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Tony at Home

From my testing, grenades are approximately +7 on block, BUT after a pretty exhaustive night of testing, I found looking at grenades from a "how + or how -" on block perspective isn't very helpful.

It's a big yomi game on when you do your detonation. I mean, this isn't really news, but I finally went down and grinded out the technicalities of:
x will happen if she detonates at y time
y will happen if she detonates at x time
z will happen if she trades with knockdown move w
etc, etc, etc, and more proof I'm single :(

Kung Jin's armored launcher can completely blow it up, BUT she can completely blow up that armored launcher back, and it all depends on when she times the detonation. There's no magic way to make grenades a perfect + on block pressure tool, and there's no magic way to instantly bop a Sonya chucking grenades at you.

I'll make a proper thread once I compile these uploads.
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Tony at Home

I will get more in depth on this later, here's the bare basics of how the grenade-yomi works.

Sonya's grenades are around +7-ish on block. Throwing the grenade and detonating the grenade are two entirely different things.

If she detonates the grenade while still in the recovery frames of throwing the grenade, she may have +7 from the grenade, but if she still has 14 frames left in her recovery animation for throwing the grenade, she is going to be -7 instead.

So, first. Yes, if sonya want's to be + after a b14 xx Grenade throw, she has to wait till the end of her throw animation to detonate to be reasonably + on block. This DOES leave a gap. However, simple pokes in the gap are going to trade with a stun grenade- Sonya wins that trade with an easy conversion for a full combo. This leaves armored launchers as an issue though, but they aren't free 'get out of jail' cards against stun grenades. Sonya need only delay the detonation so the armored reversal loses it's armor by the time it detonates. Example vs Kung Jin:

(I picked Kung Jin as an example, seeing as he's the prototypical example of a character who has alot of strength in armored launchers. But this may vary with other characters):

So what happens? Well, if Kung Jin does his spin early, the armor will run out just before the grenade detonates. He'll get the first few hits of his launcher, but will then be hit out of it by the grenade before Sonya is actually launched. Then Sonya converts for a a proper combo off the grenade.

But what if Kung Jin delays the armored reversal so his armor kicks in as the delayed grenade detonates? Well, if he does that, he has to delay it enough such that Sonya can block the reversal in time. Safe. The same situation happens with b33 starters:

Same situation. If he reversals early enough to "punish", the armor runs out before the grenade detonates. Sonya still stuffs him. If he delays long enough for his armor to active just before the detonation, thus absorbing the hit, Sonya has recovered enough by then to block it.

HOWEVER, this can be blown up. It's not free to blow up, but there are ways. For example:

So in this case, Kung Jin can start with a normal to punish, and THEN go into his armor. The normal hit soon enough that Sonya can't block it, and since it is canceled into the armor, it kicks in just at the right time to make him safe from the detonation.

But to be clear, that's not free either. This is only when Sonya DELAYS the detonation because she's fishing for + frames. Since Kung Jin needs to start with an un-armored standing 1 in this case, if Sonya goes for an early detonation instead of a delayed detonation, Kung Jin will be completely stuffed and eat a damaging combo.

Despite the gap, grenades are still great for pressure tools. It's just not absolutely free pressure. Here's one example, just a simple one:

And here's another pressure example, one that I used to demonstrate how + a grenade is if it's detonated at the end of her animation. Remember, an opponent who has meter still needs to take significant risks to blow this up, they can't stuff it for free. An opponent without meter -or who doesn't have an armored launcher that leads to good damage to make the risk worth it- is REALLY screwed

Sonya's b3 is 14 frames, and her d3 is 7 frames. So this trade indicates this detonation is around +7 on block. I was very thorough to ensure my timing wasn't off.

Now, there are other give and takes to delayed detonations. Even if an opponent has no good way to outright stuff a delayed detonation, because they don't have a good armored launcher for example- delaying the detonation often means they can jump out of the pressure or backdash. It's just up to the Sonya player to be smart about her options, and her opponent's options. That's not too much to ask. Grenades are still good, even if they aren't a unilateral "free pressure" button.
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has standing 4 improved? call me crazy but it feels very different not as stiff and slow as it was, its now 11 frames (was that always the case?) , I dont know it feels different more useful the leg grab also connects very well after it for 17% damage.

was it a hit box issue? because it feels very different (better) post patch

Tony at Home

What happened to "Droneya:"?

I feel like out of the gate, we saw a ton of Droneya being played, and that was the go-to variation. Now it's, let's say, the "Ninjitsu" variation of Sonya. Like, what happened? I tried it out a bit and it seemed like a good variation for zoning. Can't say I had very much practice, but still...


Ninjitsu has actually started to become very popular post patch, all the really good scorpion players I fight online have shifted to Ninjitsu.

Sonya blades online usage has died down in recent weeks, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in a sea of scorpions, sub zeros, Mileenas and liu Kangs.


Stole this pic from Doombawkz :P
What happened to "Droneya:"?

I feel like out of the gate, we saw a ton of Droneya being played, and that was the go-to variation. Now it's, let's say, the "Ninjitsu" variation of Sonya. Like, what happened? I tried it out a bit and it seemed like a good variation for zoning. Can't say I had very much practice, but still...
Dronya is still mad good...I just think people have just shifted their priorities to trying to make demo work...That's not saying they dropped SF in favor of Demo but simply, trying to see what tech they can find for Demo....I made the switch to Dronya myself since I prefer it over Co Ops...Still stuck on PC where I am a few patches behind so I can't try out all the good Demo stuff =[
Anyone notice that the 2 in 121 tends to whiff on crouch blockers? It doesn't land consistently for me. I've even had situations where I've gotten punished for it lol. Just figured I put that out there.


The saltiest
Things Sonya needs to become normalized:
-EX leg grab to crush low pokes, low profile moves. It's ridiculous having to spend a bar on a move that's unsafe on block and on top of that, have the opponent low profile+attack into full combo. Even then its not like EX leg grab is a launcher. (I wouldn't even consider this as meta or anti leg grab tech, it's simply stupid how the opponent acts as a wall and Sonya's legs literally brush through the opponent's body.)

Reactions: STK


Does anyone a good medium to long set with Sonya in either Demolition or Drone?
Here's one that I posted in the battle footage thread. Comments/critical feedback are much appreciated. Started out cold and dropped some combos. Warmed up after a few matches and started getting what I needed.



I'm trying to get stats on Military Stance on block the only set that I liked was DJT's but I couldn't do all matches because I lost the timer and twitch player is awful and was getting on my nerves.
I'm just trying to figure out what to look for and keep tabs on but mostly is:
  1. What type she canceled from (high,mid,low,raw);
  2. Which follow up was used and did it work positively, negatively or neutral;
  3. F is what happened next usually oponents action unless it says Sonya;
  4. And if it is in the corner;
  5. I counted cancel if Sonya stood there doing nothing and seemly no other option was activated;
From the little data so far it seems the corner is strong but Jax'es crouching jab is amazing to deal with it or backdash.
The Slayer's I forgot to register sets without the MS.


Stole this pic from Doombawkz :P
Do you guys agree with Sonya-Covert Ops as being one of the easier characters to use?
I think that variation along with Dvorah's Venomous and Kung Jin's Bojutsu are the three easiest variations to learn if you are just picking up the game tbh.


Retirement my ass
I agree. The combo execution takes very little time to nail down, the game plan is very simple: get in and begin guessing. Very straight forward, very simple.

The finesse/execution will be what separates good from bad. Sonya's ability to approach safely, stay in, and create advantageous opportunities is what would make this character good. Footsies, approach, ability to stay on top of characters, oki game, corner game, etc. are the different areas players can actually show their strength and execution.

I think the thread about easiest characters to play is a little bit scattered and means something different to everyone:
Easiest to cheese a win with
Easiest to execute combos
Easiest to open characters up with (Sonya's game)
Easiest pressure game (lao or Liu kang do well here or even shinnok)

I think the OP was talking more about feeling/footsies/neutral game as that normally dictates how much someone likes or synchs with a specific character, but because it's open is why there's conversation to have.

Easy doesn't mean bad. Sonya is all about playing against the other person, not necessarily their character. Her game plan is the same because she is the poster child for 50/50's and rush down. Criticism of the nature "she's so brain dead, I just guessed wrong, you lucker; I know I'm still better" is laughable. If you consistently lose to something 'brain dead,' then that doesn't look great for you.


Official Sonya simp
Easy doesn't mean bad. Sonya is all about playing against the other person, not necessarily their character. Her game plan is the same because she is the poster child for 50/50's and rush down. Criticism of the nature "she's so brain dead, I just guessed wrong, you lucker; I know I'm still better" is laughable. If you consistently lose to something 'brain dead,' then that doesn't look great for you.


I agree. The combo execution takes very little time to nail down, the game plan is very simple: get in and begin guessing. Very straight forward, very simple.

The finesse/execution will be what separates good from bad. Sonya's ability to approach safely, stay in, and create advantageous opportunities is what would make this character good. Footsies, approach, ability to stay on top of characters, oki game, corner game, etc. are the different areas players can actually show their strength and execution.

I think the thread about easiest characters to play is a little bit scattered and means something different to everyone:
Easiest to cheese a win with
Easiest to execute combos
Easiest to open characters up with (Sonya's game)
Easiest pressure game (lao or Liu kang do well here or even shinnok)

I think the OP was talking more about feeling/footsies/neutral game as that normally dictates how much someone likes or synchs with a specific character, but because it's open is why there's conversation to have.

Easy doesn't mean bad. Sonya is all about playing against the other person, not necessarily their character. Her game plan is the same because she is the poster child for 50/50's and rush down. Criticism of the nature "she's so brain dead, I just guessed wrong, you lucker; I know I'm still better" is laughable. If you consistently lose to something 'brain dead,' then that doesn't look great for you.
Amazing response. I thought the same too with what was considered easy. I'm still trying to find the character for me. I haven't tried Sonya yet because her variations seemed complex to me. But then that thread was saying Sonya is easy.

I've played with:
-Takaeda. I think his combos are easy/generally end the same. Winning with him is hard lol.
-Kung Jin. Easy combos, but pressure is meh.
-Ferra/Torr. Combos are easy, but remembering all the option selects/executing his other tech is complex.
-Cassie. Basic combos are simple, but the more damaging ones are too execution heavy.

Where would you say Sonya falls execution wise for combos (converting hits) and tech?


Retirement my ass
Sonya is SUPER easy to convert off of. Anti-airs can be tight and are run cancel intensive (unless you just uppercut), but something I would categorize under advanced category anyways (especially for this game).

Sonya's Covert Ops game is pretty much do any string (b332 or b14 or 213) into military stance and continue combo from there. No run cancels necessary, you have a massive window to hit confirm things after your military stance so you don't have to commit to anything too unsafe.

Plus you can totally cheat on approaches because of how abusable your jump in 1 is. Sonya beats even good anti-airs on jump in, which is pretty balanced.


the only things difficult in Covert Ops are the parries, to me parrying is a very important tool that should be utilized and will give you an advantage if you can pull it off. but it takes time and alot of risk to get it down, I;ve lost matches because of ill timed parries and NJP's who see the parry coming.

I would say Covert Ops is easy to get a handle of but takes some more effort to master.


Thanks for the reply @Dedlock and @HugeMcBigLarge!! The off putting thing for me about Sonya were her parries. I feel if I don't use them, then I'm not using the character to their best potential.

The other off putting thing is her military stance. It's very Harley Quinn and Catwoman like. And I thought those characters were difficult to use effectively. Is military stance anything like that?
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The off putting thing for me about Sonya were her parries. I feel if I don't use them, then I'm not using the character to their best potential.
i agree with this, parries help realize her full potential especially her ex parry that gives you a free combo, with time you should be more comfortable with using it.

no idea about injustice never played it,


Searching for an alt.
Hey all, I have a couple quick SF frame data questions.

Her 111 string is listed as +4 on hit and 33 cancel advantage. Drone Call is listed as 1 startup and 41 recover. So shouldn't I be able to use 111xxdrone call on hit and be safe? Mileena ball roll and SubZ ex slide are punishing me every time.

F4 is listed as 48 cancel advantage. I don't know which hit it's for, but I get punished on block trying to drone call there too, on first and second hit.

So which frames are listed incorrectly? I find these super frustrating, but I'm having too much fun in the lab looking for weird drone shenanigans.
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