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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


ADM Riddles
question for my kanoboys... if you dont have meter and u hit your opponent with an overhead or a low midscreen, what do you usually do?
Midscreen usually kano ball for knockdown or sometimes db1 because it leaves you at +10 (I'm not sure if that changed in patch) but ball is best option


Dojo Trainee
Wait, CT Kano's DB1 is -8 on block now? That should be hard to punish for some characters.


ADM Riddles
With the low sometimes I just finish the string to just because it knocks them further way so I can work my way to corner with them


In Zoning We Trust
question for my kanoboys... if you dont have meter and u hit your opponent with an overhead or a low midscreen, what do you usually do?
With the new changes I'll be playing it safe, even safer than I already do. With meter is obvious, but they stealth buffed DB1 to -8 on block. So only a small few can punish and a couple of those have to be just frame. I'll probably throw in Slice in the low option for mind games and stay safe with easy confirms on the OH. Something like this with no meter.

-Low option- B31 for the +1 frame adv. Sometimes go for more pressure or try to bait reversals. Sometimes go for D3/D4 after B31. Mix it in with B31~DB1 to throw them off and be +12 on hit for more pressure or -8 on block which is safe against a lot of the cast.

-OH Option- Sometimes complete the entire B121 string to be 0 on block and super easy hit confirm into ball on hit. If it lands? 18% easily confirmed into a hard knockdown. If it's blocked? Then you're right in their face 0 on block.

For the most part that.


Alternative-Fact Checker
His corner damage is out of control though. Off of any of his main footsie tools + b1 and b3, he gets 50% for a bar and over 60 for two. He's essentially Cassie in the corner. Thank god that overhead has less range.


Original Liu Kang cop.
His corner damage is out of control though. Off of any of his main footsie tools + b1 and b3, he gets 50% for a bar and over 60 for two. He's essentially Cassie in the corner. Thank god that overhead has less range.
Put it will still be used as a downplaying point as usual.


In Zoning We Trust
Most of the cast does not have plus on block 50/50's that have no gap, let's not pretend.
Some of the top tiers do. And some that have one like Shinnok for example still has other ways to do worse things like loop you. At least with Kano it may not have a gap, but on a lot of these starters after the EX Buff you have to move forward because the OH whiffs on crouch block unless you're righttttt on them.

Like if I do B31 EX BUFF on block, and I'm not steeping on your toes on block, the OH whiffs 10/10 times on crouch block if I throw it out immediately. If something is like "+ on block" but I have to step forward or do a lightning quick run cancel to land it, it leaves room for armor and backdash blowups. So they have to make a read on whether to block the low or full combo the OH.

The only starter I'm finding fully exempt from this and has clean plus frames where both OH/Low land without moving is F4~EX Buff.


In Zoning We Trust
His corner damage is out of control though. Off of any of his main footsie tools + b1 and b3, he gets 50% for a bar and over 60 for two. He's essentially Cassie in the corner. Thank god that overhead has less range.
With EX Buff? But we have been doing 50% 1 bar in the corner and 60% 2 bar in the corner since April. :cool:


ADM Riddles
Put it will still be used as a downplaying point as usual.
No one is saying he not wayyyyyy better then he was before. He just can do things now that other characters could do already so I Dont get why your upset about kano.
His OH is 0 on block and b31 is +1 I think now if he got meter he can exbuff for + frames but how is that different then some other characters? He can't loop the pressure which is a good thin


In Zoning We Trust
His corner game with exbuff has always been scary so it not any different but the midscreen is where we got a huge improvement
Yea he always had one of the best corner games in MKX. Doesn't really seem diff in the corner at all. His midscreen is where he shines now, because of the added pressure he can put on after a combo while still juiced up.


ADM Riddles
The downplaying right now is a bit upsetting...
Who is downplaying tho?

I haven't seen anyone say this isn't a huge improvement or this buff didn't do much.
He definitely gone way up the tier list now and no one is saying otherwise.
I just don't get why its not ok for kano to get good damage one bar combos and +frame pressure for one bar but its ok for other characters


In Zoning We Trust
Who is downplaying tho?

I haven't seen anyone say this isn't a huge improvement or this buff didn't do much.
He definitely gone way up the tier list now and no one is saying otherwise.
I just don't get why its not ok for kano to get good damage one bar combos and +frame pressure for one bar but its ok for other characters
^^ Pretty much my stance. Yes I see the "oh look how good he got argument", but it falls on deaf ears when the Top 10 has been as good or better for months and STILL got buffed this patch.


ADM Riddles
Does this patch make ex buffing gaps more or less useful?
I haven't had a chance to test but I would think it would be more useful since it recovers faster you can punish certain strings/specials.

I'll have to test that out later


In Zoning We Trust
Does this patch make ex buffing gaps more or less useful?
In some situations, now we might be better off blocking and combo punishing than interrupting I think. Take Scorpion for example. It's incredibly easy to interrupt EX Tele with EX Buff for what used to be a 45% F2 combo. Buff was a lot harder to safely activate, and this would be a great way of doing so while punishing at the same time. Now that combo is weaker due to the damage nerf, and we can easily activate buff in any combo. So it would be much better to block EX Tele and combo into EX Buff than to interrupt it.

I think this will become the preferred route for anything punishable on block post patch. Strings on the other hand my still be useful for BUFF EX interrupts.