Trust me, I'm a doctor
I did it more to prove a point than anything, since people would eventually claim that b.12xxOH toss and b.121xxlow could cause issues. Not the case.If u stand block the entire thing and its only +1... And u claimed raptor stood blocked the whole thing which led to the block stun, then how was his buttons getting beat out? Because mashing is mashing AFAIK..
Crouch blocking and standing into the OH toss would cause the toss to hit on the later active frames, reaping even more plus frames. If raptor was unable to mash out while stand blocking and taking the route to even less block adv, then how would he be able to mash out by taking your advice and putting himself in even more block stun?
I think @doombawks needs to find @Red Raptor on the beta. Raptor picks FT and doom picks Takeda. That's the only way this will get figured out.
If I can beat b.121xxOH toss into b.1212 at its fastest possible speed (no delay, not waiting for Ferra to get on my back) then I wonder if people would stop thinking this is an infinite.
If the fastest speed can be stopped, one would assume the slower speed could too, right?