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General/Other - Tanya Tanya buffs/nerfs for kp2

I have a friend that knows someone. Idek if I can trust it though so.
But from what I was told is that they made her B1 a high. Not sure if a mid high or high overhead. Her rekka getting nerfed as well
I just know for sure she got nerfed.
Well from my sources from a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy's cousin says not to believe everything you're told ;)


B2s and Birdarangs
Do you think maybe she's getting the nerf bat because she's the only character that gets solidly boo'd at tournements? She's the most one dimensional, flow chart character in the game.

Maybe now we'll see more strings and strategies then B1 into rekka pressure all day long


Just stop with this nerf this buff this shit already.
I'm tired of hearing it and all this remove from the game crap. It's losers like that which are slowly killing it off, instead of actually grinding it and actually learning and playing the MU's.

It's so too easy to blame the character they lose to and cry me a river NERF because their shit with their own character didn't work on you.

Don't get me wrong there is some proper dirt in this game and more apparent with certain characters, yet I like to watch my replays and look at ways to why i lost and not because he or she has this move or not that out played mine.
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Burn Fool!
A Tanya player talking about mindless armor... And mindless in general....
Tanya is mindless to an extent but she's not broken. She requires fundamentals if you're playing against someone who knows that you can't armor out of everything she does. B12+4 swipe swipe on hit (tries to armor and fails) b12+4 swipe swipe (tries to armor again and fails ) b12+4 swipe swipe. A lot of people try to do ANYTHING to not block something so just because you may not be able to press buttons for a short period and you know, actually respect something people rather bitch about the character instead...


Burn Fool!
I'm tired of hearing it and all this remove from the game crap. It's losers like that which are slowly killing it off, instead of actually grinding it and actually learning and playing the MU's.

It's so too easy to blame the character they lose to and cry me a river NERF because their shit with their own character didn't work on you.

Don't get me wrong there is some proper dirt in this game and more apparent with certain characters, yet I like to watch my replays and look at ways to why i lost and not because he or she has this more or not that out played mine.
Someone who has a reasonable mind !


Burn Fool!
Do you think maybe she's getting the nerf bat because she's the only character that gets solidly boo'd at tournements? She's the most one dimensional, flow chart character in the game.

Maybe now we'll see more strings and strategies then B1 into rekka pressure all day long
Yet no one mentions dvorah bug cancel pressure isn't it just fwd 112 pressure all day? No. No one says that because its not as hard to deal with as tanya for most people but no on mentions that.


I'm tired of hearing it and all this remove from the game crap. It's losers like that which are slowly killing it off, instead of actually grinding it and actually learning and playing the MU's.

It's so too easy to blame the character they lose to and cry me a river NERF because their shit with their own character didn't work on you.

Don't get me wrong there is some proper dirt in this game and more apparent with certain characters, yet I like to watch my replays and look at ways to why i lost and not because he or she has this more or not that out played mine.
I felt the same way as you until I played some of the best Tanya players in the world during ESL finals. Tanya has way too much going for her and needs to be fixed.


Nobody's afraid of Bruce Wayne
Give her a personality that doesn't remind me of a wheat bread colored MK incarnation of Angelica Pickles and I'll be happy.

Take your Malibu Cynthia race car driving baby tormenting cookie hoarding making Uncle Stu make chocolate pudding at 4 in the morning ass back to the learning tree, Tanya.
lol thanks for that trip down memory lane. i actually hate tanya more now that you've brought up the comparison, can definitely see it. i'd just like to see her b1, 2+4 become something reasonable on block so that she can't loop it over and over again, make the ex rekka not jail as hard so you wouldn't be able to hit them from full screen with it and be able to run up and combo from it and make it more punishable on wiff. pyromancer looks like it could use a few buffs but i dunno about DN, looks pretty dangerous as is from what i've seen of sonic using it in the past but definitely no expert on it
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Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
If there's one thing I want more then Jason getting buffs, it's Kobu getting nerfs. She has actually become boring to watch now. I love her other two variations but Kobu is just easy mode bruh.


The Longbow Hunter.
Tanya is mindless to an extent but she's not broken. She requires fundamentals if you're playing against someone who knows that you can't armor out of everything she does. B12+4 swipe swipe on hit (tries to armor and fails) b12+4 swipe swipe (tries to armor again and fails ) b12+4 swipe swipe. A lot of people try to do ANYTHING to not block something so just because you may not be able to press buttons for a short period and you know, actually respect something people rather bitch about the character instead...
Tanya fundamentals: Jump/Run in B1, 2 Rekka pressure. Random low string, back to B1, 2 rekkas. Gets knocked down 50/50 wake up attack. Rinse and repeat.


Plus on block.
Give her a personality that doesn't remind me of a wheat bread colored MK incarnation of Angelica Pickles and I'll be happy.

Take your Malibu Cynthia race car driving baby tormenting cookie hoarding making Uncle Stu make chocolate pudding at 4 in the morning ass back to the learning tree, Tanya.
I love Cyrax dearly, much more than Tanya, but you can't really talk about Tanya's personality when your AV is of someone with even less.


Burn Fool!
Tanya fundamentals: Jump/Run in B1, 2 Rekka pressure. Random low string, back to B1, 2 rekkas. Gets knocked down 50/50 wake up attack. Rinse and repeat.
All of which there is a simple answer for if you even attempt to learn how to fight against a character but you're right bitching about the character is a lot easier people don't want this character balanced, they want to start the match knowing they're going to win like fighting kenshi or jason


Burn Fool!
Then they themselves like so many others fail to see all the options you have against her like I've said before blaming the character