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Zoning Master
Her problem with the stance is her extreme difficulty ability in getting in and her lack of proper plus frames (they need to fix her normals so that she is actually +1/+2 etc. as her frame data says she should be) as well as her lack of range. If her d4 was faster, her frame data fixed to be what it says it should be, and her cancels fixed so that she can do 2 in a row(for some stupid reason she only gets 1, even if she has the stamina for 2, while scorpion gets 2 and Johnny gets 3) she'd be a very serious threat.
Jacqui needs no buffs. Any buffs to normal attacks would most likely make Full Auto too good. Given the complaints from online scrubs, we'll be very lucky if she doesn't get normalized and end up being Kano 3.0. I think Full Auto currently has the best zoning in the game. It seems better than Cybernetic Kano and Summoner Quan Chi to me. If you intend to spend lots of time in the lab and master run cancels, you may as well use Swarm Queen D'Vorah or Hellfire Scorpion. They probably do what High Tech Jacqui does but better.


Jacqui needs no buffs. Any buffs to normal attacks would most likely make Full Auto too good. Given the complaints from online scrubs, we'll be very lucky if she doesn't get normalized and end up being Kano 3.0. I think Full Auto currently has the best zoning in the game. It seems better than Cybernetic Kano and Summoner Quan Chi to me. If you intend to spend lots of time in the lab and master run cancels, you may as well use Swarm Queen D'Vorah or Hellfire Scorpion. They probably do what High Tech Jacqui does but better.
High tech jaqcuis frame.trap pressure game is outrageous, but her ability to get it started and the strictness of the execution make it a deterrent. It would be pretty too see someone untap it


AUS FGC represent!
Jacqui needs no buffs. Any buffs to normal attacks would most likely make Full Auto too good. Given the complaints from online scrubs, we'll be very lucky if she doesn't get normalized and end up being Kano 3.0. I think Full Auto currently has the best zoning in the game. It seems better than Cybernetic Kano and Summoner Quan Chi to me. If you intend to spend lots of time in the lab and master run cancels, you may as well use Swarm Queen D'Vorah or Hellfire Scorpion. They probably do what High Tech Jacqui does but better.
I agree full auto needs no buffs (just fixes). She is very very viable. I don't know about better than Quan but we'll see.

High tech on the other hand struggles to get in and then cannot apply pressure for more than one cancel. I see lots of potential in this variation, but she does struggle.

yeah it was online but he was using just short simple combos tell he got me to the corner then he was dropping 50% combos on me
If he was reaching 50% he was using a QBRC.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Ehhh. High tech deals shitloads and getting buffs out isn't that hard, just gotta hit a cancel into 212 and then you get level 2 with meter. Then you get unblockable dd4, insane corner damage, and ridiculous chip.

Her problem with the stance is her extreme difficulty ability in getting in and her lack of proper plus frames (they need to fix her normals so that she is actually +1/+2 etc. as her frame data says she should be) as well as her lack of range. If her d4 was faster, her frame data fixed to be what it says it should be, and her cancels fixed so that she can do 2 in a row(for some stupid reason she only gets 1, even if she has the stamina for 2, while scorpion gets 2 and Johnny gets 3) she'd be a very serious threat.
212 is +60 on hit?

What you're saying about High Tech only applies when she's on level 2 buff and in the corner, which is best case scenario. What about outside of that where you'll be most of the time? She struggles more if she's not already in and pressuring that's the thing. She only outdamages Full Auto if she's....level 2 buff and in the corner lol.


AUS FGC represent!
212 is +60 on hit?

What you're saying about High Tech only applies when she's on level 2 buff and in the corner, which is best case scenario. What about outside of that where you'll be most of the time? She struggles more if she's not already in and pressuring that's the thing. She only outdamages Full Auto if she's....level 2 buff and in the corner lol.
Not sure if it's +60, but it is basically unpunishable. Reptile dash and mileena roll can't punish it. Scorpion and Ermac teleport can't punish it.

Erron black can with slide shots but don't think he can punish f12~db2

I also haven't got anyone to punish b2~db2


Loud and Klear~
You can still get decent damage without the buffs, but her crazy damage comes with 2 buffs obviously.
HT is odd because almost every character out-ranges her so getting in can be difficult. And even with plus frames, because our quickest normals are 8f the characters with quick normals can still poke out. It has a lot of potential and I can see it later on being a really good variation.
For now FA is easily superior though lol.

The fact that lvl1 and lvl2 Quick burst work as pretty solid anti-airs makes it better than SG for me, everytime I've played SG my oppponent is on the "the ground is lava" tip and just jump all day.. very frustrating even if I win >__>


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
I think it's a good variation among 2 current great variations. It takes so long to charge/buff her gauntlets, that i MB them to go to instant level two.
what do you guys think of if her ground pound on MB went full screen like jax. also if her HT gauntlets spark blast increased to shotgun's distance on level one, and ground shotgun level 2. She needs help in the neutral imo. Right now there's very little reason not to pick full auto.
Hey everyone, long time lurker and new tym member here!

I seem to be having a lot of trouble doing much with jbriggs. I REALLY want to like her. I spent so much time in the lab that I can do her run cancel combos with my eyes closed (literally). I've spent so much time trying to make this thing work, but just can't seem to get in the groove with her against players. By contrast I can dial in rematches and choose characters like scorpion of whom I have a literal 1 hour of play time with and get near flawless victories.

I just can't figure out if she's just bad or I'm just using HT wrong. I feel like if I hit the ground even once it's game set and match - and if I get caught in a footsie war I just auto-lose to everything.

Is it just me? Any advice out there I haven't absorbed just yet on this variation?


Really wants to like MKX
Hey everyone, long time lurker and new tym member here!

I seem to be having a lot of trouble doing much with jbriggs. I REALLY want to like her. I spent so much time in the lab that I can do her run cancel combos with my eyes closed (literally). I've spent so much time trying to make this thing work, but just can't seem to get in the groove with her against players. By contrast I can dial in rematches and choose characters like scorpion of whom I have a literal 1 hour of play time with and get near flawless victories.

I just can't figure out if she's just bad or I'm just using HT wrong. I feel like if I hit the ground even once it's game set and match - and if I get caught in a footsie war I just auto-lose to everything.

Is it just me? Any advice out there I haven't absorbed just yet on this variation?
I kinda fell off Jaqui (and MKX) for a bit but it's common knowledge that Jaqui is currently broken, in a bad way. She has many hitbox/combo inconsistencies. Couple these with her T-Rex arms and general poor footsie ability you get a great character that's just hard to do right by.

I'm sure the other members will be able to give you a more scientific answer but as far as I'm concerned, you and I are in the same boat. Great character that's marred with strange technical issues.

Rip Torn

Jacqui needs no buffs. Any buffs to normal attacks would most likely make Full Auto too good. Given the complaints from online scrubs, we'll be very lucky if she doesn't get normalized and end up being Kano 3.0. I think Full Auto currently has the best zoning in the game. It seems better than Cybernetic Kano and Summoner Quan Chi to me. If you intend to spend lots of time in the lab and master run cancels, you may as well use Swarm Queen D'Vorah or Hellfire Scorpion. They probably do what High Tech Jacqui does but better.
I wouldn't mind if they nerfed full auto's machine gun a little and fixed b2 pop up so it combo's more consistently. Shotgun and HT should be buffed on the specials only. Shotgun needs more range and better hitbox on the dust restand. Also, if they buffed her range on HT gauntlet spark like @StormGoddess said, maybe not to shotgun range, but more like Yun's palm strike range, it would be much more viable. It would make the game more enjoyable for both casuals online, and offline competitive players who want to use her other variations.
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Hot Gyahbage
Along with her already mentioned adjustments, it'd be awesome if her absorption shield had a faster startup. Currently you have to do it so preemptively that its usually better to just duck or jump an incoming projectile.


AUS FGC represent!
I kinda fell off Jaqui (and MKX) for a bit but it's common knowledge that Jaqui is currently broken, in a bad way. She has many hitbox/combo inconsistencies. Couple these with her T-Rex arms and general poor footsie ability you get a great character that's just hard to do right by.

I'm sure the other members will be able to give you a more scientific answer but as far as I'm concerned, you and I are in the same boat. Great character that's marred with strange technical issues.
Jacqui has great footsie abilities due to her amazing back and forward walk speed. Her ability to whiff punish stuff is godlike.

His problem is he is using high tech, which just isn't as good as full auto atm.
Jacqui has great footsie abilities due to her amazing back and forward walk speed. Her ability to whiff punish stuff is godlike.

His problem is he is using high tech, which just isn't as good as full auto atm.
I mean I really want to believe it's just a case of needing to install gitgud.exe but I am just not seeing it. I keep waiting for that "aha" moment. Sad times :(


Loud and Klear~
Utilizing b14 and f12 and knowing their range is what I'm finding to be the best thing in HT, doing QBRC off of those gives you crazy advantage and you can combo off of them if they hit.
The main threat in HT is holding QB though, it knocks back quite a bit you have it's threat by holding it and staggering it with your strings to make the opponent hit less buttons, mixing in QBRC into throws and b2/b33 stuff is really good. So far my only issue is baiting armored stuff, especially ones that lead to beefy combos coz it's just so risky that I end up doing normal QBs instead of run cancelling to holding it for frametraps coz I don't want eat a combo >__>

unblockable ground pounds are also very useful as they force your opponent to do something if they see it, which is where the feint comes into play, the fient has a spark animation just like the actual ground pound so it's really hard to tell them apart. Once they expect them you can do stuff like say ji1 xx feint then nj2 to catch their jump out attempt into combo.
There's guaranteed combos and setups for it too for free damage just like ground ground slam nonsemse in Kuatan warrior or whatever that variation with the ugly helmet is called lol.

Also don't forget QB eats projectiles and it's way quicker and better than tech shield, and it beats stuff that tech shield can't like Quan's bat and Kotal's sword toss. You can go ham with it against some characters to build meter, mixing it QBRCs (which also build meter).

It's a weird variation, and this early in the game where people can just derp with KJ and Raiden which are simple but very effective HT Jacqui seems lackluster but once the meta evolves where you'll need more than a simple 50/50 starter to win matches it'll show it's worth.


Zoning Master
Jacqui has great footsie abilities due to her amazing back and forward walk speed. Her ability to whiff punish stuff is godlike.
Thank you very much.

Some people in this forum ask for ludicrous changes. Jacqui's footsies are fine. f+1 is 0 on block. As is f+1,2. She has the best forward and back walk speed in the game. She does not need more range on any normal attack.

I wouldn't mind if they nerfed full auto's machine gun a little...
I would mind. I hope NRS does not turn the character into another generic and boring 50/50 mix up character. The game already has enough of such character designs. Jacqui's design in Full Auto works perfectly.

Unless I am mistaken, b+2 xx MB rockets only whiffs on crouching female characters at max range.


Loud and Klear~
Unless I am mistaken, b+2 xx MB rockets only whiffs on crouching female characters at max range.
Nah it also whiffs on Liu, reptile, F/T, Ermac, Shinnok and a couple of others as well. It also changes depending on if they're crouch blocking on neutral ducking ~___~; at some points in just feels like a coin toss on whether the EX rockets will hit or not..


Zoning Master
Nah it also whiffs on Liu, reptile, F/T, Ermac, Shinnok and a couple of others as well. It also changes depending on if they're crouch blocking on neutral ducking ~___~; at some points in just feels like a coin toss on whether the EX rockets will hit or not..
I see.

b+2 xx gauntlet strike / bionic dash, machine gun should always work.

I am not against this glitch getting fixed but not at the expense of machine gun getting normalized.

I also agree that tech shield could be a little better. The move is fairly useless.
I see.

b+2 xx gauntlet strike / bionic dash, machine gun should always work.

I am not against this glitch getting fixed but not at the expense of machine gun getting normalized.

I also agree that tech shield could be a little better. The move is fairly useless.
So using HT, how would you suggest I get in to start my close combat shenanigans?
Work your way in? Just like other rush down variations have to do.
I guess I'm just a trash briggs player then - which I'm fine with knowing. I just wish I knew what I was doing wrong. Maybe I'll record some games or something when I get a spare chance.

I've never had any problem with spacing/frame link combos in any fighting game before. I most certainly haven't had any struggles with the majority of the cast (although some are obviously easier than others). So that must mean I simply don't understand how to play HT at all and for some reason just can't seem to figure it out.

I refuse to give up the dream.
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The traitor to Edenia and to all the realms!
The reason I do use High Tech is because I like to keep pressure on my opponents and dish out that sweet corner damage. Since I've playedother fighting games, I'm pretty well versed in rush down style of gameplay. Just need to figure out how to rush down effectively in this game.


AUS FGC represent!
I see.

b+2 xx gauntlet strike / bionic dash, machine gun should always work.

I am not against this glitch getting fixed but not at the expense of machine gun getting normalized.

I also agree that tech shield could be a little better. The move is fairly useless.
Her f12~missile sometimes whiffs against stand blocking opponent too.

b2~bf4 will always link midscreem though. I don't think you get a combo off b2~bf2 midscreen (correct me if I'm wrong) so it's just better to go for bf4 anyways unless it's against one of the 14 or so chars where it always hits.


Stop blocking my hits with your face!
Any1 having trouble like me in shotty variation, when i intend to do shotgun shot (mid) inputs overlap and i get that damm :l:qtl:d:qtr:r punch?? Controls are alternate btw.. i hate :l:r motion on stick.. but anyway.. w other chars i have no trouble whatsoever doing :d:qtr:r motion:mad:


Hearing people complain online about Jaqui's forward walk and back walk speed makes me grin from ear to ear. Her walk speed is godlike.


The traitor to Edenia and to all the realms!
Any1 having trouble like me in shotty variation, when i intend to do shotgun shot (mid) inputs overlap and i get that damm :l:qtl:d:qtr:r punch?? Controls are alternate btw.. i hate :l:r motion on stick.. but anyway.. w other chars i have no trouble whatsoever doing :d:qtr:r motion:mad:
Even though I play on pad, being a Street Fighter kid (I mostly play 3D fighters now), I did try the alternate control scheme for the directional inputs. It's very iffy, IMO. That's why I just stick with the defaults, but then again, I couldn't even do Scorpion's kombo in the tutorial no matter what control scheme I did.