I've been playing a fair bit of Ethereal Mileena lately and found two gliches. One of them isn't that big a deal, it's just odd, but the other is huge imo. I'm hoping by mentioning them here awareness can be raised, so a fix will come out in a later patch.
1) When you Fade behind someone the opponent can't turn around until you reappear. Like I said, this doesn't matter that much, but looks glitchy.
2) The reason for the above is that Mileena actually doesn't move until you release the button. Attacks whiff while she is in this vanish/faded state,
but she can be thrown, either by a regular throw or a command throw. Obviously, this severely weakens the utility of delaying your teleports and seems to go completely against the spirit of the special, which is why I'm calling it a glitch.
@YOMI RM SaltFace
And all other Mileena mains.
If this is old news, well, that sucks, lol.