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Always press buttons
From what I can see, you can overhead/low into spirit push and the pushback makes it unpunishable by a lot of the cast (though not all) The reward isn't huge on hit though damage wise but sends them full screen for zoning.. Or you can commit to overhead/low into rsiing sword for the full combo thought its unsafe. Kenshi seems to have quite a fast walkspeed so playing footsies and whiff punishing with b1 might be good.
I didn't think Kenjutsu could zone. His TK moves don't really give him a good spot for zoning except for the one full screen move. So I guess that's the move for zoning?


Scorpion Scrub
I didn't think Kenjutsu could zone. His TK moves don't really give him a good spot for zoning except for the one full screen move. So I guess that's the move for zoning?
Kenjutsu is def not a zoner, he's more space control, anti zoner with rushdown tools (Think Grandmaster Sub Zero). BF3 can punish many projectiles whether on whiff or on block, his combos lead to 30% meterless and 50%+ with his reset (if guessed wrong) by using 1 bar. Great comeback potential and defensive potential his bf2 is something to be wary when approaching or being approached by Kenjutsu Kenshi because of it's deceptive range. BF3 works as a great air grab from mid-full screen and when Approaching Kenshi BF2, F2 and B1 are great whiff punishing tools with decent range. He also has great space control game by ending combos with BF3 not only are you doing more damage but switching sides with opponent if need be, Otherwise his DF1 gives him good hit advantage as a combo ender. He also can end combos with 22 for a meterless reset just in range for F2/B3, same with 421 on block as a pressure tool which leaves him at frame advantage and at range for his 50/50. He has decent wake ups (DF1, DB1) that start combos and can end with bf3 if you need to switch positions.

His weakness is he has unsafe specials and can't hit confirm his 50/50 damaging options, with good intent because if they were safe he would be too strong. His other issue is his damaging combos require very tight links compared to most of the cast that can get easily 30%+ Combos with simple inputs (Think Balanced Kenshi), he struggles to get 30% with some more difficult execution which make him less viable online. He's def a character for someone who wants to specialize in the variation, and I believe he might not have any bad match ups as Kenjutsu when played to its full potential. I personally believe this is his best variation and def top 10 (maybe top 5).
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Dojo Trainee
Questions about Balanced. Have been putting in time with the character, feel confident in my zoning but have the following issues.

1. I SUCK at run cancels, hence I'm missing out on about 7% damage after ever F32 xx RK. I do telefury instead of RC - F32 xx Telefury. I'm gonna grind it out but it will probably always be a thorn in my side. Is it absolutely essential to master?

2. What is F32 xx RK unsafe against? I've been testing it and the push back on block doesn't look like it makes you safe from anything. The game says its -12 on block so I'm wondering how players go unpunished? Thanks.


Blind justice....
Questions about Balanced. Have been putting in time with the character, feel confident in my zoning but have the following issues.

1. I SUCK at run cancels, hence I'm missing out on about 7% damage after ever F32 xx RK. I do telefury instead of RC - F32 xx Telefury. I'm gonna grind it out but it will probably always be a thorn in my side. Is it absolutely essential to master?

2. What is F32 xx RK unsafe against? I've been testing it and the push back on block doesn't look like it makes you safe from anything. The game says its -12 on block so I'm wondering how players go unpunished? Thanks.
1. It's not essential but quite important coz obviously you're missing some dmg not to mention RC is useful for running up and throw sometimes to check your opponent. This should be your number 1 priority on the list of things to practice.

2. -12 plus range after RK makes you safe vs almost all characters who doesn't have fast forwarding normals. Characters like Cassie, Raiden and several others can punish you. Also you usually don't just throw f32 as a combo starter for obvious reasons.

You can however plan 2-3 steps ahead and throw something like f32 to bait them into using normal to punish you and then use your EX RK for nice combo. It's always about spacing and baiting correctly with balanced Kenshi. So keep this in mind.


Dojo Trainee
1. It's not essential but quite important coz obviously you're missing some dmg not to mention RC is useful for running up and throw sometimes to check your opponent. This should be your number 1 priority on the list of things to practice.

2. -12 plus range after RK makes you safe vs almost all characters who doesn't have fast forwarding normals. Characters like Cassie, Raiden and several others can punish you. Also you usually don't just throw f32 as a combo starter for obvious reasons.

You can however plan 2-3 steps ahead and throw something like f32 to bait them into using normal to punish you and then use your EX RK for nice combo. It's always about spacing and baiting correctly with balanced Kenshi. So keep this in mind.
I grinded out run cancels last night and I'm getting better. One thing though: I have always been bad at hit-confirming. Hence why I like characters with safe specials. I'm a bit concerned that my Kenshi will suffer greatly when I'm forced to play up close, hence my hesitation to pursue the character further. Any insight? Thanks.

My other problem with hit-confirming is the tight cancel window in MKX. Its not like SF, it feels like you have to cancel before you even push the next punch or kick button in sequence. Hard to get used to.
I grinded out run cancels last night and I'm getting better. One thing though: I have always been bad at hit-confirming. Hence why I like characters with safe specials. I'm a bit concerned that my Kenshi will suffer greatly when I'm forced to play up close, hence my hesitation to pursue the character further. Any insight? Thanks.

My other problem with hit-confirming is the tight cancel window in MKX. Its not like SF, it feels like you have to cancel before you even push the next punch or kick button in sequence. Hard to get used to.
Try going into practice and setting the ai block to random kombo. Now the training bot will randomly block your kombos and will help you learn how to hit confirm and when to not commit.
i'm just curious what others think but i think kenjutsu might be kenshi's best overall variation. While balanced offers great zoning, kenjutsu might be the more "balanced" variation. the fact that he has a low and overhead starter, 50/50 mixups, and can still keep you out means kenjutsu has alittle of everything.
Does anybody else agree???


Blind justice....
i'm just curious what others think but i think kenjutsu might be kenshi's best overall variation. While balanced offers great zoning, kenjutsu might be the more "balanced" variation. the fact that he has a low and overhead starter, 50/50 mixups, and can still keep you out means kenjutsu has alittle of everything.
Does anybody else agree???
You should read the topic first :) This question was already answered several times now. Kenjutsu is by a mile the strongest Kenshi variation atm.


Original Liu Kang cop.
It's a laughing riot that Balanced Kenshi's tele-furry can be whiffed punished from fullscreen by most characters, yet BS Shinnok and HQT Predator literally don't have to give a fuck when they throw their projectiles even from sweep distance. Tele-furry outright needs the recovery on whiff buffed as it's pathetically long.

I don't even play Kenshi but this pisses me off.


Blind justice....
It's a laughing riot that Balanced Kenshi's tele-furry can be whiffed punished from fullscreen by most characters, yet BS Shinnok and HQT Predator literally don't have to give a fuck when they throw their projectiles even from sweep distance. Tele-furry outright needs the recovery on whiff buffed as it's pathetically long.

I don't even play Kenshi but this pisses me off.
Yup, welcome to our world where you actually are afraid to use your zoning tools from FULLSCREEN coz you gonna get rekt if it whiffs. On the flip side if you hit it you get WHOOPING 9%.


Scorpion Scrub
It's a laughing riot that Balanced Kenshi's tele-furry can be whiffed punished from fullscreen by most characters, yet BS Shinnok and HQT Predator literally don't have to give a fuck when they throw their projectiles even from sweep distance. Tele-furry outright needs the recovery on whiff buffed as it's pathetically long.

I don't even play Kenshi but this pisses me off.
It was actually stealth nerfed it used to be safer and only punishable from about jump distance


Scorpion Scrub
When was that? Imo it should have just been left like that.
I think it was june 28th or something, im not sure why they changed it they killed his zoning like almost nobody noticed for some reason though i guess cause it wasnt in patch notes


Original Liu Kang cop.
I think it was june 28th or something, im not sure why they changed it they killed his zoning like almost nobody noticed for some reason though i guess cause it wasnt in patch notes
Having watch some footage from before that patch, I personally think it recovered too quick. Now it recovers way to slow lol.


I went on PC today and worked on some kenshi and noticed that B2 3 and F2 3 (Spinning sin and Soul blade) were -4 on block. Is that right?

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Balanced question:
how come a standing, normal, everyday EXRising Karma combos into 43~flurry
but a wakeup EX Rising Karma doesn't?

Standing, you have to run cancel, then you can 43. If you do it as a wakeup, you can't run cancel, you can only dash.

Is this a me problem or something affecting others?
Balanced question:
how come a standing, normal, everyday EXRising Karma combos into 43~flurry
but a wakeup EX Rising Karma doesn't?

Standing, you have to run cancel, then you can 43. If you do it as a wakeup, you can't run cancel, you can only dash.

Is this a me problem or something affecting others?
why not just use f32? you can walk a little before to guarantee it connects, no need to run cancel

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
why not just use f32? you can walk a little before to guarantee it connects, no need to run cancel
I'm well aware you can do f32. I just like 43 for max damage and I'm a little disappointed you can't link it after a move you normally can just because it's a wakeup.

Does no one else think this is bizarre?


Stay focused or get Caged
What do you think of teleflurry being -53 on whiff?
I so wish teleflurry was mid. Kenshi would be perfect.
-53 recovery is way too long. A character which is 90% zoning needs a better zoning tool...It's crazy that it can be punished from fullscreen by some characters.

I'm sticking with balanced because it's the variation I like the most, but it needs a bit of help right now.
His style is more simple than the other two (no 50/50s, no resets...), but with some small buffs it can be very effective too.

Deleted member 35141

I believe that with kenshi you have to take advantage of all of his variations unlike most fighters where 1 variation beats most of the cast.
I tend to use balanced 40 percent of the time, possessed 40, ken 20 based on MUs.
Even though he may be part of the lower tiers I still enjoy using him and seeing the hate mail come in, like get a life,stop spamming the same 10 moves, stop punishing my teleports you bitch( dead serious with these).

I watched a Sonya player arch kick over 30 times I lost count, also bragging he can teach all of us combos, then I played and beat him, the salt came so hard but once he realized I had a mic and called him out on his crap he muted me lol this was my face :joker: