Didn't see it was only Tigrar at first, I was going as all 3 variations being a choice. I'll try and touch on both perspectives.
Against Slasher he still doesn't really have great buttons, you just need to walk in lol. Against Relentless you still get all the pressure in the world as Tigrar, tele has to be on a read. Kuatan actually controls the pace super well, and teleport doesn't work since it has no invincibility frames. If he mb teleports full screen ground pound just shoots him out the other direction. It's a feasible wakeup depending on the matchup, but not so much against Goro. You can literally 3d3 in the corner, and none of his pokes will reach. Goro pretty much gets free pressure unless Jason burns a bar after that. Plus you have the regular Goro oki. There's also tricks to Red Screen. It's a bit over 100 frames of startup. Off of f44 it's pretty safe against most of the cast, but with Goro just use stomp and take the gamble. Hell, if anyone raw red screens you have time to get a few jumps in and JK or JIP them lol. So Tigrar teleport is a bit more of a threat, but Kuatan just controls the matchup. Relentless does have a great neutral for sure, but the payoff just isn't enough which is more of a problem of Jason being an undertuned character.
She can build meter. but even with meter she's taking a massive risk as we lock her down up close. I feel Tigrar can play a pretty decent anti zoning game, since the projectile hits harder and has help with the reduced recovery. I normally play characters who plod in slowly, so used to that type of playstyle lol. TBH it feels super even, as both have distinct advantages on certain parts of the screen that tend to cancel the other one out. Her buttons upclose are pretty damn bad.
For Tigrar I can see it more rough than Dragon Fangs. This is a way more tough MU online though. You can't really zone Kang so it's a fair point. Kang has pretty big gaps, so we're basically forcing him to use meter on a guess that we'll press a button. Also, it can blow punchwalk up on certain timing, but that means they have to read and commit to the fact you'll use punchwalk. Parry is a massive risk which is super punishable. The option is there for sure, but if he's going to keep using armor on his cancels then he runs out of meter pretty quick. All variations can pressure him pretty well since he has pretty slow buttons, but I feel Dragon Fangs does it the best. Spin is only -3, and I believe Kang's d1 is 9? and d3 (which is +) is 12. You can literally poke, command grab, do whatever you want after lol. He has to hold a post special game. I think he can D2 out, but that's super risky. I do have a lot more Dragon's Fire experience than Flame Fist, but have still played it a decent amount. I think Dragon's Fire struggles a lot against Goro.
This is why I feel the variation system is actually decent for Goro, he has 3 different options for 3 different matchups right there.