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dont u jus hate it when the laptop turns off due to battery low when am surfing the net or doin stuff on laptop. I go crazyy mad when this happens lol
Mine's always plugged in w/out the battery pack. :)


starting? you missed "the boat" my man! lol

i used to own all the Spongebob dvds but the kids dont care for him much anymore. which sucks because i love Spongebob!
"APRIL FOOOOOLLSSS!!" fucking lol... I don't think it's possible not to laugh at that episode.
Worlds Harbor makes the best sauces.

Jerk sauce ftw.

You can also buy General Tsos sauce at the store. Its made by IRON CHEF. pretty good, but you gotta use a lot of it to get the full taste, and even then, its not 100%. Still awesome though.

currently eating: Raviolis, Tortellinis and something else.

damn im talking like a fat bastard. here i go *vanishes*


I just saw a rapbattle where a rapper said:
'you where born with such an ugly face your parents where so ashamed to acknowledge
that your dad walks around with a picture of the little boy that came with his wallet.'

I lol'd
I just realized that a year ago, on August 24th (yesterday) was the day i moved back to New Jersey.

God i feel so incredibly blessed to be where im at today. So much stuff has happened. The biggest being last week when my brother finally talked to my mother again after 15 years. Really, i couldnt be any happier right now.

Last night, me and my brother played Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 on NES online together... it was great.. first game we've played together since we were kids growing up.. Felt great.. thanks to Jago for helping my brother get set up online so we could play. Jago, you will always be a brother to me. Sucks that we couldnt get you in the room with us. You would of got to see a legend at work. Yes, my brother owns me in all games. He is the master... never played a game online before in his life and adjusted to lag like no other.. guy is unreal.

Back to college in a week.. Got enrolled into an Honors Program in college. This is something thats only possible if your professor makes it happen. You can get an A in the class and still not be eligible for Honors. I feel so fucking blessed to have gotten straight A's in college after my first full year. Cant tell you guys how incredibly hard this has been for me. And a big fuck you to all the haters who made it even harder for me during this year.

Very fucking blessed.

Carry on.
I just saw a rapbattle where a rapper said:
'you where born with such an ugly face your parents where so ashamed to acknowledge
that your dad walks around with a picture of the little boy that came with his wallet.'

I lol'd
check out Soul Kahn. guy is a fucking beast.

@ Check

Seen his battles in person. He's so funny, Khan vs Dirtbagdan was the best shit ever. West>East
Very fucking jealous of you. I dont ever call out emcees anymore, but when i heard Soul, there was just no denying his talent.

The only thing that sucks nowadays is all these guys go into battles with pre-written stuff. Im not against it. In fact, thats how it should be (for the most part). Its the only way to judge who is better.

West>East is without question. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot.

Demon, if you get a chance, check out my friend Amy. Me and her are like brother and sister. We met at a cypress hill show way back in 2001. Shes from Philly, but stays out in Cali now, of course. Thats not to take anything away from Philadelphia. The hip hop scene out there is fucking unbelievable.

heres her youtube:


and for the fuck of it, heres her first music video. In case anyone remembers from the MKD days, i was in a rap group with her that we started together called the subliminal orphans. We plan on working together again someday. She is a beast.

Blaze, check her out too man. Everyone please support her. She is a great person.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
I keep going to sleep at 4:00 AM and wake up at 4:00 P.M

I really need to stop this before it fucks me up

Also, announce Starhawk Jobe, it's been 3 years and your game is still populated online. What does this tell you?


Today I felt bored/boring and out of it... just one of those days I suppose. I'm about to go wash my car though so maybe that'll cheer me up. I also feel like watching Apollo 13 for some weird reason... oh, because of all of those people trapped in that cave in Chile. Anyone hear about that? They're apparently over 2,000 ft underground trapped in a cave and they're saying that they won't be able to get them about for up to 4 months... that sucks... alot.
she's really good.
much appreciated man.

im sure i dont even have to mention Aesop to you. one of the best writers of all time.

my five favorite emcees would be

1) Vinnie Paz
2) Sick Jacken
3) Ill Bill
4) Aesop Rock
5) Andre3000

and of course Soul Khan.

theres tons of other great artists out there who deserve to be on that list. so no need to really classify it as a top 5. just those guys came to mind first.


My cat, Malice, has been gone since the weekend.
The longest she's ever been gone was about 2 weeks, so she's either still alive or she's just not coming back. :(


My cat, Malice, has been gone since the weekend.
The longest she's ever been gone was about 2 weeks, so she's either still alive or she's just not coming back. :(
I have the worst luck with animals on my birthday btw. On my 6th birthday my dog Teala got ran over infront of me on the way home. Then on my 20th Birthday my cat Griffey was laying all stiffed up right next to my front door on my way to school.