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I've just noticed is that in the moves section, b23-1+3 is still reading as 1 frame everything, 100% damage on hit and block. Same with f3-1+3 and f3-2+4.

Also, could somebody explain how 11 has a start up of 8 frames, yet 112 had a start up of 14? They're both 8, right? Also, how is b1's start up 9 frames, b1-3 15 frames and b1-3-1+3 9 frames? Surely they're all 9? Am I misreading this, or did they not even look at Kano's data when making this patch?

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
I've just noticed is that in the moves section, b23-1+3 is still reading as 1 frame everything, 100% damage on hit and block. Same with f3-1+3 and f3-2+4.

Also, could somebody explain how 11 has a start up of 8 frames, yet 112 had a start up of 14? They're both 8, right? Also, how is b1's start up 9 frames, b1-3 15 frames and b1-3-1+3 9 frames? Surely they're all 9? Am I misreading this, or did they not even look at Kano's data when making this patch?
112 startup frames of 14 refers to the third hit. The 2 part. This is the convention for all strings in the game.


Cutthroat Truther
Hitting B1 is exactly the same, but if it's blocked, it feels like an eternity before you can attempt another one. Also, it's -2 now, instead of 0. Still don't quite get that one.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
-2 won't be that big of a deal.

All it means is that we don't have a block infinite. They can poke. But if you read that, either finish the string, do b1 xx laser, backdash, ex knife, etc.

It's fine.

Now, can we talk about the poop priority of up ball and straight ball? That's a real thing.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Do we know if the special move option selects are gone? It sure would be good to cancel laser on block and let it ride on it. Or was it just the poke while blocking option select?

And no, I'm not talking about the 123 one.


B1 feels like it's more than -2 on block. 11 is supposed to be -2 on block also and that recovers faster than b2. I think the frame data is still botched. I looked over some other characters and just about everyone that was 0 on block is now -2. I think NRS is still being lazy with their fixes.


I'm going to make Fate top ten
B1 feels like it's more than -2 on block. 11 is supposed to be -2 on block also and that recovers faster than b2. I think the frame data is still botched. I looked over some other characters and just about everyone that was 0 on block is now -2. I think NRS is still being lazy with their fixes.
Everything feels slower on Kano it's really screwing him


I'm going to make Fate top ten
I didn't get a chance to go back and check but are his d3 and d4's the same? I hope those didn't get messed with. His b31 looks like it got a buff.
Yes they are the same and it did get a buff but I'm takin bout 32 11 112


PG Coach Steve
Did people just forget (or not know) that it takes a frame for them to get out of block stun and to try and poke back?

These "nerfs" are not serious at all. He got no damage nerfs. His normals are not slower. 2 strings or moves maybe are more negative and just can't be abused anymore. It's really not a big deal he is still the same character.


B1 feels like it's more than -2 on block. 11 is supposed to be -2 on block also and that recovers faster than b2. I think the frame data is still botched. I looked over some other characters and just about everyone that was 0 on block is now -2. I think NRS is still being lazy with their fixes.
No you just have to look at the recovery info. That's what really is important. It doesn't matter if it's -2 if they left the same recovery which Im sure is what they mainly nerfed


Believe in the hop kick
I know the frame data was incorrect, but it feels like 3,2 also has legitimately more recovery on block, it was listed as 0 on block before the patch and now it's listed as -1.

Moves that were listed as 0 on block are now either +1 or +2, so I think they took the 1 frame it takes to let go of block into consideration.


No you just have to look at the recovery info. That's what really is important. It doesn't matter if it's -2 if they left the same recovery which Im sure is what they mainly nerfed
You're right, the more I played with it the more I noticed it's not bad. At least he's still safe afterwards and can't be punished for using it. On hit it still acts fine and works in all his combos like it used to.


I like to play bad characters
iirc b31 was not cancellable before and now it is?
Don't believe it's new. I've been using b31 into knife in commando for advantage for quite some time in order to set up a cmd throw attempt. It works quite well.

Also because I suck at legit confirming that quickly I generally go all in. But sometimes I am quick enough to EX the knifes on block for advantage in order to do the same thing.
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Look...and i mean this...

You could poke Up Ball and Kano ball with a pillow and stuff it.

I have had jump ins stuff Up Ball. This is the real life.
Don't anti air with up ball, use b1. More consistent and you get more damage off it.
b31 into laser is something I've been using for a couple of weeks. It's a tight confirm, too tight for me to manage it online, but it's been cancellable for a while.


Call me crazy but I think Cutthroat is going to end up Kano's best variation. I have a feeling that this game is gonna mature just like SF4 did, in that the strong characters will either have mix-ups or access too burst damage. The damage on cutthroat is good, plus he can still kind of zone. And his range is better than cybernetic. Thoughts?


I'm going to make Fate top ten
Call me crazy but I think Cutthroat is going to end up Kano's best variation. I have a feeling that this game is gonna mature just like SF4 did, in that the strong characters will either have mix-ups or access too burst damage. The damage on cutthroat is good, plus he can still kind of zone. And his range is better than cybernetic. Thoughts?
uthroat sucks lol


You will serve me in The Netherrealm

uthroat sucks lol
Cutthroat doesn't suck at all. Cutthroat is all about footsies, whiff punishing with f212(which is very viable) and setting up your 50/50.

In the corner, anytime you connect a Blade Slice, they have to guess between b1 and B3. It's fine. Even his damage buff isn't hard to set up and you can turn it on/off.

F21 xx mb knife leaves you + and you can choose to do F212 again, poke, throw, or do b1/b3 depending on your spacing.

But Cyber has the best space control and range.


gotta stay sharp!
Call me crazy but I think Cutthroat is going to end up Kano's best variation. I have a feeling that this game is gonna mature just like SF4 did, in that the strong characters will either have mix-ups or access too burst damage. The damage on cutthroat is good, plus he can still kind of zone. And his range is better than cybernetic. Thoughts?
If it does it's cause of the shear damage but range Not so much. The threat of an overhead(albeit doodoo) helps. Its probably going to be cyber vs rushdown characters and cutthroat for everyone else