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General/Other - Reptile Reptile Bottom 5

Bottom 5 Yeees?

  • Yes

    Votes: 135 39.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 211 61.0%

  • Total voters

Bryck Walle

Counting the Days for the JCVD Johnny Costume!
I'm not reading 23 pages of people arguing back and forth so I'll just give my 2 cents here. A possible Fireball Cancel and 3% extra damage on his BnB's would be nice to see. That's all I'd like to see him get and I think he would be a completely different character. But there-in lies the problem. He uses his forceball in every variation, and the way this game is....everyone with a fireball cancel in this game, can only do it in ONE variation. So if he did get it, which variation would it happen in? If you gave it to nimble he'd have some crazy time slow shenanigans with that cancel. If you gave it to noxious, he'd be another hell fire scorpion. The last variation name escapes me and I don't even know what it does. I'm not a reptile player, I've seen him a few times. I've watched Cossner on stream play him a bit and besides a buddy picking him a few times I really have no experience against him. I will say his damage out-put did seem a bit on the lower side, but I've also seen videos where people were going crazy with the dash cancels mid combo and racking up some extra damage. Maybe the combo with the overhead into what is it....F2 1 grab....maybe give that grab a little bit of extra damage. It seems a bit weird that if you cancel it into the ex, you don't get much damage at all. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Take it as you will. I don't think he's bottom 5 though as he stands.
I'm going to repeat this since nobody acknowledged this the first time-

Bring back acid hand (I'm sure they still have the animation since they re-used animations from MK9 for the unused characters) and make it an ability you cancel a forceball into. I.E. DB3, BF3 before the acid ball comes out would abort the forceball and instead do a sped-up version of acid hand. Would force teleporting characters or sub's slide to respect forceballs a little more, and give you the ability to fix accidentally doing a forceball when you meant to B3 or F3.

I think if you reduce the frames on forceball there's a risk its either going to be ineffective or it's going to be overpowered against some characters.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I am just asking whether you guys are aware of this and a lot of you guys were apparantly not aware of it. But you guys can shrug a low launcher off like you just did after hearing reptile will get buffs. You can go back to the beginning of this thread, I am not against reptile buffs neccessarily. I clearly said be reasonable with the buffs instead of asking for a 6 frame dash+ a bunch of other buffs.
he already has a low launcher.... that is safe on block because of option selects.

actually... HE HAS 2

lmfao...... and the one you presented is so rare that i'm pretty sure i would need to ask my opponent to stand still... or un-plug his controller.
he already has a low launcher.... that is safe on block because of option selects.

actually... HE HAS 2

lmfao...... and the one you presented is so rare that i'm pretty sure i would need to ask my opponent to stand still... or un-plug his controller.
I guess you guys have never heard of conditioning the opponent to block and regardless of whether you guys think it is useful I was just asking whether you guys knew about it, but you guys act like oh please dont tell me about a low launcher he has.


Aside B34 and F412, all his other strings are strictly for pressure and pressure alone does nothing unless it leads to damage. And B34 and F412 ENDS his pressure unless the opponent is scared to press a button. As of now, the only solid way to get an oppnent scared is EX Swipe. Reptile sacrifices 30% + potential health for a CHANCE to get damage? There's a clear problem in the risk/reward sector here.

In MK9 he only had 321 because it was the only tool necessary for offense aside from pokes and Acid Hand. This game is very different to MK9 so the comparison is irrelevant.
Well..pressure is pressure, but it CAN lead to damage. imo thats the whole point of pressure..to lead to damage. b3,4 / f412 does end his pressure on block, but on hit it lead to damage. works out even. im not sure what u mean by this. Since when was anything guarenteed?

Someone stated in here earlier, that Reptile gets outzoned so easily, that staying in someones face is crucial. I think this is all resolves around him needing those Forceball Tweaks. Makes no sense how even johnny cage can outzone him.. If he could actually use his Forceballs..and i mean actually USE them, then he can try to control space, zoning wise.. All these Teleport characters all over the place the least he can do is some forceballs lol.

I agree wit the irrelevancy of mk9 to now.. And i also agree with ex swipe. The swipe would do good if being safe.


Cory, Trevor, smokes. Let's go.
I guess you guys have never heard of conditioning the opponent to block and regardless of whether you guys think it is useful I was just asking whether you guys knew about it, but you guys act like oh please dont tell me about a low launcher he has.
Your first sentence is literally insinuating that no characters need buffs, everyone just needs to condition their opponents better. Come the fuck on dude, you don't main reptile and clearly barely play him. Why do you feel that you can possibly change anyone's minds about what they want buff-wise, when every post you've made in this thread is the most captain obvious/down syndrome shit I've ever read? The discussion is about frame/damage buffs and you come in with "B4 your opponents after a slow ball, didn't you know?"


Guardian Cadet
Well, whether or not Reptile is bottom 5, this thread definitely would spark the attention of NRS if they actually look to these forums for deciding who needs tweaking. So mission accomplished to the OP.

I agree that his non-meter burn normals require the most tweaking. Claw pounce should be less unsafe as should claw swipe.
He also needs to build meter better since he's so dependent on it.

Giving foreball faster startup... I don't know. I just don't know if it will make it overpowered or not. It seems like a delicate move to balance.
Your first sentence is literally insinuating that no characters need buffs, everyone just needs to condition their opponents better. Come the fuck on dude, you don't main reptile and clearly barely play him. Why do you feel that you can possibly change anyone's minds about what they want buff-wise, when every post you've made in this thread is the most captain obvious/down syndrome shit I've ever read? The discussion is about frame/damage buffs and you come in with "B4 your opponents after a slow ball, didn't you know?"
Go back to the beginning of this thread. I said be reasonable with the buffs and not ask for a whole list of buffs don't put words in my mouth.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Your first sentence is literally insinuating that no characters need buffs, everyone just needs to condition their opponents better. Come the fuck on dude, you don't main reptile and clearly barely play him. Why do you feel that you can possibly change anyone's minds about what they want buff-wise, when every post you've made in this thread is the most captain obvious/down syndrome shit I've ever read? The discussion is about frame/damage buffs and you come in with "B4 your opponents after a slow ball, didn't you know?"
I can't like this post enough. lol

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
He still getting a ton of FB out at all kinds of different ranges contrary to what this thread says... and he's winning a lot more than he's losing. If the damage buff is really confirmed (and people already complaining that it isn't enough), then I think Reptile is sitting alright.


The difference between the Mileena community and this one is pretty fucking telling. Before even her first buff making telekick no longer punishable on hit, they were optimistic to the point of obnoxious. Meanwhile, Reptile threads...
Did you not see the video I posted and even tagged you on? In what delusion-filled universe do you live in where there exists a regular Slowball set-up?


Full Combo Punishable
I think (hope) they'll tweak his frame data, if anything. A blanket damage buff would be a lazy band-aid. Don't get me wrong, it'd be NICE, but he'd still have all of the same problems versus decent competition: no meter, crap pokes, sketchy specials, etc.


Did you not see the video I posted and even tagged you on? In what delusion-filled universe do you live in where there exists a regular Slowball set-up?
Why would I comment on your theory fighter bullshit when I have an actual fucking video of someone using it in actual fucking matches and actually fucking winning with it?
Dude I think you should explore the character more. B2 to b34? Why not 21 21 f412 slide or f41 f412 ex swipe f412 slide where you get way more damage? Also, execution is not hard at all. Your other post, while you said a bunch of true things, half of it was nonsensical.
How are those "not hard"? In practice mode I can hit those less than 5% of the time and I couldn't ever get the slide to come out at the end, lets not even consider what it probably is online. I'd rather do an easy combo for 18% damage 90%+ of the time than some super hard combo for slightly more damage a fraction of the time. I think they tightened the input swallowing in this last patch. Go practice your combos and tell me your success rate.

Edit: just realized the context isn't clear. This is after B2
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Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Why would I comment on your theory fighter bullshit when I have an actual fucking video of someone using it in actual fucking matches and actually fucking winning with it?
Because the person who lost didn't know you have a billion fucking options out of it? It's called labbing and learning match-ups.

It's not even like in Sub Zero or Takeda's case where you have to figure out the ONE way to get out of something. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want and you get out of that "set-up"


Salt Proprietor of TYM
bruh...so do you think that Reptile would of been able to compete with Nivek's raiden yesterday at ESL?
I don't know who that is and I didn't watch esl but I know that I play a handful of really solid raiden consistently (one being jwong) and I am feeling that mu is even.


Original Liu Kang cop.
I do wish Noxious charge levels affected his acid based attacks, like forceball, acid spit and slide so that it did a bit of damage over time on hit. Taking away the loss of the effects when you block in Noxious and Deceptive would greatly help those variations and making ex stealth last a bit longer and reg stealth come out a bit quicker would be helpful.

I honestly think Nimble Reptile can compete fine, sure he may be on the lower end of the cast but someone has to be, and for a supposedly 'bottom 5' character he's doing well. I just hate that Nimble is the only variation you can pick if you want to play him though.


If they are going to give him a damage buff... Which means a couple things:

1. they're looking into reptile
2. This thread worked, (Thanks pig)
3. that damage is the 'main' change they're applying, and that their is a possiblity of them applying 'hotfixes' or 'small changes' to other things with him.

And that if damage is the only buff...then we could possibly not see anything else in the future. Because, if they are already looking him, could seeing those tweaks, or what everyone brought up, be overlooked? I doubt it but..who knows.


King of the Jobbers 2015
How are those "not hard"? In practice mode I can hit those less than 5% of the time and I couldn't ever get the slide to come out at the end, lets not even consider what it probably is online. I'd rather do an easy combo for 18% damage 90%+ of the time than some super hard combo for slightly more damage a fraction of the time. I think they tightened the input swallowing in this last patch. Go practice your combos and tell me your success rate.

Edit: just realized the context isn't clear. This is after B2
It's you buddy lol they're not hard at all.


Because the person who lost didn't know you have a billion fucking options out of it? It's called labbing and learning match-ups.

It's not even like in Sub Zero or Takeda's case where you have to figure out the ONE way to get out of something. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want and you get out of that "set-up"
Cossner (who, I admit, thinks Reptile should get buffs) gets multiple SFB off, many of which he can follow in here... vs Sabin (with the dumb, dumb Raiden who is able to punish just about everything in this game) who is ostensibly better than you and me, no? So it isn't a matter of "it only works on the shitty and the dumb." Quit the tired hyperbole, it's why this thread can only marginally be taken seriously.

For the record, I'm not even necessarily opposed to decreasing recovery or what have you, but the amount of bitching and moaning in this thread is exhausting. If even a third of the proposed changes would go through, Reptile would spike to truly dumb and truly broken which I have a feeling is exactly what the loudest portions of the Reptile army want. At this point, any buffs need to be small and thoughtful. If there is really a damage increase coming, let's just shut the fuck up for a while and try it out.


King of the Jobbers 2015
He still getting a ton of FB out at all kinds of different ranges contrary to what this thread says... and he's winning a lot more than he's losing. If the damage buff is really confirmed (and people already complaining that it isn't enough), then I think Reptile is sitting alright.
Thats not high level gameplay at all. We don't base match up discussions in anything that isn't high level gameplay.

I guess all reptile players think you can special cancel sweeps then.
Wot? You wrote that
And I am sorry you can't just run up with your forceball and 50/50 people all day that easily. You guys act like a low is your only option when you run up.
What? Who said anything about getting free 50/50s? Who's acting like lows are the only option? What are you on about?
You guys want better frame data on normals AND better recovery on forceballs. You want better pokes AND a 6 frame dash.
I already stated I'd choose between pokes or dash. It seems you haven't even been paying attention :/
Cossner (who, I admit, thinks Reptile should get buffs) gets multiple SFB off, many of which he can follow in here... vs Sabin (with the dumb, dumb Raiden who is able to punish just about everything in this game) who is ostensibly better than you and me, no? So it isn't a matter of "it only works on the shitty and the dumb." Quit the tired hyperbole, it's why this thread can only marginally be taken seriously.

For the record, I'm not even necessarily opposed to decreasing recovery or what have you, but the amount of bitching and moaning in this thread is exhausting. If even a third of the proposed changes would go through, Reptile would spike to truly dumb and truly broken which I have a feeling is exactly what the loudest portions of the Reptile army want. At this point, any buffs need to be small and thoughtful. If there is really a damage increase coming, let's just shut the fuck up for a while and try it out.
Thats some very early and the meta has evolved past that. We both play very differently now and I'd take that gameplay with a grain of salt.