Damn. Grandpa @Jimmypotato with the science. What you doing in the Tanya forums? You lost?It's not about Projectile zoning in the classic NRS sense since the recovery on ground and air fire ball are not too great,
It really is about tagging em with the Dark Shroud move and then hitting a 17 percent fire ball on that ass.
The real juice to me seems to be the Armor on the Dark Shroud move and hit advantage affter since almost all her strings start with Highs.
Only tested on a few strings but it's pretty easy to blow things up like Sonyas B14 and what not.
Or since the move is only -4, I was trying stuff like this when I new they were going to block, Jump in punch 34~Dark Shroud, then do EX dark shroud if you know they like to hit buttons, you could do the same with say EX Cannon Drill for a combo, as long as they arent Lao or something and spin you. It beats alot of things though.
The other Juice I like is the Speed and properties on the EX Fire Ball. It's insanely fast, hits mid and doesn't arc, if you have shroud on them, they have to respect this move.
Character is alotta fun.
I guess I'll mess around with Pyro after I've had my fun with the Rolento variation. That was the plan anyways.