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Discussion Is all the bashing killing MKX competitively?


King of the Jobbers 2015
Yes, you can't have a competitive scene without competitors. But where and what are they competing (for) if no one cares?
TOs don't make money from views, players don't get paid to appear on stream, and people have travelled for 20 years without having an audience. Spectators have little effect on the actual grassroots competitive scene.


All too easy...
I mean you say this but you were in the Mileena forums recently complaining how hard it is to punish a -31 move and how much damage she gets from a 33 frame overhead.

(and I really do wish I was making that up....)
I never said anything about punishing. And the overhead wasnt the problem its that its an advancing low crush into 54%

But nah, youre right, I should have just never tried to poke Mileena and I fully deserve to lose half my life for that because I suck, no way Mileena just has excessive tools or this game has retarded neutral, nope, its just me


All too easy...
Well, to be fair, when you have forum users talking about how they shouldn't "have to" practice against Mileena teleport kick and generally not knowing about armoring out of block against Alien strings, even all the way back to when the block and hit cancelling option selects were in and people "refused" to learn them, it's easy to begin to think that most people are just bad.

This isn't really a new thing either; the skill gaps in MK9 and Injustice were incredibly high and on average the same people placed over and over again.
Well it really is a mix, lots of NRS players are bad mainly because they dont have a lot of perspective on fighting games in general and only see things through their personal characters eyes. However the real point is that this game is flawed in many areas and when people say to just "deal with it", "git gud", "hit the lab" its usually them not trying to admit that what they are doing or getting away with is completely rediculous


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
It would if NRS wasn't openly supporting and throwing cash at the game. If there wasn't as much money behind MKX it definitely would not be as lively - though numbers are dropping.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I can't remember the last time an NRS game died for any reason outside of the next one coming out

Hell sometimes even that isn't enough to put it in the dirt.

I can say, probably with sufficient evidence from the past, that no one has ever been right in saying that an NRS game will die before the next one drops


Online Scrub Lord
This is the quickest I've ever dropped a NRS game. Mkx was fun for about the first few months then the overall nonsense of the game just wears on you. I stopped playing it in Feburary and picked up SFV and haven't looked back since. Never thought I'd be a Capcom fan, but Paulo makes all things possible.


Alternative-Fact Checker
However the real point is that this game is flawed in many areas and when people say to just "deal with it", "git gud", "hit the lab" its usually them not trying to admit that what they are doing or getting away with is completely rediculous
There are a lot of dishonest actors, I agree, but when the same group of guys is winning everything and the only people remotely competitive are also guys that beat pretty much everyone, that says something to me.

There is definitely a lot of throwing down the controller and flat-out refusing to deal with problem characters, which is so bizarre to me.


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
Everyone expects the game to die after EVO? Says who? Are you trying to persuade people to think that way?

Hidden agendas...


Administrator and Community Engineer
We've heard this before "after EVO this game is done"

It's never been true. It takes 2 things together to kill the game 1) The next game comes out, and 2) People have issues with the current game, and don't care to continue playing it, so they stop.

Anything else is mostly just fabrication by people that are trying to create drama by highly exaggerating the circumstances. As long as there are no other game to play, people will continue to play MKX for the forseeable future.


Your friendly neighborhood cynic
NRS games are always shit talked by the "community" of pro players. The grass is always greener on the other side to most NRS fans. When MK9 was big, all I heard was whining and complaining, same with Injustice, and nothing has or will change. NRS could put out a flawless game but as soon as the notable people from the community struggle in tournament, the propaganda begins.

Revenant Zero

Death Comes
MKX is going strong. People just like to downplay the game because they don't have enough time to commit.
I would love to travel around and go to offline tournaments near NJ but obligations prevent me to do so.
It's probably the same with a lot of players who love and enjoy the game; they just don't have the opportunity that others do.


I think people are just getting frustrated with the nature of the game where it rewards sheer luck more than skill. Neutral game is almost non-existent thanks to the run mechanic combined with crazy advancing mids (Johnny's f3, dvorah's f1, kotals b1,etc) Although you can react to the run and attempt to punish them reading what normals they'll press certain characters run way too fast like Dvorah. So you get this game with slowish walkspeed and crazy foreword movement so it's almost like it's discouraging you from playing somewhat defensive every second. How many times have you just been put in a vortex by a shinnok and just lost because you guessed wrong? Maybe I'm just bad and need to "learn to guess right" when he can make himself safe. But this game will probably keep going strong until the next NRS game and maybe even after.


Owner of HAZARDOUS Gaming
Booioooooooooooooooooooooi it's The hitbox he has
His mobility
The crazy jump attacks
The mix ups
The safe overhead
The armor
The damage
The footsie tools
The sonicfox using him
The long range
The d4
The lack of brain cells needed
The list goes one but @oaoo94 could provide more hate on alien than me :D
Nah I'm a professional Takeda hater :)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Its a great game indeed, but no game its perfect, and what is driving ppl crazy is that these flaws can be easily fixed if NRS could be listen and aprove the consumer proposal rather than just boil things down to what they think its correct.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I like this game, fuck the haters. If anything, I'm emo that I can't go to CEO for this game this year.

No game is perfect and it's ultimately up to the individual to decide what they're okay with and what they aren't.

Of course, you'll always have people try to tear down others' fun so they can have other people to be miserable with. I'm a fan of the false narrative that NRS doesn't communicate with its fans, when on more than one occasion 16 Bit has answered or explained why something exists in the game, only to be ignored or bashed publicly.

With the amount of vitriol that gets chucked their way, we should be lucky they post here at all.


King of the Jobbers 2015
MKX is going strong. People just like to downplay the game because they don't have enough time to commit.
I would love to travel around and go to offline tournaments near NJ but obligations prevent me to do so.
It's probably the same with a lot of players who love and enjoy the game; they just don't have the opportunity that others do.
Where in NJ do you live?


It's too laggy to poke...
I love the game win or lose. The whole guess right or lose mentality is weird to me as a see it as a layer of the game. It's a level of yomi that I actually enjoy and breakers and my own overwhelming offense to counter it.

It's a different game than mk9 and injustice which people seem to forget as having Kabal, Cyrax, Vanilla Superman, Batgirl, etc... If you don't like it don't play. Simple as that.
Honestly I got platinum trophy in three weeks after day 0 and dropped the game after that. But it's because I make infinite meter kombos and I could see how bad the damage scaling killed MKX. I want Injustice 2 to come out so that people stop playning MKX and I hate Injustice because of B2B. I want MK 11. Alien. The D4. LOL
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Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Public opinion only affects those that don't put in the effort to think for themselves.