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Who needs to use top tier to place?


What a day. What a lovely day.
I don't get what people's problem are with Mix-ups. The game is NOT about mix-ups and mix-ups only. Players who have zero idea how to play the game count on Mix-ups to win them the match but Tempest Kung Lao doesn't have a low starter and he is still top tier. Predator doesn't have an overhead starter and he is still kicking ass and is top tier. This game is more than a 50/50.

Kitana's instant air fans are stupid good and on par with her MK9 instant air fans if not bettter. Opening up your opponent is not about 50/50s it's about YOU. Kitana has got an Overhead and she has got a Low and even if she didn't have those she would still be good because what she lacks in so called "mix-ups" she more than makes up for in Meter building/Zoning/Frame Traps and High damaging combos.

Day 1 Kitana is complete ass compared to now, stop down playing your character and learn her strengths because she does have a lot to offer.
Not downplaying. It's called being realistic. I have no idea why you'd mention Predator's mixups when I was clearly referring to his zoning.

Try playing footsies with a Shinnok or Cassie as Kitana... thank god she can keep away (at least in Cassie's case). And until Kitana's air fans start combos in addition to being safe on block and moving her backwards they will be inferior to the MK9 version.

Sounds like you need to visit the Kitana forums to help understand her.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

The top tier in this game just happens to be a LOT bigger than any NRS game before it.

In other news, Nicki Minaj looks like a duck.


I lost because of Player 1 advantage.
Not downplaying. It's called being realistic. I have no idea why you'd mention Predator's mixups when I was clearly referring to his zoning.

Try playing footsies with a Shinnok or Cassie as Kitana... thank god she can keep away (at least in Cassie's case). And until Kitana's air fans start combos in addition to being safe on block and moving her backwards they will be inferior to the MK9 version.

Sounds like you need to visit the Kitana forums to help understand her.
I mentioned Predator's mixups because you were talking about Kitana being mid tier because she has no mixups...

I think you should visit USFIV to understand what footsies are and to know that they really don't play a factor in MKX. With a run button and barely any anti-airs Footsies are just a dream that we MK players could only dream of, nobody plays footsies in MKX because everybody is just jumping in and getting in their combos and mix-ups, show me a MKX match at EVO where their were any footsies involved in winning. So that isn't a factor in making Kitana "Mid tier"

You can't get Combos off of Kitana's air fans?!?! WOT?! LMAO. I'm not even a Kitana main and I get all my combos from her Air fans. As for them being safe, don't throw them right next to your opponent and you won't get punished.

Kitana is Top Tier because she doesn't really struggle like Kenshi does or Takeda does. When all of her normals are slow or when she gets super unsafe moves or when she can't do anything without meter or when she can't wake up or open her opponent up, come talk to me about being mid tier.

Kitana is top tier, does she have bad match ups? Sure, but so does every other character in the game.


Why we creating a bait thread like this in the first place? Drunk or not, you should realize this isn't the forum that takes these topics too lightly.. I swear the idiocy of people.


I mentioned Predator's mixups because you were talking about Kitana being mid tier because she has no mixups...

I think you should visit USFIV to understand what footsies are and to know that they really don't play a factor in MKX. With a run button and barely any anti-airs Footsies are just a dream that we MK players could only dream of, nobody plays footsies in MKX because everybody is just jumping in and getting in their combos and mix-ups, show me a MKX match at EVO where their were any footsies involved in winning. So that isn't a factor in making Kitana "Mid tier"

You can't get Combos off of Kitana's air fans?!?! WOT?! LMAO. I'm not even a Kitana main and I get all my combos from her Air fans. As for them being safe, don't throw them right next to your opponent and you won't get punished.

Kitana is Top Tier because she doesn't really struggle like Kenshi does or Takeda does. When all of her normals are slow or when she gets super unsafe moves or when she can't do anything without meter or when she can't wake up or open her opponent up, come talk to me about being mid tier.

Kitana is top tier, does she have bad match ups? Sure, but so does every other character in the game.
Top Tier? What? I want Kitana to strive too but she isn't top tier in this current meta game.


I don't really follow the tournament players to know like that, but I've seen some vids of pig of the hut whooping people with an underrated underused kenshi. One of the few that's great without using lao kitana or raiden.
Yeah but he complained about the character earlier on, which to me he loses some points for that. I get you want your character to be good but going all Brady on everyone is a little bit too over the top.


I don't think REO needs a top tier to place at all, but I really hope what's happened in the last two games puts in perspective how fucking broke Kabal was, and how ridiculous the talk of "it's not Kabal, it's REO. He's the one who's broke" was.

To be clear, I think REO was the best MK9 player, and a top 10 player in the community easily, but yeah, I think the kind of dominance he enjoyed was in large part due to Kabal. And before all the "where were the other Kabals?" questions, I answer you pre-emptively: The other Kabals were doing just fine. Just not as good as REO, because he's better.

I don't want this to be taken as an anti-REO post at all. But more like an anti-TYM stupidity post, where "REO is the Daigo of the MK community" was once a thing.

PS: Before you bring up Sonicfox and Batgirl, remember Batgirl is no Kabal, and there were at least two characters better than her, and Sonicfox is still dominating in another game...with pretty much any character that he picks up.


I lost because of Player 1 advantage.
Top Tier? What? I want Kitana to strive too but she isn't top tier in this current meta game.
You're saying this but please help me understand. What is she missing. Don't even try and say mixups I've already gave you an example of a top tier character that doesn't have "mixups" But I feel like people don't even know what is a mixup in the first place. Overheads or lows 50/50s NOT mixups.

But please explain to me why exactly Kitana is mid tier? Or an upper mid tier?


You're saying this but please help me understand. What is she missing. Don't even try and say mixups I've already gave you an example of a top tier character that doesn't have "mixups" But I feel like people don't even know what is a mixup in the first place. Overheads or lows 50/50s NOT mixups.

But please explain to me why exactly Kitana is mid tier? Or an upper mid tier?
How the hell can I not say mixups when half of MKX is all about that one little thing? You can't discriminate the game mechanisms like that. Royal Storm Kitana is the ONLY variation that's viable at this time and place of metagame as it has some of the best zoning in the game. Her air fans are safe on basically anything, she has great anti-rushdown options. But if we're not talking about that variation, you can't possibly say that as a whole, the character Kitana is top tier. She lacks way too many options up close as is. You are forced to use meter that is needed for a breaker in certain match ups against the pressure of Tanya, Kung Lao and many others. In retrospect, Kitanas' only saving grace is her good keepaway skills due to her zoning. This is the ONLY thing that saves her in many match ups.

Outside of that, you can describe whatever you want but there isn't anything you can say that will make her top tier. Not in this current metagame.


I swear people on here use these idiotic memes like their really answering some one's comment. Like if you have a response, just write it out. The time it took you to make that image or paste it, could've been the time you did exactly what I'm doing and writing a response.


I lost because of Player 1 advantage.
How the hell can I not say mixups when half of MKX is all about that one little thing? You can't discriminate the game mechanisms like that. Royal Storm Kitana is the ONLY variation that's viable at this time and place of metagame as it has some of the best zoning in the game. Her air fans are safe on basically anything, she has great anti-rushdown options. But if we're not talking about that variation, you can't possibly say that as a whole, the character Kitana is top tier. She lacks way too many options up close as is. You are forced to use meter that is needed for a breaker in certain match ups against the pressure of Tanya, Kung Lao and many others. In retrospect, Kitanas' only saving grace is her good keepaway skills due to her zoning. This is the ONLY thing that saves her in many match ups.

Outside of that, you can describe whatever you want but there isn't anything you can say that will make her top tier. Not in this current metagame.
Actually I can. Predator doesn't have an overhead starter therefore by your logic he is a mid-low tier. Kung Lao SUPER low tier because he doesn't have a low starter and he has a very punishable teleport.

Tanya SUPER DUPER low tier because she doesn't have any overhead starters unless you are counting the 50 frames overhead that nobody uses. Tremor is of course also low tier because he doesn't have an overhead starter. ANY character that doesn't have both overhead and low starters is an instant low tier by this logic.

But what you don't seem to get is that this game is not just 50/50s, it's much MUCH more. Tanya makes up for the lack of any real 50/50 with the ability to pressure in on variation and the ability to zone(which she can't do as good anymore).

This game like any other fighting game is about mind games as well as mixups NOT 50/50s. Which people seem to get confused by. 50/50s are not mixups, they are part of mixups.

Take @Pig Of The Hut for example. He showed people that 50/50s are not really mixups. By using Kenshi and being able to open opponents up even though he doesn't have an overhead starter.

There is something called THROW which every character has got and therefore every character has a mixup. Will he run and grab me? Or will he run and as I let go of block expecting a throw he goes for a special move that goes into a 30% or more combo? That's a mixup.

Do characters benefit from having both low and overhead? Sure 100% they do but that does not make them top tier. Takeda has a low and overhead starters, is he top tier? You see what I'm trying to say. 50/50s doesn't make a character top tier just like Kitana is top tier not because of 50/50s but because of what she brings to the table in terms of really safe strings/high METERLESS damage/super duper good armoured moves/mobility/zoning/frame traps.