put into injustice was poorly thought out and ruined the experience of a fighting game far too often.