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Why this game is so unfair to zoning ?


End Of Humanity
I dont understand it :/ Why this game favors so much one playstyle ? Few characters in this game which can space control well are weak upclose but on the other hand many rushdown characters are given tools to counter zone or teleport.
Why is that ? How i am supposed to zone effectively if my oponent can counter it well or teleport and if he gets in I have no tools ( or weak tools ) to counter his pressure and mixups ?
On top of that any good zoning often gets pre nerfed in case its " too good".

This game have so strong anti zoning that I think even mk9 kenshi would not be that good in mk xl anymore lol


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
To be honest I think that we are past that, acidic is an amazing zoner, kitana is an amazing zoner, sektor is an amazing zoner, lasher takeda is an amazing zoner. Summoner quan is now pretty much exclusively a zoner now and a damn good one at that. There are plenty of really good zoners in this game now IMO


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
I dont understand it :/ Why this game favors so much one playstyle ? Few characters in this game which can space control well are weak upclose but on the other hand many rushdown characters are given tools to counter zone or teleport.
Why is that ? How i am supposed to zone effectively if my oponent can counter it well or teleport and if he gets in I have no tools ( or weak tools ) to counter his pressure and mixups ?
On top of that any good zoning often gets pre nerfed in case its " too good".

This game have so strong anti zoning that I think even mk9 kenshi would not be that good in mk xl anymore lol
its because NRS favores Casuals which they should in some aspects, the majority of their buyers are casual players, and most of them don't know how to deal with telegraphed projectiles.
honestly in this game you can't be a zoner only with any character. you must combine rushdown footsies and zoning with those characters to prevail.
perfect example is Liu kang, great zoning but, can be broken once timed well. then liu has to utilize his close game rushdown and footsies to get them back out of arms reach.

same goes for Jacqui full auto and many other characters like Tremor, Predator, Quan, Kitana, Kano, Cyrax Sektor and so forth


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Are we playing two different acidics?
I guess so since acidic has an amazing anti air, damn good projectiles that leave poison and stack so you do INSANE damage from full screen, your long reaching d4 causes poison, your caltrops are great for keeping people out. I honestly don't see how acidic is anything less than an amazing zoner.


mk1 apologist
I guess so since acidic has an amazing anti air, damn good projectiles that leave poison and stack so you do INSANE damage from full screen, your long reaching d4 causes poison, your caltrops are great for keeping people out. I honestly don't see how acidic is anything less than an amazing zoner.
Space control and zoning are different, at least to me. Can't have fullscreen presence with no fullscreen projectile


End Of Humanity
He is defensive /space control character but not rly a amazing zoner. Try to zone hqt with him lol


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Space control and zoning are different, at least to me. Can't have fullscreen presence with no fullscreen projectile
Space control is a variation of zoning. As is keep away, acidic is a great zoner since he controls space very well. I think the zoning you think as zoning is keep away, which is also a variation of zoning, but if that is what you want maybe you should pick up high qu ten preds


I dunno where any of this is even coming from really. A lot of the cast that are zoners or space control characters got poke buffs (see Kitana with a 6 framer), the new clock makes winning from lame strategies incredibly feasible, the new breaker system means everyone has to calm down and go back to neutral.

I use this time to zone people and walk back since they cannot run in or anything of the sort. The game might not heavily cater to zoning, but even as shit execution wise as I am, I manage to instant air fan and zone with Kitana offline and online and I win with this strategy against skilled opponents, not just your dimestore ranked players. What's everyone else's excuse? A lot of zoners have armor in addition to the aforementioned decent speed pokes with respectable advantage.

Whenever people cry about the lack of zoning or defensive strategies, they make sure to omit all of the above because that would indicate that their conspiracy theory about NRS hating zoning is mostly unfounded at best.

I dont understand it :/ Why this game favors so much one playstyle ? Few characters in this game which can space control well are weak upclose but on the other hand many rushdown characters are given tools to counter zone or teleport.
Why is that ? How i am supposed to zone effectively if my oponent can counter it well or teleport and if he gets in I have no tools ( or weak tools ) to counter his pressure and mixups ?
On top of that any good zoning often gets pre nerfed in case its " too good".
I main Kitana and zone the vast majority of my matches. Does a zoner need to be able to zone non-stop in every match up to be considered good? Cause I don't see what the problem is with Kitana, Quan, Sektor, Alien, or Predator for example. You have to adapt in some match ups, so does everyone else.

This game have so strong anti zoning that I think even mk9 kenshi would not be that good in mk xl anymore lol
See at first I thought you wanted to be serious, but then you posted this, good one -__-.

He is defensive /space control character but not rly a amazing zoner. Try to zone hqt with him lol
So because a zoner might get outzoned by ANOTHER zoner they're not a zoner? That makes sense (except for it doesn't).

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
I dunno where any of this is even coming from really. A lot of the cast that are zoners or space control characters got poke buffs (see Kitana with a 6 framer), the new clock makes winning from lame strategies incredibly feasible, the new breaker system means everyone has to calm down and go back to neutral.

I use this time to zone people and walk back since they cannot run in or anything of the sort. The game might not heavily cater to zoning, but even as shit execution wise as I am, I manage to instant air fan and zone with Kitana offline and online and I win with this strategy against skilled opponents, not just your dimestore ranked players. What's everyone else's excuse? A lot of zoners have armor in addition to the aforementioned decent speed pokes with respectable advantage.

Whenever people cry about the lack of zoning or defensive strategies, they make sure to omit all of the above because that would indicate that their conspiracy theory about NRS hating zoning is mostly unfounded at best.

I main Kitana and zone the vast majority of my matches. Does a zoner need to be able to zone non-stop in every match up to be considered good? Cause I don't see what the problem is with Kitana, Quan, Sektor, Alien, or Predator for example. You have to adapt in some match ups, so does everyone else.

See at first I thought you wanted to be serious, but then you posted this, good one -__-.

So because a zoner might get outzoned by ANOTHER zoner they're not a zoner? That makes sense (except for it doesn't).
predators always have the advantage against aliens unless they come in packs :p
I like a little bit of both zoning and rush down at the end of the day you'll have to adapt that's where having a pocket character will help