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"I will rip out your throat!"
I Hope you are all happy for the Mileena B12 Piercing NERF! It was totally not needed... I just wish people would go into the lab and actually use her the correct way. But that will never happen because y'ah know, TYM holligans aren't like that!


The saw is family
Mfw Kano gets buffs across the board but Reptile gets an invis nerf

Good thing I'm switching to Leatherface and Bo
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The Ultimate

aka CommandThrower
I think there's some miscommunication regarding some of the changes made, particularly the changes made to command throws.

Command throws no longer tick on block unless they're MB? Command throws no longer combo in juggles unless it's a MB? I feel like those changes are pretty drastic if true. I can understand command throws only comboing on the ground if they're MB. I feel like this is one of those changes that the players will need to see for themselves.


It's too soon to get cocky.
Damn the Tanya Kobu players got hit hard :(

Here's a video to show my condolence on the subject

She was barely touched. Idk why everyone thinks she's dead. They added one frame to b1 so it's now 11 instead of 10. Her ex tonfas are now neutral on block so she can't continuously loop you with a b1 after. Her ex df2 rekka no longer has armor I believe, but she still has a 50/5 wake up option with armor. Hardly game changing.

She's still a top tier character.

mileena got away pretty good if the sai changes from beta stayed and they just made b12 -1
be interested to check out b1 and b12 on whiff come the patch
Glad they changed her b12. While u could poke if the player did it back-to-back, it was a pain to deal with.

Where's this "Tanya's dead" coming from? But it's an overreaction of course. We still remember that she still has EX drill and EX flip, which both have armor, right? So if you think about it, if you're pressuring her, you now have to be aware of the fact that she can hit you with an overhead or a low if she has meter. EX Tonfa change just changes the property of how you should use the move, it doesn't destroy her. Now you're gonna have to use it to make unsafe strings safe, and if the opponent tries to like poke or punish, block and punish accordingly. All this really does is change the way players do things, now she has to make actual reads instead of just yolo EX rekka. If I'm to note, they didn't change the third EX rekka on block, so even if they block and you use it, its still safe. 1 frame off of B1 isn't really that bad either, they could've put on like 4 or 5, they could've made it a high, mid, or they could've made B12+4 like -10 on block, but they didn't. Tanya's most likely not Top 5 anymore, but she's still gonna be top tier. Lol this is gonna get flamed so hard but oh well, that's just my opinion.
I agree.

I Hope you are all happy for the Mileena B12 Piercing NERF! It was totally not needed... I just wish people would go into the lab and actually use her the correct way. But that will never happen because y'ah know, TYM holligans aren't like that!
Quit crying. If you have to rely on b12 to be safe, learn to stagger other strings she has which are still safe on block. That was her only real change. Be happy they didn't take away everything they gave her in the beta.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
She was barely touched. Idk why everyone thinks she's dead. They added one frame to b1 so it's now 11 instead of 10. Her ex tonfas are now neutral on block so she can't continuously loop you with a b1 after. Her ex df2 rekka no longer has armor I believe, but she still has a 50/5 wake up option with armor. Hardly game changing.

She's still a top tier character.

Glad they changed her b12. While u could poke if the player did it back-to-back, it was a pain to deal with.

I agree.

Quit crying. If you have to rely on b12 to be safe, learn to stagger other strings she has which are still safe on block. That was her only real change. Be happy they didn't take away everything they gave her in the beta.
Actually, it looks like she's keeping everything she got in the beta. Since the only nerf I noticed was to b12, and she's had that for months. I kinda wonder if the nerf would even be happening if it wasn't for the online beta making everyone stop sleeping on how good b12 has been for awhile.

I do wonder what the effects of changing the active frames on b12 will be. Maybe not as good an AA as it is now? Well, at least Mileena still has roll for that.


Likes nerds with big ...
I am personally happy with what my fave got and she's literally the only one I cared for. B12 wasn't a big part of my fighting style anyways.


It's too soon to get cocky.
Actually, it looks like she's keeping everything she got in the beta. Since the only nerf I noticed was to b12, and she's had that for months. I kinda wonder if the nerf would even be happening if it wasn't for the online beta making everyone stop sleeping on how good b12 has been for awhile.

I do wonder what the effects of changing the active frames on b12 will be. Maybe not as good an AA as it is now? Well, at least Mileena still has roll for that.
I didn't even know they changed b12 until someone told me. I flipped lol. Folks abuse that so much up close I felt like I was dealing with Tanya at times. I'm curious as well how much the active frames and recovery will be. Folks could always just use b1 in replace


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I'm glad they buffed Assassin - it was much needed and I think her variations will be more even

I'm interested in how Tanya's changes affect her. I'm glad they did not just nerf all her variations to appease the Tanya haters.

Kobu still seems ok to me despite a pretty big hit. She will just need to be played differently

DN's buff does nothing for her which is a shame.

I'm really interested to see the Pyro changes. They were much needed.


less chip on ALL normals across the board not cool (mk is about chip on normals and always should be), less block adv on ex glaive? WHY?!?!? shes mid tier at best cmon, and ex glaive startup is soo much.. if anything she a lil help, anyway.. timer=good breakers stamina thing=good, I dunno man, I'm really happy right now about the chip thing ugh


fear the moobs
You have to EX now. BS! I have to commit a bar of meter just to tick throw if they blocking. according to the Kano footage, you have to EX just to connect the combo ender into grab. That really suck, cause I play Commando and tend to use meter for quick parties. Now I have to do it just to tick throw! That garbage son. Tick grabs are different for everyone. Kotal and Erron tick throw are different also.
uuuuuh what? seriously you can't tick throw meterlessly? i didn't hear that. is it kano specific or everyone. imma have to rewatch then


I'm glad they buffed Assassin - it was much needed and I think her variations will be more even

I'm interested in how Tanya's changes affect her. I'm glad they did not just nerf all her variations to appease the Tanya haters.

Kobu still seems ok to me despite a pretty big hit. She will just need to be played differently

DN's buff does nothing for her which is a shame.

I'm really interested to see the Pyro changes. They were much needed.
Kobu is still great, although I could use a damage buff. Pyromancer needs a string or two more. Then it's perf.


"I will rip out your throat!"
She was barely touched. Idk why everyone thinks she's dead. They added one frame to b1 so it's now 11 instead of 10. Her ex tonfas are now neutral on block so she can't continuously loop you with a b1 after. Her ex df2 rekka no longer has armor I believe, but she still has a 50/5 wake up option with armor. Hardly game changing.

She's still a top tier character.

Glad they changed her b12. While u could poke if the player did it back-to-back, it was a pain to deal with.

I agree.

Quit crying. If you have to rely on b12 to be safe, learn to stagger other strings she has which are still safe on block. That was her only real change. Be happy they didn't take away everything they gave her in the beta.
I'm not crying, I'm just very confused of WHY it's -1 now. Also, her staggers are ass anyway so! lol


"I will rip out your throat!"
I'm not crying, I'm just very confused of WHY it's -1 now. Also, her staggers are ass anyway so! lol
Another thing, I really don't know why people like Foxy or REO are saying Mileena players use B12 incorrect mean while I played them and all they did was B12. It's an easy tool to get out of and just because Mileena has many layers upon her B12 doesn't mean she has an option to back it up, mean while they are all unsafe.


The Jason buffs were well deserved and he's gonna be much more fun to play now. I expected more from goro but maybe mobility will be what changes him for the better but I do think he had some whiff issues with certain normals. Can someone clarify this if so? Also I was quite disappointed about cyber. It seems like yes they gave quite a few really good luxury buffs to Kano overall but things we still say needs addressing they overlook for the most part....☹. Not complaining since he's becoming a much more complete character as a whole now but just thought the up laser thing was really unnecessary IMO. I would like to know if anything changed with Hunter predator......???