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Breakthrough - Kobu Jutsu Tuck Fanya - The Guide and Tech to help Beat brain dead and good Tanyas

Tom Brady

I've been full combo punishing Tanya for B12~ex tonfa for a while now. I have no idea why so many ppl dont punish her. Players also let teleports and whiffed teleport attacks go unpunished way too much.
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PSN: JerzeyReign
Jacqui can do this as well. @ATP2014 showed me this tech like a week or two ago at our casuals. Pretty sure this was well known to everyone but to a scrub like me.

Emperor Eevee

Learn to take a joke pal!
Link me where it was posted beforehand u could punish b1 ex Tonfa w 9f normals and d2 and some reversal specials

Where was this posted before hand ?
No that you could punish it that way, but the concept behind punishing EX Tonfa has been know for the longest. The same with Hat Trick Lao's EX hat throw, except you can jump out. Even Dragon made a post about B1 EX Tonfa if I remember correctly. All I'm saying just because she can't jail with EX Tonfa, doesn't change her MU's that much. EX Tonfa didn't make people think she was Broken/Braindead in the first place. It was the Rekkas, teleport, and B1/Armor break that made people think that.


Miley Cyrax®
I knew the tanfa punish but didn't say anything because I thought it was already known :p I still hate this MU.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
How long have Tanya players been saying to people to lab her??? Instead people make constant excuses like she is brain dead and needs to be nerfed. Thanks Pig for unintentionally proving our point. Seriously, people in this game are so lazy. If you have issues with a certain character, take them to the lab to work on strats to deal with them.

NRS games always fall prey to knee-jerk reactions which have led to characters being nerfed to almost unplayable in the past.


Blind justice....
Nobody downplays Kobu Tanya. She's top 7 maybe even top 5.

People are just ignorant in general, don't lab anything and then complain on forums that she's braindead and broken. She isn't.

Everything she has either has gaps or is unsafe. Thats the truth.

Where was it posted

Link me where it says u can punish b1 ex Tonfa w 9f normals

I missed that
Its been posted few times on Tanya forums as posts in other threads not as a new thread about just that. And i don't remember atm if there was specifically talk about 9f normals but overall punishing ex tonfa tech has been known for long time now.

And don't get me wrong like i wrote before - good stuff it just been known for sometime now.

This thread is the best example of how many players are straight up lazy and don't lab anything. So they don't know quite obvious things. It was the same story for a long period of time with Kenshi, when actually 95% didnt even bothered to check how bad TF is on whiff and they just wrote that Kenshi is fine. Thats even more visible with Tanya. They just come here write that she's broken and braindead instead of labing her (or any other character for that matter).

Sad but true.

Rip Torn

This is like the third time I've had to paste this into a thread on this site.

EX Tonfa Toss and Jailing:

Not only is it character specific AND string specific, it's also location specific (meaning corner vs midscreen).

I tested both f2~ex tonfa toss and b1~ex tonfa toss and here are the results concerning the second hit of ex tonfa toss:

Shinnok - f2 always whiffs everywhere, b1 whiffs about 75% of the time everywhere.
Kung Lao - f2 and b1 work everywhere.
Sonya - f2 whiffs about 80% of the time midscreen, always in the corner. b1 whiffs 50% of the time midscreen, only whiffs point blank in the corner.
Scorpion - f2 always whiffs, but b1 ex tonfa hits about 75% of the time everywhere.
Sub Zero - both randomly whiff but f2 ex tonfa can always be ducked in the corner while b1 ex tonfa randomly whiffs.
Mileena - both methods randomly whiff about 66% of the time, f2 method always whiffs in the corner.
Cassie - both methods work like 95% of the time!
Jacqui - f2 always hits midscreen but always whiffs in corner, b1 whiffs about 50% of the time anywhere.
Kung Jin - f2 hits about 80% of the time, b1 always works midscreen, about 95% in the corner
Kano - f2 hits about 85% of the time midscreen, always whiffs in the corner, b1 works about 99% of the time midscreen and always works in the corner.
Reptile - f2 whiffs 85% of the time midscreen, always whiffs in the corner. b1 whiffs about 70% of the time everywhere.
D'Vorah - f2 always whiffs everywhere, b1 whiffs about 60% of the time midscreen, always whiffs point blank in the corner, but never whiffs from a half step back.
Tanya - both versions whiff about 50% of the time everywhere

Everyone else it should work 100%. I tested b1 because the second hit is an overhead, forcing them to stand block and giving them very little time to crouch block the first hit. Somebody could test the 34 string if they feel like it...


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
When I see a meter on my opponent's side when I'm playing hunter predator, I always go for an armor break. Sometimes if I'm lucky, I get a fully b311 combo which leads into over 40%


Your halo is mine.
Where was this posted before hand ?
Not so much on TYM for me personally, I slowly started discovering things when I was playing with the Yomi boys since MIT uses Tanya too (and REO did too for a while) and I also went into the lab to see if there were gaps and such. I also played Franco offline one time and he was actually the first person I seen backdash the EX Tonfa toss on the way back. After that I just continuously went into the lab myself and figured the rest of things out haha

Though there was also some anti-Tanya tech usually in Tanya threads. I believe there was also someone that made a whole video talking about the OS against the rekkas in a similar manner