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The Ed Boon Twitter Watch Thread


You forgot to list the large percentage of people that just happy play and have fun, go to comps and live the FGC life. All that noise is just the normal background noise that goes over that crew. A good example is Reo and Ketchup. They have fun, they play, Quan gets nruffed TYM has a fit... oh wait a ketchup finds 70% jail corner combo... CSZ get nurffed TYM has a fit like a 2 year old girl.. Reo had fun loves the game and learns the character he likes.. and is now owning famous players in all MUIs with FT10 (videos on his uTube) ....

My point is that for every person carrying on like school girl there is a ton of players just enjoying the fuck out of the game and actually playing it and getting good and loving it. Nothing is perfect, but still.
LOL what you forget is that all praises aside, there are some character like CSZ that where knee jerked destroyed into oblivion and that does warrant a 2 year old girl fit... who says this bout CSZ says it for any other character that gets rekted to the point of being obsolete, whilst the same old favs get to keep their BS patch after patch... so really you cant call ppl on their fits if they are infact warranted... NOW with this being said yes TYM likes to fit over every lil thing true enough... but there is always a middle ground for everything and again i dont want to keep bringing CSZ into the conversation but he is the perfect example for this particular point im trying to make, they couldv tweaked some very minor stuff in him, and still keep him viable and fair, but no they decided to destroy the character completely to the point whre you can casually have fun with the character but he is no where near strong enough to be tournament viable... Again i digress, i meant my previous post as a joke and should be taken as such and i dont wish to derail the topic at hand, plz carry on lol


FGC Cannon Fodder
Judging by his polls done recently - and being fair (2 males + 2 females), this would be the KP3:

1. Noob Saibot
2. Rain
3. Jade
4. Skarlet

I'd be very happy with this ninja pack.
Noob and Rain are probably in the more likely scenarios, but I don't think Jade would make it. I've always gravitated to her, but I just don't think she makes sense in MKX. Sindel seems more likely, but my selfish side would like Li Mei. I don't know she was ever popular in the slightest, or if she just someone I remember from playing a bunch of MK5&6. I'd probably play any of those three if they showed up, I just think Jade is the most complicated to bring in due to the Kitana situation.

There are so many MK characters I now recognize the names of but have no idea where they came from even though I was around for MK1. Skarlet is one of them(Ok I guess she was just MK9 and never before.) I didn't think I skipped much of MK, but there are a lot of names where I'm like, "who is that?" I guess the ones I skipped tended to be the large roster editions, so maybe that's why.

Sure hope he follows through on the KP3 tease, because he has people's hopes up again. If not, it's about time for a Cassie cosplay to :l:d3.
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NRS made new online, spend 500k for prize pool, try to be serious competitive fighting game developers. And now they'll announce MK11? I don't believe in that. Maybe I'm wrong, but MK11 would be a very stupid, imo. Attach so much effort and then say "forget, here's a new game".


Likes nerds with big ...
... You really think they'd actually replace Scorpion and Sub-Zero with the likes of Takeda and Frost???
No, and anyone who thought I was saying that is pretty dense. I'm just saying that they're iconic and should remain in the game just like Scorpion/Sub Zero (whom remain despite their replacements).
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some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
MK11.... variations system... but like Cyborg... different characters but kinda the same.. Frost could just be a version ... etc etc

Rip Torn

NRS will probably create a new character for KP3 and call him/her 'Raven', because there needs to be more new fighting game characters called 'Raven'.


PSN: ADM_Wolverine
If you think Ed boon isn't going to reveal a tease for KP3 or some other type of new content during either ESL finals or Evo stop lying to yourself.
I think it's KP3 honestly
-Rain (100%)
-sindel (maybe)
-Noob (most likely)
-guest character (hopefully Michael Myers)

I wouldn't mind Fujin or jade popping in but that doesn't seem likely to me but anything is possible

But on top of all this MKXL is in dire need of a balance patch to address alien and all the other plus frame mixup jailing broke shit
I love your list for kp3, although I'd prefer fujin or jade or any non horror movie guest over Michael Meyers, if he makes it in, what on gods green earth would his variations be..? Like I'm still baffled that Jason has the machete in only one variation, leather face has the chainsaw in all 3, but Mike Meyers just seems to hard to diversify into 3 variations. That's why I don't like all the horror movie chars, the variation system doesn't cater to them as well as it does like alien and pred, or say spawn like everyone talked about.


PSN: ADM_Wolverine
KP2 had no females. So kp3 will be all females to balance it out.

- Jade: All new theme. (See her mk9 ending)
- Sindel
- Sareena
- Li Mei
To be fair we don't know what the fuck alien is lol but yes there's already a huge gap between the number of male and female characters and we should get at least 1 not that that closes the gap, but it's more than there is now.


Likes nerds with big ...
KP2 had no females. So kp3 will be all females to balance it out.

- Jade: All new theme. (See her mk9 ending)
- Sindel
- Sareena
- Li Mei
NRS literally don't have the balls to pull an all-female KP off. That's why we've only ever had one female DLC fighter at most (Skarlet and Tanya are two out of the eight MK only DLC characters, two out of thirteen if you include guest characters)

EDIT: I had forgotten about Goro.
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Dojo Trainee
If there is going to be a KP3, they must add at least 2 girls. There are tons of them to pick: Jade, Skarlet, Nitara, Sareena, Sindel, Frost...


It's too soon to get cocky.
I'd absolutely love a KP3, let this game be milked and live as long as possible. I don't think jade should make a return though, it wouldn't make much sense. Save her for the next game.

I'd love to see the following:



I'm guessing there will be another NRS game announced at some point, but I just hope whatever game that may be, that it's at least 2-3 years away before it's released. I don't want MKX to die so soon.


Likes nerds with big ...
I don't want Fujin in MKX(L) anymore. Have him, Jade and Noob be big players moving the story of MK11 along with Rain and Tanya (seriously, can they explain her canon white eyes now?) as well. Maybe even have Khameleon (Queen Khameleon) and Skarlet also play a role.

Also, hasn't the trend been that each KP has a somewhat "new" character introduced? Skarlet, Tremor, Triborg...Bring on a "new" female (Tasia? Jax's wife? Kenshi's dead wife?)


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Why are people voting for KP3 if they don't like the game or constantly complain about it, I'm sure you'd have chosen the other two options. As much as I love this game, MK11 and especially a Shaolin Monks sequal would be godlike .... pls Boon
People complain about it because they want it to be better, because they DO want to continue playing it but don't like its current state. Not because they don't want to play it, don't get mixed up. (poor choice of words? :DOGE)