My matches from WB against CD Jr (Kung Lao) and Black Mamba (Cyrax): Jr starts at 1:38:00 and Black Mamba at 2:37:05. My other matches against SomeCubanGuy and 7L don't seem to be up anymore. I thought I played pretty solid against Jr for the most part, but I definitely used Shadow Kick and Flash Kick too much against him. I also had a harder time punishing 241+2 with Shadow Kick in the 2nd and 3rd games, which really hurt in the end (I gave up a huge lead in the 2nd round of the 3rd game too haha). The projectile at the end of 2nd round 1st game was supposed to be an uppercut but a forceball came out. Against Black Mamba, I definitely jumped a little too much. I also have a habit of using f32 a little too much which hurt me in some cases. I pulled out a really lucky Ex Nut Punch at the end though haha. If you guys notice anything else really stupid that I do, let me know.