Using DPad and Analog for movement is cheating. Some people like to have an extra LK or whatever binded to an unused button. This is also cheating.
I don't care what anyone says, or feels is fair "today", you have to go back to the original way the game was meant to be played and use it as a constitution of sorts, and that's on the arcade, with one stick and 6 buttons. If you have any more than one set of directional inputs, or more than 6 buttons representing all the individual buttons, you're cheating. This btw, does not apply to say, the Human Smoke code, where certain keyboard layouts make it impossible to select him, so a Human Smoke button is OK but cannot be used in the tournament as a button. The rationale is that you need to be able to select your character and your controller shouldn't prevent that if you have the buttons, the limit is something outside the scope of the game. I would also suggest no mid round switching from Robot to Human Smoke if that hasn't been.
@Platinum Shinobi The reason Arcade collection allows both is because it's a console port and they are simply there, they aren't thinking about tournament play rules, and they probably have to allow the analogs for system functionality anyway.