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Most humble shit talker ever!!!
The downplaying is really showing this thread, maybe this thread is just a social experiment to expose the down players.



AUS FGC represent!
I am used to playing against ex rockets but it's just not enough IMO. There is pushback, so if you want to go for a 50/50, it generally has to be the overhead. For the low you would need to run in. I do understand that running in creates the illusion that you are going for the low, but can still do an overhead to mix up. I just don't feel this is strong enough to make a match up even, when ermac beats her at other various aspects of the match up. She also needs to have meter to be able to do this, and sorry but Jacqui is not shinnok or cassie where they always have meter. She can make decent meter by feinting guns with up or low rockets, but they can be beaten by teleport and lift.

She can't really just run in. She can still be checked with a poke. Instant air soul ball can stop runs. NJP beats run ins. There is even lift.
I understand how guns is suppose to condition people too. If I am just sitting there crouching, waiting for a gun you can just run in.
But this is also something that she does not really excel too much at IMO. Her offense can be stopped, she does not have the best range. She has to commit most of the time when going in even if it is not using the kara cancels which she can be hit out of.
f12~db2(ex), RUN-b2 and f12~db2(ex),RUN~b33 are legit block strings without any gaps. It's a true 50/50. Also her 1212 pressure with ex up rocket; yes it has gaps but you have to guess (like EB's, except she's more plus).

There is just no way this MU is as bad as Kitana, Cassie and Scorpion.

Jacqui vs Sub isn't a 3-7
Lol. I didn't see that. Thought it was listed as 4-6.

EDIT: It is listed as 4-6?


Wild Card
Is this a joke? There's no way these guys have mastered every character and found every piece of character dirt/tech for each match up. Take this list with a grain of salt people.


AKA Uncle Kano
Good job Yomi for spending time doing this for the community, even if there's flaws or disagreements, it's always good to have something relate to when it comes to matchups.


f12~db2(ex), RUN-b2 and f12~db2(ex),RUN~b33 are legit block strings without any gaps. It's a true 50/50. Also her 1212 pressure with ex up rocket; yes it has gaps but you have to guess (like EB's, except she's more plus).
There is just no way this MU is as bad as Kitana, Cassie and Scorpion.
Its just a 4-6. You dont have to compare each 4-6 you have to actually see if the rest of your 4-6's should be or not.
Just means that you are not favored in it.
It doesn't have to be as bad as kitana or cassie for it to still be a 4-6


Evil but Honest!
Most of the YOMI people dont ''Play'' a character , they just ''Pick'' it.
Please before you post another Tier List or Chart .. at least have people who play optimal the centain characters , not have them as 17 alt and 2 days xp.
Thank you.


AUS FGC represent!
Its just a 4-6. You dont have to compare each 4-6 you have to actually see if the rest of your 4-6's should be or not.
Just means that you are not favored in it.
It doesn't have to be as bad as kitana or cassie for it to still be a 4-6
But it kinda does? This matchup feels like her other 5-5s and easier than her other 4-6s, so that would make me inclined to mark it as 5-5.

Anyways, we seem to acknowledge each other's points just see it playing out differently.



Found something to correct.

Ermac vs Jacqui. For ermac you have it as a 5/5 but for Jacqui you have it as a 4/6 that she loses. I do also believe it's 6/4 for ermac. You'll need to fix it on his end.

Also, who is yomi's dedicated ermac player? Or who was giving his input?
Me and denzell know ermac best here at YOMI. So we gave a good amount of input on him. However we dnt know all his matchups so feel free to dispute some.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
But it kinda does? This matchup feels like her other 5-5s and easier than her other 4-6s, so that would make me inclined to mark it as 5-5.

Anyways, we seem to acknowledge each other's points just see it playing out differently.
You could always just mark the matchup as...




A-List has 4/6 against the following characters supposedly: Hunter/HQT predator, Quan (Sorcerer), Shinnok, Sub Zero, Tremor and Kenshi Balanced.
I agree with Hunter, Sub, Shinnok (Boner)
I cant comment on HQT or Tremor, as nobody i know has played them properly against me.
I dont agree with Quan in any variation, he cant get pokes out in most of your advantage situations, and he cant armour on wakeup. Using forceball blockstrings and tick throws to buy back stamina mean Quan cant move without making ballsy calls, you dont even need to nutpunch him so I dont think cage loses this. If its 5/5 then its a hard one for Quan. Good stamina play and positioning against Kenshi put him on the back foot fairly quickly, his neutral game has to be played without flurry or im in and its bad news.

All the 5/5's for cage are cool, mindgames off nearly every string mean you can play any matchup your own way and turn it into advantage with reads. Not taking anything away from the rest of the cast but cage has more mixups than most, even without low starters.

Jaqui and goro are pretty standard, goros able to blow through a lot with punchwalk but generally thats all he does, I agree on that being a 6/4.
Mileena i would say is a 5/5 because she can go piercing and low sai the shit out of us. Everything being unsafe is a bit of a problem for her, but she can roll any frame trap that you fuck up a cancel by a few frames.
Ferrator + Jason are a very very high 6/4 imo. They cant duck 114 so you can be + on block without stamina while doing chip. Never seen it discussed on tym so it might not be common knowledge but shadowkick is throw immune and you can use it as a reversal to blow up tick throws, or just run up and charge it in their face on wakeup. The command throws whiff if you are holding a shadowkick and you can run cancel into a full combo. Its legit!
Would love an explanation on 6/4 Raiden and Jax though, Thunder god is pretty hard for Cage as he builds a lot of meter, puts you in the corner, but mainly because he can convert so much damage from his armoured reversal and leave you standing in the corner. Jax has great options to nearly everything you want to do, he can contest a lot of pressure and convert well off everything, he doesnt let you in and has scary mixups on his offense. @YOMI MITYEAP
Interesting. Well for Cage v raiden: Cages d4 is a nightmare for raiden as it ducks under his wakeups "besides thunder tackle and his flying upper move at times" and controls the space very well. Added with that, Cage can zone raiden to build meter and force him to have to either use ex tackle or allow Cage to build tons of meter. Added with those two main things, Cage can pressure raiden and blow up ex shocker attmepts with d4 then punish him accordingly. I would like to see how digit and dizzy would do against denzell as that is who I get my cage xp from when using tgod raiden.
Jax v Cage: same thing with Cage's d4 being a big issue and forcing Jax to utilize his f3 (which is unsafe so he has to cancel it "in heavy weapons only of course"). Doing this keeps f2 from being a go to option for Jax and nullifies his zoning since Cage can just d4 under his projectile to hold a life lead and chill. Both characters have good pressure so they go back and forth in that regard. Another key thing is if jax does anything reactable by ex shadow kick, that is an easy way for Cage to corner Jax and force him to use armor or find a way out. Jax has to be fairly close to armor thru Cages zoning and that is an issue. Denzell hasnt been able to play tyrant as much but maybe in the future they can get some sets in this matchup


How are you liking ninjitsu scorpion? I think it's better than hellfire now. Do you agree?
I think it is just below hellfire, but yeah I am loving it tbh. Great damage, footsies, and etc. Does better in some matchups then hellfire so it is for sure viable. The thing that makes me give hellfire the edge mainly is flame aura, that move is scorpions best across his variations for sure. But who knows, another change to ninjutsu or some new tech may change my mind.


Will you guys ever use him at a local? or at least while you stream?
Would love to see how you guys play him and how you guys play against him
I could give him a shot at a future event and see how I do. Also I can play him on stream as well during our weekly streams.