XBLMindGamez So I watched your vid. I have to say you did fairly well. Your AAs were on point, which is a must for any JC player. I felt a lot of times you could have punished mid screen lightning with a shadow kick, perhaps you did try to do that but you got input error with F4. I saw you did ex flip kick once, I hope that was input error. You did a lot of F32 as a block string. Unless you're trying to bait out an armor move (which you probably did, since you blocked a lot after using that string), I always follow up with D1. I usually use that string to bait out jumps, which I can AA. You didn't use too much of JC's block string frame traps. I'm guessing it's cuz you were afraid of Rain's armor but your opponent almost never escaped your pressure with armor. Perhaps if you used ex force balls and 11F1, he would have respected your pressure enough to try and spend meter. Personally, against Rain, kenshi and sonya with no meter I go all out with ex force balls. Maybe if you forced him to use meter, you could have baited out a couple of ex round houses. I'm actually surprised the Rain player never used meter at all to escape pressure, regardless of frame traps.
Alot of times you did jip F4, which I would never recommend. You're pretty much giving up pressure for a chance at big damage. If you were really afraid of Rain's armor, I would have just done jip F33B3 for more chip. In fact, there's nothing wrong with ending pressure with F33B3 and putting yourself at mid screen. Because the string is neutral, you have mix up options with it: go into footsies or dash in F3. Also, you never used ex nut punch to reverse his rhc pressure. Even if he commits to the round house, you can still use ex nut punch to escape it. Another tip: if you looked at the JC info thread, you'd know that 11F1 works on a crouching rain. Again, if you already knew this you probably chose not to use it but seeing as how your opponent never used armor, you should have used it anyways. This was casuals, worry less about winning and more about improving, for your opponent and for yourself.
As for getting in on rain, i felt you played it very safe. Again, it was probably because you were respecting the B2 1+2 or 43 or ridiculous armor, but the way you approached felt really slow and safe. Nothing wrong with playing a little footsies, but against turtle characters you gotta get in some time. Mixing up your entry with fast and furious (dash in F3) and slow and steady (walk in, bait) would have been nice. Couple of ex force balls to get in would be one option.
But yeah, you played well for the most part, GG.
EDIT: Also, a lot of times you used 21F2 but missed the hit confirm. Always hit confirm when you use 21F2 because there's really nothing else you can do after except hit confirm.