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Does He/She Need It?


ADM Riddles
He is not. Maybe if it was a different game, but not compared to the "good zoners" of this game.

Just walk and block, get in, and blow up. Don't jump. You take like 3-4% chip and you're in lol. Ex Upball is negative so once I spend a bar just to not get blown up and you block it, I get blown up by pressure anyway. If you are using Ronin just get inside and win the round.
Dont jump is good advice I usually try throwing them out to get ppl to jump over them so I can AA with any of cybers good AA options


Your halo is mine.
I'd say that Quan Chi is the only character that has something he doesn't need, which is ridiculous damage lol. I don't think I have to explain why. But that's it really, no one else really needs nerfs IMO, either buffs (for the lower tiers, esp Kenshi, Jason, and Ferra/Torr) or stay the same

And a universal jump in punch nerf for all characters, jump attacks are still too strong (especially Quan Chi's and Kotal's lol) that or buff anti airs significantly


ADM Riddles
Then what are the best zoners? Do they have fullscreen mid projectiles? Do they have the option to make those full screen mid projectiles + on block? Do they have Cyber's anti-airs? Do they have Kano's backdash? Do they have a 6 frame safe armored move?
A lot of the things you listed have nothing to do with his zoning.
So talking about his zoning tools alone then I will say
Quan chi
Liu kangs low fireball

So no I Dont think he is the best Zoner he definitely good but not the best

Also kano is only +5 on mb knives in cyber

The Celebrity

Professional Googler
- Does Predator really need that recovery on missiles? I'd much rather they butcher that and give him his mid S3 back. Since HQT is so crazy good, Hunter gets boned because of it.

- Does Tanya really need her (nearly braindead) pressure? Why can't they bring back the usefulness of teleport a bit so Pyromancer and Dragon Naginata are playable and do some direct nerfs to Kobu to put it more in line. Dragon Naginata is so fun to watch, I dream of the day I see it in a Top 8.

- Does Quan's EX Rune really need to be +14? Why can't it just be +5 or something... He doesn't need this in any variation, in Summoner it just puts him over the top though.


ADM Riddles

I'm not saying he not s good character because he definitely solid with the AA options he has and good armor and backdash but his knives are not the best in the game so not getting into any of the other tools he not the best Zoner in terms of projectile but its all opinion really so if you think he is I probably won't change your mind

We were probably on different pages in general I'm talking about knives alone but if your talking his zoning/space control with all tools included then I kinda agree not the best tho
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Kano needs his ExBuff without DoT or more dmg to be worth spending a bar on it + something to be even considered for picking at major tournaments...


It has begun
You are funny, I haven't found a Tanya that beats me on PSN EU yet but that's not the point...

Whining about a top 5 character should be illegal
To be fair, whining about any character in MKX should be illegal, unless it's Jason or Goro. There two still have tremendous problems that need to be fixed before they become viable.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
You are funny, I haven't found a Tanya that beats me on PSN EU yet but that's not the point...

Whining about a top 5 character should be illegal
I take back everything I said, I didn't know I was dealing with THE eu psn Tanya master.

What you call "whining" is me correcting misinformation. Tanya isn't a broken character. Feel free to tell me what I said in my orginal post in this thread that was wrong otherwise don't bother responding.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
I actually started posting there before TYM and I'm actually quite good if I do say so myself. Are you implying TYM doesn't have posters that are just okay at fighting games? I'm missing your point.
You started there casually but are here, now, as a competitive player. That's my point.

Think about it.


It has begun
Mh to be fair I'm not sure that Goro really needs buffs at the moment.
I'm starting to think that he is very competitive in a lot of matchups
He still has glaring weaknesses, not all of which can be remedied. For one, having a bigger hitbox that pretty much any other character means you'll have way more trouble dealing with air attacks. Having a 9f U1 doesn't solve a lot considering it's all still done on a read and if you guess wrong you eat a full combo. The other real AA option is EX Telestomp, but spending 1 bar for 15% damage and being put in a situation with little to no advantage, is not what I would consider ideal.

He has trouble punishing many things because of how bad his range is on most of his normals. F3 is great in terms of range (and it's safe too), but it's 16f which certainly doesn't punish every unsafe thing out there.

EX Punchwalk is STILL inconsistent - if I spend the meter it should recapture 100% of the time, and not just clip them and put me in a disadvantage if they happen to jump.

And lastly, I personally find his damage a little bit lacking. Sure, he can do over 40% midscreen in KW for 1 bar, but in comparison to the rest of the cast, he doesn't have that many good option to start combos. This is purely my opinion, but I think that characters with many options should have lower damage, and characters with fewer options should do higher damage. It makes sense to me in terms of balance, but it's not the case with Goro.

And I know some people are going to bitch at me and that's fine, but I would like Goro to be truly competitive rather than just an online/casual character.


Earth's Mightiest Knucklehead
He is not. Maybe if it was a different game, but not compared to the "good zoners" of this game.

Just walk and block, get in, and blow up. Don't jump. You take like 3-4% chip and you're in lol. Ex Upball is negative so once I spend a bar just to not get blown up and you block it, I get blown up by pressure anyway. If you are using Ronin just get inside and win the round.
Why do you think Cyber immediately losses if the opponent gets in? This conversation started with me stating that he has a fast, safe armored move...
And 3-4% is the chip you're taking for blocking a single EX knife.


I take back everything I said, I didn't know I was dealing with THE eu psn Tanya master.

What you call "whining" is me correcting misinformation. Tanya isn't a broken character. Feel free to tell me what I said in my orginal post in this thread that was wrong otherwise don't bother responding.
I didn't say she is broken...she is top and you are whining about her, which is ridicolous.

I won't answer you back, this discussion is pointless