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Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
I played Bane and Scorpion too. I also play Johnny Cage and Ferra Torr.

And I am purposely spreading negative energy, because, let's face it, that's the only way I can ever get NRS to change.


I played Bane and Scorpion too. I also play Johnny Cage and Ferra Torr.

And I am purposely spreading negative energy, because, let's face it, that's the only way I can ever get NRS to change.
Yeah and you cried about Bane hella hard before he got buffed too. You complain about Cage and Ferra/Torr as well. I don't know what you did with Scorpion, but it's not hard to guess, I didn't play Scorpion so I couldn't say and don't care to find out what you did and said.

I dunno why you brought all them up, that just adds to my point of you complaining just to do so by choosing to play middle to low tier characters instead of playing someone good since you don't wanna work too hard.

When you finally realize your opinion isn't going to make them do something to Goro the better off this sub-forum will be to be quite honest. Everyone always exaggerates their level of importance and influence over NRS.

And your popularity points for buffing are just ignorant and wrong. Scorpion and Sub-Zero remained pretty weak in MK9 despite being poster boys of the franchise. Joker is one of the most popular and recognized DC character ever and he remained weak in Injustice.

NRS will make whatever decision they make on their own. They know Goro isn't a prominent tournament character, is not overly strong or a dominant force in the meta already. Everyone's been whining for months, it's not a secret. All you're doing is being needlessly annoying at this point.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Tremor's quake is available through all 3 variations and has +1% damage when used as EX. Hence why it's better overall, but if you're not playing Kuatan what do you care that a dude named Tremor has a better quake.

I definitely agree with not ending every string in PW. PW hands over control of the match to the opponent if blocked, and I don't think that, beyond a EX armored special (SG, Stomp or PW) on a read, we have the tools to regain control of the match. Meaning that we should do like chief said and go for d3 (d1 has similar frame data and has a bit more reach in case you're fearing the d3 whiffts, btw. However, it doesn't hit low, obviously).

Also, I don't believe it's that good of meter build for Goro and more importantly it builds so much meter for the opponent that we're really fucking ourselves over by getting a blocked punchwalk. IIRC opponent gets more meter than we do for correctly blocking the PW. Granted this is just by eyeballing it, but someone might want to check that out and confirm.

Also, as far as lab time goes, anyone experimented with option selects? If there's one guy that would definitely benefit from having them, it's Goro.

BTW : I intend on fucking around with Tremor as much as Goro. I dig both their playstyles in MKX but I've explored Goro so much that I'm tapped out of ideas beyond OSes and I'm atrocious at getting the timing right for those.


Not sure where you got the idea that blocked punchwalk builds more meter for the opponent. Chip damage doesn't build meter - as long as the opponent is blocking you're the only one gaining meter.

I still like ending blockstrings in punchwalk more often then not. It pushes towards the corner, trains them not to think about pressing buttons after my strings(making follow ups more effective when I don't punchwalk), and building meter. I also find the threat of ex punchwalk gives me the advantage often in the blocked punchwalk meta (lol). The opponent gets blown up once or twice for trying to poke after blocking punchwalk and after that I start doing grabs or blockstrings back into punchwalk.
Plus punchwalk has weird blockstun so often even they're trying to press buttons they'll get beaten out by d1 in my experience. Gotta take advantage of that character unfamiliarity
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Sigh... I'll just go then...
Nah don't go, I feel the same way you do. Just because some internet nobody has an opinion of their own and finds you annoying doesn't mean you can't voice your opinion. I still have hope for ol' Goro, that hope is waning but it's there all the same.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Not sure where you got the idea that blocked punchwalk builds more meter for the opponent. Chip damage doesn't build meter - as long as the opponent is blocking you're the only one gaining meter.
got confused there for a sec, it was late.

taking advantage of character unfamiliarity is a gimmick and won't last, especially when playing low tier.


taking advantage of character unfamiliarity is a gimmick and won't last, especially when playing low tier.
Opponents not being familiar with the match up is always something you should attempt to take advantage, especially if you play a low tier. It will last right up until the game dies. In Injustice I was running into good tournament players a year and a half into the games life that didn't know Ares' God smack was unblockable, and that was pretty much the defining feature of the character. I bet half of TYM right now would believe it if I told them punchwalk was positive on block. Taking advantage of something like lack of familiarity with a moves blockstun barely even counts as a gimmick.
When you play one of the worst characters in the game you have the built in advantage that 75% of opponents have zero legit match up experience and none of them have trained specifically for your character. When using a low tier against anybody who's not your personal training partner you go in with every gimmick you have, because if the character had enough tools to get by without gimmicks than they wouldn't be low tier.

I totally understand the desire to discard everything that isn't solid from a theory standpoint, but even at the highest levels that doesnt hold as well as you think and you're definitely not doing yourself any favors when you do that with a low tier character. Trust me, I've been doing this shit for years now. Your life will be better if you embrace gimmicks now
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Long live b13 minigun
If I have meter I'll always end my strings in punchwalk. The only way out of a MB punchwalk after a blocked punchwalk is to jump over Goro and that's when you use MB telestomp. Gotta make them respect your options.

Of course if you have no meter then they'll just jump over you, because Goro without meter is free to jumps :(
After I get my Tremor on with my new CPU, I am going to get intimate with the only variation of Goro I haven't lived and breathed: Tigrar Fury. What should I expect? End every string Flame Breath to be more positive than the pot van at the Grateful Dead concert? Actually have a decent meterless anti air?


After I get my Tremor on with my new CPU, I am going to get intimate with the only variation of Goro I haven't lived and breathed: Tigrar Fury. What should I expect? End every string Flame Breath to be more positive than the pot van at the Grateful Dead concert? Actually have a decent meterless anti air?
Flame breath is plus 12-13 on block, but the catch is there's a gap so in order you earn your obnoxious meterless plus frames you need to condition people with your strings, punchwalk, vary the strings you cancel into flame breath etc. This same rule applies to the additional mix ups granted by low fireball, you can use it to mix up your overhead/low and other strings as well.

Lots of options combo into fireball like forward 3, forward 2,1, 3 and so forth.

The zoning just helps build meter, get or maintain a lifelead and its unique speed allows it to be used effectively for catching jumps at certain ranges.

Forward 3, ex flame breath does over 20% unbreakable damage and leaves them standing.

I really like this variation, but despite its additional mix ups, they're not to be overly relied upon because there are gaps and it's all about keeping people on their toes and not being overly predictable with your mix ups. You get decent damage off of a launching low fireball and you can combo off of non-ex'd low fireball in the corner sometimes.

I feel like it helps a lot against several characters especially Cage, Kitana, Ferra/Torr, Cassie to name a few.
Flame breath is plus 12-13 on block, but the catch is there's a gap so in order you earn your obnoxious meterless plus frames you need to condition people with your strings, punchwalk, vary the strings you cancel into flame breath etc. This same rule applies to the additional mix ups granted by low fireball, you can use it to mix up your overhead/low and other strings as well.

Lots of options combo into fireball like forward 3, forward 2,1, 3 and so forth.

The zoning just helps build meter, get or maintain a lifelead and its unique speed allows it to be used effectively for catching jumps at certain ranges.

Forward 3, ex flame breath does over 20% unbreakable damage and leaves them standing.

I really like this variation, but despite its additional mix ups, they're not to be overly relied upon because there are gaps and it's all about keeping people on their toes and not being overly predictable with your mix ups. You get decent damage off of a launching low fireball and you can combo off of non-ex'd low fireball in the corner sometimes.

I feel like it helps a lot against several characters especially Cage, Kitana, Ferra/Torr, Cassie to name a few.
I will give it a few runs on Towers to get used to mixing strings up, then take it into player hell. Thanks for the info, I will miss Dragon Fangs' godlike pokes and Kuatan's Anti Sub Zero Ground Pound admittedly.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
The gaps are extremely wide when using Low Fireball. Lots of characters can just armor through them. That doesn't mean don't use them, but use them sparingly. A good footsie tool for that variation is d4 xx Flame Breath at around d4 range.

Your fireball comes out fast but doesn't recover super fast. You're not meant for fireball wars. However, it can catch a dude jumping in on you from far where your other limbs wouldn't reach. Experiment with that and find your best possible conversion.

Fireball can be used as a set-up to keep them grounded for a tele stomp. If they try something, they get stomped and fireballed for around 15%, if they block, they eat the stomp. However, that has to be used after a knockdown where you're extremely positive. Say, after a Shokan Grab.
The gaps are extremely wide when using Low Fireball. Lots of characters can just armor through them. That doesn't mean don't use them, but use them sparingly. A good footsie tool for that variation is d4 xx Flame Breath at around d4 range.

Your fireball comes out fast but doesn't recover super fast. You're not meant for fireball wars. However, it can catch a dude jumping in on you from far where your other limbs wouldn't reach. Experiment with that and find your best possible conversion.

Fireball can be used as a set-up to keep them grounded for a tele stomp. If they try something, they get stomped and fireballed for around 15%, if they block, they eat the stomp. However, that has to be used after a knockdown where you're extremely positive. Say, after a Shokan Grab.
In the case of D4 to Flame Breath, does Flame Breath stuff armor pretty well? I am worried about wakeup-anything that isn't Punchwalk, since punchwalk pretty much goes through everything except pre-patch Johnny "ORAORAORA" Cage.


Don't count on it to stuff armor. We have 12 and EX Punchwalk for that.
Plus we also have 3 down 3 and back 1,2,1 can stuff some armor moves too.

I will give it a few runs on Towers to get used to mixing strings up, then take it into player hell. Thanks for the info, I will miss Dragon Fangs' godlike pokes and Kuatan's Anti Sub Zero Ground Pound admittedly.
If you're someone that likes to use all three variations, there you go. Although I have a preference for only my current variation, there is utility in all three.

I'm still mentally working on mixing in things because there's actually a lot of combinations and possibilities.


You will BOW to me!
Goro is a footsies character people. He is somewhat like DD from IGAU, except he does not have a solid AA. Other than that, i believe, you just have to outspace your opponent with Goro's superior pokes. He is a force to be reckoned with, but still he needs some help.


Long live b13 minigun
In the case of D4 to Flame Breath, does Flame Breath stuff armor pretty well? I am worried about wakeup-anything that isn't Punchwalk, since punchwalk pretty much goes through everything except pre-patch Johnny "ORAORAORA" Cage.
There's a few characters who can beat MB puchwalk straight up. Full Auto Jaqui's machine gun, Heavy weapons Jax's machine gun, Flame Fist Liu Kang's MB windmill punch, and a very well timed MB roll from Mileena can all beat MB punchwalk.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Goro is a footsies character people. He is somewhat like DD from IGAU, except he does not have a solid AA. Other than that, i believe, you just have to outspace your opponent with Goro's superior pokes. He is a force to be reckoned with, but still he needs some help.
EX Telestomp - here's your "solid" AA.

The biggest problem is that it costs meter.

Personally, I like to learn all three variations of a character, even if the variant sucks. It allows for more understanding of the character and when to actually swap variations in a matchup that would otherwise be favorable for that variation.

Honestly, I think the footsies is what attracted me to Goro and what currently attracts me to Tremor. That's how I play him at least.


I know I'm probably going to get a bunch of replies telling me to not even bother, but I'm bothering, so here goes.

What normals and strings do people use for Kuatan Goro's footsies? Any tick throw option selects? Is the general idea to get a knock down and go for ground pound?

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
I know I'm probably going to get a bunch of replies telling me to not even bother, but I'm bothering, so here goes.

What normals and strings do people use for Kuatan Goro's footsies? Any tick throw option selects? Is the general idea to get a knock down and go for ground pound?
You have to mix it up with Goro.

This is my set I had last night. I am by no means the best Goro, @Decay has that title. Maybe he can explain it a bit better.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Patch on Aug 31. Bets on will Goro still suck? I say yes. Any counter wagers?
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