Paul the Octopus
Slow Starter
He still has great corner carry, great pokes, good counter zoning tools, great corner game,and the ice clone is still a fantastic tool in many situations. He just can't throw it out with impunity anymore regardless what the opponent is doing.People are gravely mistaking how much this really effects Sub Zero, because they've been sold a bill that he was this "top 5 character that 7-3's most of the cast" when in fact, he never was in the first place.
In fact, you had some idiots proclaiming that he was top 3, which is just laughable at best.
It's no secret that Sub was also one of that most complained about characters, from both casuals and top players alike, so I'm not surprised with the nerfs at all. We all should have expected it, really.
Hopefully in the long run it's not as bad as it looks on paper.
So what if he has to anti air jump ins like everyone else. Other strong characters got nerfed too, which is an indirect buff. I wouldn't be surprised if he remains in the same part of the tier list (somewhere between 3-10).