If you ever really pay attention, besides tourney nerves and nerves in general, there's a reason people get scared to do anything when they play him. Sure he's godlike and talented, but people don't just choke 24/7 because he's SonicFox and that just happens when you play him. He punishes you for just about everything he can punish you for. When you're not used to being punished all the time for any mistake you make, big or small, that makes you afraid to do anything because you don't want to get punished again. He doesn't let you make any mistakes, and when he's accomplished that, he's free to do whatever HE wants now because you're too scared to move.
That's just one aspect of his game though, but that aspect specifically was blatantly apparent at least to me at EVO. That's one part of his game ANYONE can be just as good at, imo. Just MU and game knowledge... and decent reactions too.