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sadly the 212 does not work against fast wake ups like Sub Zero's slide
You are probably doing the move to late after 212, it used to work vs Kung Lao when he had that 5 frame cyclone.. In my estimate you have about 5 ~ frame to do the move to make it safe and you will usually have a few frame advantage over them still, not very much but still .


For the Shokan since Mk3
You are probably doing the move to late after 212, it used to work vs Kung Lao when he had that 5 frame cyclone.. In my estimate you have about 5 ~ frame to do the move to make it safe and you will usually have a few frame advantage over them still, not very much but still .
Hmm ill retest it when I get the chance


AUS FGC represent!
I really wanna say high tech is viable .......

What holes do you really see in her game there besides AA?
- b14 is a duckable mid
- Lack of range
- lack of reliable anti-air
- lack of damage mid screen (by the time you hit someone you have no stamina to go for good damage)
- massive stamina dependency
- lack of reliable ways to set up gauntlets without sacrificing heaps of damage
- useless projectile absorb
- 0 full screen presence
- lack of good wakeups
- lack of proper pressure strings (you can armour out of basically everything except b14~QBRC, 1 but that is a duckable mid)

If they fixed her b14 I'd consider using her more but even then she needs something more to make her competitively viable considering hellfire scorpion, swarm queen D'Vorah and dragon's fire Liu kang all have run cancel pressure but theirs is just tonnes better.

The things I suggested in her buff wishlist thread would I think make her incredibly viable without making her brain dead or OP.


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
has anyone @tylerlansdown with information. Is NRS suppose to randomly find this? just curious, i'm new to the nrs scene and i am kind of astonished that the fans just create lists of changes they want made and the developers will actually consider them.

i meant someone voice the concerns as a representative of a group. (speak as one collective)


AUS FGC represent!
has anyone @tylerlansdown with information. Is NRS suppose to randomly find this? just curious, i'm new to the nrs scene and i am kind of astonished that the fans just create lists of changes they want made and the developers will actually consider them.

i meant someone voice the concerns as a representative of a group. (speak as one collective)
There's already a fixes and a buff thread where I'm pretty sure they've been tagged.


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
Yes i just found the thread REO created, is that the official one?
this is very interesting.
I come from a Capcom background where feedback is :(


AUS FGC represent!
Yes i just found the thread REO created, is that the official one?
this is very interesting.
I come from a Capcom background where feedback is :(
Ahhh no. There's no 'official' thread, but there is a buff Wishlist thread for Jacqui in the Jacqui forum.

There's also a fixes thread listed for Jacqui too
- b14 is a duckable mid
- Lack of range
- lack of reliable anti-air
- lack of damage mid screen (by the time you hit someone you have no stamina to go for good damage)
- massive stamina dependency
- lack of reliable ways to set up gauntlets without sacrificing heaps of damage
- useless projectile absorb
- 0 full screen presence
- lack of good wakeups
- lack of proper pressure strings (you can armour out of basically everything except b14~QBRC, 1 but that is a duckable mid)

If they fixed her b14 I'd consider using her more but even then she needs something more to make her competitively viable considering hellfire scorpion, swarm queen D'Vorah and dragon's fire Liu kang all have run cancel pressure but theirs is just tonnes better.

The things I suggested in her buff wishlist thread would I think make her incredibly viable without making her brain dead or OP.
- B14 work pretty well for me. Maybe I need to test the none hitting on crouching.

- The projectile aborse is not useless. Just not great.I use it well in projectile heavy match ups. But more or less has to be used on a ready .

- The issue of the mid screen damage is helped a lot by D4 in QB. It pushes them into the corner fairly efficiently.

- Her cancel pressure isn't as strong due to her having a lot of move that leave her in plus frames as well as her mix ups being safe.

- In the corner you only sacrifice 10 to 16 % Damage if you are optimal to charge your gauntlets. Where u gain decent chip damage 45‰+ combos and an unblockable move. I think it's worth it.

- Wake ups and Anti airs are an issue.

- You can't armor out of F12 QBRC 1 as well.

I think she is viable just has some struggles.


AUS FGC represent!
- B14 work pretty well for me. Maybe I need to test the none hitting on crouching.

- The projectile aborse is not useless. Just not great.I use it well in projectile heavy match ups. But more or less has to be used on a ready .

- The issue of the mid screen damage is helped a lot by D4 in QB. It pushes them into the corner fairly efficiently.

- Her cancel pressure isn't as strong due to her having a lot of move that leave her in plus frames as well as her mix ups being safe.

- In the corner you only sacrifice 10 to 16 % Damage if you are optimal to charge your gauntlets. Where u gain decent chip damage 45‰+ combos and an unblockable move. I think it's worth it.

- Wake ups and Anti airs are an issue.

- You can't armor out of F12 QBRC 1 as well.

I think she is viable just has some struggles.
See my post before about b1
Pan1cMode said:
It's fucking worse than that:

Always whiffs on crouching:
- Cassie
- Shinnock (related to breathing, will sometimes connect)
- D'Vorah

Whiffs while neutral ducking

Whiffs while crouching and blocking
- Jacqui
- Kung Jin
- Mileena
- Sub Zero
- Scorpion
- Kano

Doesn't whiff on
- Goro
- Takeda
- Kitana
- Kenshi
- Sonya
- Jax
- Kung Lao
- Jason
- Johnny Cage
- Erron Black
- Liu Kang
- Ermac
- Kotal Kahn
- Reptile (depends on breathing, will sometimes whiff)
- Ferra/Torr
- Raiden
- Quan Chi

She is the most buggy character in the game. Was she even tested at all?

You may as well just use QB as your projectile absorb.

Her only plus move is QB, the frame data is wrong

d4 is great for her, but slow in comparison to other d4s with greater range. I don't see how this addresses her damage?

"Only sacrifice 10-16%" that's an awful lot to sacrifice really. And that's corner specific.

f12~QBRC is great and all, but if the f12 hits, you've lost a combo (well you get f12~df2... Yippee)

Really, the changes I suggested would address most of these issues:
- giving her a parry would make the gaps in her pressure less damaging as she can now bait counter pokes more effectively
- QB being 10 frames gives her a reliable anti-air and a better projectile absorb
- ex QB have armour gives her a decent wakeup
- Parry charging gauntlets and gauntlet charge being faster give her more reliable ways to get them out
- Fixing hitbox glitches means her b1 string no longer whiffs against half the cast.


Labbing further, she really doesn't lose that much damage going for gauntlet setup in the corner:

b2~bf2, 1, 1, 212, db2 (22%, normal combo does 29%)
121~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (30%, normal combo does 34%)
b33~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (34%, normal combo does 39%)
b14~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (29%, normal combo does 34%)
f12, d3~bf2, 212, db2 (21%, normal combo does 28%)

So maybe I was a bit too hasty with that. Unless you've got alternate combos you've been using that do more damage?

Looking for more gauntlet setups, it seems that after bf2 she can get a gauntlet setup against most if the cast without being punished. Only characters with a fast slide or fast full screen projectile can punish. Hence you can go starter~QBRC, 33~bf2 for decent-ish damage into db2. Seems character dependant though. I'd still stick with starter~QBRC, b2~db2 tbh.
Last edited:
See my post before about b1

You may as well just use QB as your projectile absorb.

Her only plus move is QB, the frame data is wrong

d4 is great for her, but slow in comparison to other d4s with greater range. I don't see how this addresses her damage?

"Only sacrifice 10-16%" that's an awful lot to sacrifice really. And that's corner specific.

f12~QBRC is great and all, but if the f12 hits, you've lost a combo (well you get f12~df2... Yippee)

Really, the changes I suggested would address most of these issues:
- giving her a parry would make the gaps in her pressure less damaging as she can now bait counter pokes more effectively
- QB being 10 frames gives her a reliable anti-air and a better projectile absorb
- ex QB have armour gives her a decent wakeup
- Parry charging gauntlets and gauntlet charge being faster give her more reliable ways to get them out
- Fixing hitbox glitches means her b1 string no longer whiffs against half the cast.


Labbing further, she really doesn't lose that much damage going for gauntlet setup in the corner:

b2~bf2, 1, 1, 212, db2 (22%, normal combo does 29%)
121~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (30%, normal combo does 34%)
b33~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (34%, normal combo does 39%)
b14~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (29%, normal combo does 34%)
f12, d3~bf2, 212, db2 (21%, normal combo does 28%)

So maybe I was a bit too hasty with that. Unless you've got alternate combos you've been using that do more damage?

Looking for more gauntlet setups, it seems that after bf2 she can get a gauntlet setup against most if the cast without being punished. Only characters with a fast slide or fast full screen projectile can punish. Hence you can go starter~QBRC, 33~bf2 for decent-ish damage into db2. Seems character dependant though. I'd still stick with starter~QBRC, b2~db2 tbh.
- I think you can OS the f12 so if the f1 hits you get a QB then u can RC into 1.... I'm not very certain though.. .Otherwise you can react to the hit and do a bf4.

* f12, d3~bf2, 212, db2 (21%, normal combo does 28%) ?? Wasn't aware of this combo thanks.

- The frame data isn't wrong, i have tested it. Off of everything that says +2 i can get my stand 1 to beat a reversal spin from Lao clean.

- The only thing i would request is an Armored QB , a faster projectile absorb and maybe a faster D2 or decent AA.... I don't like characters who are too powerful.

- I wouldn't drop combos mid screen to get a charge on the gauntlets, my main objective with Jacqui is to get my opponent in the corner or keep them in range for my pressure so i always try and finish my combos with bf4.

Edit: No i dont have alternate combos that do more damage in the corner for a charge.


For the Shokan since Mk3
See my post before about b1

You may as well just use QB as your projectile absorb.

Her only plus move is QB, the frame data is wrong

d4 is great for her, but slow in comparison to other d4s with greater range. I don't see how this addresses her damage?

"Only sacrifice 10-16%" that's an awful lot to sacrifice really. And that's corner specific.

f12~QBRC is great and all, but if the f12 hits, you've lost a combo (well you get f12~df2... Yippee)

Really, the changes I suggested would address most of these issues:
- giving her a parry would make the gaps in her pressure less damaging as she can now bait counter pokes more effectively
- QB being 10 frames gives her a reliable anti-air and a better projectile absorb
- ex QB have armour gives her a decent wakeup
- Parry charging gauntlets and gauntlet charge being faster give her more reliable ways to get them out
- Fixing hitbox glitches means her b1 string no longer whiffs against half the cast.


Labbing further, she really doesn't lose that much damage going for gauntlet setup in the corner:

b2~bf2, 1, 1, 212, db2 (22%, normal combo does 29%)
121~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (30%, normal combo does 34%)
b33~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (34%, normal combo does 39%)
b14~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (29%, normal combo does 34%)
f12, d3~bf2, 212, db2 (21%, normal combo does 28%)

So maybe I was a bit too hasty with that. Unless you've got alternate combos you've been using that do more damage?

Looking for more gauntlet setups, it seems that after bf2 she can get a gauntlet setup against most if the cast without being punished. Only characters with a fast slide or fast full screen projectile can punish. Hence you can go starter~QBRC, 33~bf2 for decent-ish damage into db2. Seems character dependant though. I'd still stick with starter~QBRC, b2~db2 tbh.
out of all the dash cancels hers is the strictest scorpion Liu Kangs are literally easy as hell To do


AUS FGC represent!
probably asking for too much but I would like a faster startup
That's what I asked for. 10frame startup quick burst, ex quick burst has 1 hit of armour and faster gauntlet charge.

The party would be nice but if they gave her the other stuff (and fixed her bugs) I'd be more than happy.


For the Shokan since Mk3
That's what I asked for. 10frame startup quick burst, ex quick burst has 1 hit of armour and faster gauntlet charge.

The party would be nice but if they gave her the other stuff (and fixed her bugs) I'd be more than happy.
I just wish someone would post some matchup videos


For the Shokan since Mk3
My local is going to start steaming soon from what they're saying so I should be able to get some good Cyber Kano/Full Auto Jacqui vids out soon. I'll post them in the video thread when able.
sorry man I should have mention it I'm looking for high-tech Jacqui match videos and to be honest there are more than enough full auto videos lol


AUS FGC represent!
sorry man I should have mention it I'm looking for high-tech Jacqui match videos and to be honest there are more than enough full auto videos lol
I have a local meet up next weekend. If someone brings a stream setup, I'll try and get some of my matches as high tech recorded.

Will prolly play Tanya, Full auto and Cassie as well.


For the Shokan since Mk3
See my post before about b1

You may as well just use QB as your projectile absorb.

Her only plus move is QB, the frame data is wrong

d4 is great for her, but slow in comparison to other d4s with greater range. I don't see how this addresses her damage?

"Only sacrifice 10-16%" that's an awful lot to sacrifice really. And that's corner specific.

f12~QBRC is great and all, but if the f12 hits, you've lost a combo (well you get f12~df2... Yippee)

Really, the changes I suggested would address most of these issues:
- giving her a parry would make the gaps in her pressure less damaging as she can now bait counter pokes more effectively
- QB being 10 frames gives her a reliable anti-air and a better projectile absorb
- ex QB have armour gives her a decent wakeup
- Parry charging gauntlets and gauntlet charge being faster give her more reliable ways to get them out
- Fixing hitbox glitches means her b1 string no longer whiffs against half the cast.


Labbing further, she really doesn't lose that much damage going for gauntlet setup in the corner:

b2~bf2, 1, 1, 212, db2 (22%, normal combo does 29%)
121~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (30%, normal combo does 34%)
b33~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (34%, normal combo does 39%)
b14~QBRC, 33~bf2, 4~bf2, 212, db2 (29%, normal combo does 34%)
f12, d3~bf2, 212, db2 (21%, normal combo does 28%)

So maybe I was a bit too hasty with that. Unless you've got alternate combos you've been using that do more damage?

Looking for more gauntlet setups, it seems that after bf2 she can get a gauntlet setup against most if the cast without being punished. Only characters with a fast slide or fast full screen projectile can punish. Hence you can go starter~QBRC, 33~bf2 for decent-ish damage into db2. Seems character dependant though. I'd still stick with starter~QBRC, b2~db2 tbh.
none of these are safe against fast wake ups