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2015 Character Champions


Not salty just saying you're not the best scorpion and bringing him out for one match gives u no credit

You're maybe best Tanya

Stop being entitled - use him for all of kit and FR and evo. You wanna prove it vs what? Kenshi? Pfft ok.....
Yeah u definitely salty, but it is all good. I dnt have to do any of that to prove how good my scorpion is. Also I used him more than one match at Summer Jam lol. Like I said, u can get a buffed kenshi and I will still have no issue mopping it up. You know I am not scared of anyone. U pretty much saying I need Tanya to do what I have done yet b4 she was out I got top 8s...... Also I am pretty sure denzell was the best kenshi when the game was out earlier on without a question and that was when kenshi was way worse haha and he definitely didn't main him.....


If u want to take shots, I will dish them right back at ya. I am not going to let u just try to discredit my wins or the work I have put in with other characters as "oh u just run to Tanya". I never said anything like that when u were using hella OP kenshi in mk9 or zod in injustice.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Yeah u definitely salty, but it is all good. I dnt have to do any of that to prove how good my scorpion is. Also I used him more than one match at Summer Jam lol. Like I said, u can get a buffed kenshi and I will still have no issue mopping it up. You know I am not scared of anyone. U pretty much saying I need Tanya to do what I have done yet b4 she was out I got top 8s......
Have u forgotten what I did to you and your entire state from 2011-2014?

18-0 tournament record me vs you and your brother and friends

Never forget what happens when I have a good character. You're not as good as you think you are and yomi has made you straight up a dick

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
If u want to take shots, I will dish them right back at ya. I am not going to let u just try to discredit my wins or the work I have put in with other characters as "oh u just run to Tanya". I never said anything like that when u were using hella OP kenshi in mk9 or zod in injustice.
You have no excuse in inj w Aquaman ds and MMH

Or Your brother w DD and Aqua

And don't get me started about cyrax


Have u forgotten what I did to you and your entire state from 2011-2014?

18-0 tournament record me vs you and your brother and friends

Never forget what happens when I have a good character. You're not as good as you think you are and yomi has made you straight up a dick
Lol 18 0? Now u just making up a number because I only beat me ONCE in mk9 at MLG Anaheim and Once in injustice...... You beat denzell 3 2 in mk9 MLG arena and 3 2 if I remember correctly at MLG Dallas then 2 0 in injustice. That Ain't 18 and 0 lmao. U won all the sets but they weren't all sweeps. Also I got an evo medal in all 3 NRS games. Second thing, u definitely ain't a better fg player than me. I would mop ya in street fighter, anime games, etc. U want to pull out some red cards, I got some for u.


You have no excuse in inj w Aquaman ds and MMH

Or Your brother w DD and Aqua

And don't get me started about cyrax
Hmm only rax to win a major? Lmao u are funny also he mained GL u fool , are u cray? I barely used MMH. Trying to discredit me and Denzell becuase of our success in MKX and the characters that we use. Like I said, it is the Tanya salt. You are not better fg players than either of us and we can damn sure prove it too. Please play us in other fighting games and proceed to get mopped. Also we have swept u in MKX at majors/regionals, so u can hold that as well.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Lol 18 0? Now u just making up a number because I only beat me ONCE in mk9 at MLG Anaheim and Once in injustice...... You beat denzell 3 2 in mk9 MLG arena and 3 2 if I remember correctly at MLG Dallas then 2 0 in injustice. That Ain't 18 and 0 lmao. U won all the sets but they weren't all sweeps. Also I got an evo medal in all 3 NRS games. Second thing, u definitely ain't a better fg player than me. I would mop ya in street fighter, anime games, etc. U want to pull out some red cards, I got some for u.
18-0 vs you and your state

Also beat your brother at MLG Dallas - didn't I best you there too?

I don't care to be a better FG player, I strive to be better at other things real talk.

And I don't give a fuck about anime, why would I care about anime ?

Malik you're the greatest thing to ever walk the earth in fighting games, literally the second coming of Diago......


Also dnt even make me mention how denzell uses sub throughout most of mk9s life and got top 8s galore lol. Went to cyrax to deal with dumb characters like kenshi and kabal and etc.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hmm only rax to win a major? Lmao u are funny also he mained GL u fool , are u cray? I barely used MMH. Trying to discredit me and Denzell becuase of our success in MKX and the characters that we use. Like I said, it is the Tanya salt. You are not better fg players than either of us and we can damn sure prove it too. Please play us in other fighting games and proceed to get mopped. Also we have swept u in MKX at majors/regionals, so u can hold that as well.
If u gave up your entire life and lived in a warehouse for 9 months w no job or family or any responsibilities I would HOPE you would "mop" me. I would be embarrassed if you didn't or if you ever lost to me in Mkx once


Do not care - you're wasting your time w yomi and here

Best Mkx player free


18-0 vs you and your state

Also beat your brother at MLG Dallas - didn't I best you there too?

I don't care to be a better FG player, I strive to be better at other things real talk.

And I don't give a fuck about anime, why would I care about anime ?

Malik you're the greatest thing to ever walk the earth in fighting games, literally the second coming of Diago......
Lol pulling the real life card like that bothers me, I strive to do well at other things as well so you can stop with that. I mentioned anime games as an example of another game I would mop u in. U for sure didn't 18 0 me and my brother without a doubt. U taking it to heart I am calling u out on ur Tanya salt which is hella apparent to like everyone. I don't rant on social media or tym about characters almost ever. Typically I will just deal with them and find out how to beat them.


Dedicated Broly main
Correct me if Im wrong (not fallowing MK comp scene that much) but didn't Alucard placed higher in various tournaments with his Crystalline Tremor than DJT overall? Both are great Tremor players but I personally think Alucard should atleast be up there with Denzel.

My pick for Tremor: Alucard/DJT ~ more or less a tie.

Again Im not fallowing competitive MKX scene (apart from Majors) so I might be wrong.


If u gave up your entire life and lived in a warehouse for 9 months w no job or family or any responsibilities I would HOPE you would "mop" me. I would be embarrassed if you didn't or if you ever lost to me in Mkx once


Do not care - you're wasting your time w yomi and here

Best Mkx player free
Also u dnt know what I did for my family while being at YOMI lol, so once again u can chill with that. Think we just kept all the money we won to ourselves?........ We have a family of 9 and we will always do what we can and need to to help them out, real talk.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Lol pulling the real life card like that bothers me, I strive to do well at other things as well so you can stop with that. I mentioned anime games as an example of another game I would mop u in. U for sure didn't 18 0 me and my brother without a doubt. U taking it to heart I am calling u out on ur Tanya salt which is hella apparent to like everyone. I don't rant on social media or tym about characters almost ever. Typically I will just deal with them and find out how to beat them.
Couple things here, yes sorry the real life card is true. It isn't in my best interest for my life, career and family to move to the worst part of atlanta and play video games 10-12 hours while drug deals and prostitution is happening constantly around the building. I'm not that point in my life anymore and I apologize I'm not

Again please read,I said 18-0 vs you and your state.

And yes you do lab things out but when shit comes to matter it's w Tanya. If she gets nerfed to "kenshi" level you will never use her again in key moments

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Also u dnt know what I did for my family while being at YOMI lol, so once again u can chill with that. Think we just kept all the money we won to ourselves?........ We have a family of 9 and we will always do what we can and need to to help them out, real talk.
Ok then I'll simplify it for you. "I can't leave home for 9 months and play video games"


Correct me if Im wrong (not fallowing MK comp scene that much) but didn't Alucard placed higher in various tournaments with his Crystalline Tremor than DJT overall? Both are great Tremor players but I personally think Alucard should atleast be up there with Denzel.

My pick for Tremor: Alucard/DJT ~ more or less a tie.

Again Im not fallowing competitive MKX scene (apart from Majors) so I might be wrong.

I'm like a big nerdy spectator. 99% sure he hasn't outplaced DJT once when they both played Tremor.


Ok then I'll simplify it for you. "I can't leave home for 9 months and play video games"
Going back to college now and have other plans as well so all those things u said are quite irrelevant rn. Also will still compete and do the tourny thing as well because I am capable of doing that. Don't try to criticize me as a player and person becuase you don't like Tanya. IDGAF how salty she makes you, doesn't mean u can just dish out ur anger on others because of her. It is cool life is going well for you, but that doesn't mean u criticize others who are trying to do their thing as well.
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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Going back to college now and have other plans as well so all those things u said are quite irrelevant rn. Also will still compete and do the tourny thing as well because I am capable of doing that. Don't try to criticize me as a player and person becuase you don't like Tanya. IDGAF how salty she makes you, doesn't mean I can just dish out ur anger on others because of her. It is cool life is going well for you, but that doesn't mean u criticize others who are trying to do their thing as well.
What's super annoying is I'm not at all talking about Tanya

Absolute irrelevant