Damage shouldn't be the only thing that's considered here. Like
@Derptile said, Cutthroat can get some really solid damage numbers midscreen, but that's not really the point. This matchup feels a lot like Dudley vs. Dhalsim (If you play Ultra) in the sense that Dhalsim wins the matchup full screen but loses when Dudley gets in. I feel this is a very similar scenario, because Quan has fuck-all for armored reversal options. Kano can freely 50/50 you to death and be safe without meter (which Quan sometimes needs if you don't have a bat out). This really boils down to how you want to play the matchup. If you think you can outzone the player and not let him in (Or at least minimize his success when he does) then play Summoner, if you think you can't outzone the player, pick Warlock. I honestly see this as a 5-5 (Summoner vs Cutthroat) maybe...MAYBE a 6-4 in Cutthroat's favor
I can see Cyber and Commando having troubles with this matchup (Commando I am still on the fence about being bad against this variation just because of all the great armor he has, but at the end of the day he probably loses to Summoner.)