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General/Other The Ask Rain Thread


Ok maybe calling it upball was a bit drastic, I could have titled it simply "is rains geyser kick punishable?" But why not make a thread for it.
Because its just a simple question. Something that you can just test in training mode. There is a general gameplay discussion thread for this kinda shit.


upball eats uppercuts, geyser kick doesn't always connect in the first place so cannot be classed with upball.


Green Lantern Corps
Comboing After Uppercut?

Did they patch this recently because i saw people doing BK-FK to water bubble after uppercut


The way ive generaly done it is after any form of his lightning, (prefferable a 4,3 lightning) just dash in and at a specific point u can uppercut them and dash out of it before they hit the ground for another 4,3 into the waterr bubble. You wont be able to do it with a standard uppercut by itself, recovery on it is too long.


Green Lantern Corps
Rain the hardest character to use online?

^^ I'm convinced hes top 5 i got beat by a kratos so i raged and went to kung lao, I'm on a 8 game winning streak. 6 frame spin is nice against jump in, that's my problem with rain i cant counter jump in.


If your Jumpin punch is just a jump in, then you have the worst character to use online. Oh lawd how I hate internets. They are baddeh
Rain is hard to use in general IMO and online makes it even harder. A lot of it IMO has to do with his specials that launch you into the air. There's a lot of chance for error since all of them bring you down at different speeds.

Also his move set is very herky jerky and isn't smooth like a kung lao. He isn't S tier and probably not even A tier.


Frost Warrior
ehh rain is a mess to use online anyways lol. if you get it to work half the time offline you'll get it maybe 5-10% of the time online.
Not trying online. Was doing it in practice mode. However, I did get the full combo (47%) to work online two times. Forgot to add the squirt because I was kind of excited.
you can do it twice or maybe three times in a single combo. because if you do 4,3,wb,backwards uppercut,4,3,db2,backwards uppercut,rh(wait like a second), dash, backwards uppercut, maybe squeeze another 4,3 in there? i havent tried this but it seems like it would work. the only backwards uppercut i can do online is after a water bubble though


A prop on the stage of life.
Well there should be a thread about this in game play basics or something. If the uppercut hits someone at the height of their jump you can combo after it. I just did this with Ermac today at Chicago Heart 3.(obviously this is better for some characters than for others).


Come At Me Bro
Idk if the damage is the same but i do 43 water bubble to uppercut because bubble really allows me to position the opponent perfectly than after i go 43 RH than 43 lightning than your choice usually 47 - 49%


4,3, Lightning?

Hey guys, first time poster.
I've been playing with Rain for a bit and whenever I try to do his 4,3,Lightning, sometimes it would come out as a Geyser Kick.
So I went into training, and done the combo a few times, but it still happens for no reason, and on my screen the inputs are exactly what they're suppose to be.
Maybe I'm pressing the buttons too fast or something?
Does this happen with anyone else?
I've only had this happen to Rain with this error, I also play Cage, Kung L, and Raiden so it's weird.
I play with a stick if that matters.
Oh, and what's his main bnb for corners?
Thanks guys!
I use to have a similar problem, but I've learned to correct this problem by inputting the move just slightly slower. Make sure you press 3 and release as fast as possible before inputting down, back 2. Also, what I notice when using my hori stick, make sure you do down, back and don't roll the back so high on stick, I play MVC and SF and have a habit of doing that in MK which screws me up some times. But the key to Rain combos is just do it slow and press one move at a time. You will have to adjust timing when you go online though.