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MKX Patch Notes 5/14/15

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
People are gravely mistaking how much this really effects Sub Zero, because they've been sold a bill that he was this "top 5 character that 7-3's most of the cast" when in fact, he never was in the first place.

In fact, you had some idiots proclaiming that he was top 3, which is just laughable at best.

It's no secret that Sub was also one of that most complained about characters, from both casuals and top players alike, so I'm not surprised with the nerfs at all. We all should have expected it, really.

Hopefully in the long run it's not as bad as it looks on paper.
He still has great corner carry, great pokes, good counter zoning tools, great corner game,and the ice clone is still a fantastic tool in many situations. He just can't throw it out with impunity anymore regardless what the opponent is doing.

So what if he has to anti air jump ins like everyone else. Other strong characters got nerfed too, which is an indirect buff. I wouldn't be surprised if he remains in the same part of the tier list (somewhere between 3-10).


I'll refrain from snap judgment about specific buffs. That said, my reluctance to invest time in MKX is proving well-founded. NRS/colt have long shown me that they prefer offense- and 50/50-heavy games. Now we have another patch that really hurt the few defensive powerhouses in the game. I expect more of the same moving forward. I'll stick with games whose balance philosophy I find more... balanced.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Maaaaaannnn I just realized the regular interactables can still be used on blockstun.

Not a huge deal because it can only be done with the grab ones but its still pretty broke lol.
But you can't mash it while holding block at least...


War God
There were 2 Kahns that fought each other in top 8. If it was you, how do you not remember fighting another Kahn? It was on stream and it's also on the main results page.
Pnut was the one who made it to top 8 the other one he beat was in top 16 to make top 8. Realistically Pnut should of beat Wong but he wasn't doing the most damaging combos.


I thought they said no balance changes until some months?

And then when I see balance changes... no Kenshi buff? Kenjutsu NEEDS DB1 to properly jugle to start thinking about playing with the grownups.

Now that Sub-Zero was nerfed (and harder than I thought)... can we get a couple of fixes to compensate? Like making B33 combo into Iceball against the full cast (currently only works on females or in the corner), at least give SZ some mixups that he already have against part of the cast anyway so not big deal.

I'm a Cryomancer player (almost never touched GM) so the nerf won't affect my game, but I think this is an opportunity to buff a couple of SZ moves that previously couldn't be buffed in fear of making GM too powerful. If Iceball can be just a bit faster so B33 combos against males and works a bit better as a projectile I think it would help.
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For some reason, every Grandmaster I've played does that. Literally every one. Ice Klone --> Ice Ball. Forever. And if you try to destroy it with a projectile, you probably get beat out by the Ice Ball. Or they'll throw the clone at you. Then as soon as it breaks, they just make another one immediately. Much salt from me :mad: lol.
Yeah true xD

Although I have to say, ive been playing with the patch the last few hours and the clone is actually pretty useless now, I read the second part wrong, if sub zero blocks and attack the clone goes away, so almost the entire cast can just jump at u after a clone and force it to go away, really makes is useless

sub cant use it for corner pressure anymore either since theres a decent delay before u can make another one so after one clone ur opponent gets out for free, sad to say it but ill probs drop grandmaster, its just not good


Purse first, ass last.
Sub-Zero Grandmaster nerfed? Excellent. Fuck all that hide behind clone/throw clone repeat garbage.

Kung Jin damage nerfs? Good. He still has amazing range on his moves so he'll still be fine.

No Scorpion nerfs? Fuck. Still gets to derp it out with teleports and Inferno.

No D'Vorah nerfs? Indirect Venomous buffs? No increased startup on F2 and no damage scaling on F44!? YESSSSSHHHHH!!