Filters for searching for a match (3 Bars, 2 bars, 1bar). Will not get paired against anything lower than Green bar for ranked.
Chess Kombat w/ Online
Klassic Costumes for all Original MK Fighters (MK1-Armageddon costumes)
Klassic Fatalities
Kart Kombat w/ Online (As tacky as it was, it was fun)
Puzzle Kombat w/ Online
Unlockable MK Music from other games (Deadly Alliance and MKD had the best soundtracks imo)
Shang Tsung (I know he "died", but this is MK, that doesn't really stay that way)
Konquest Mode (IMO, this was the most immersive thing they ever did with the series)
Gave better payout for koins (MKD did this best imo) (It seems like they nerfed koins so you'd be more inclined to buy krypt. Not sure if this was NRS's decision or WB's)
More alternate costumes for the new cast (IMO Cassie Cage's original render was way better than her finalized one)
Option to turn off background animations (Make it less distracting for people with ADD/ADHD)
Correct Frame Data (kind of off putting for those of us who want to learn the game)
Fully Functional Playback System w/ Youtube Upload feature (would help those of us without capture cards)
More factions (Realm based instead of "Clans", would of preferred Edenia, Chaosrealm, Netherrealm, Earthrealm, Orderrealm, ect.)
Make a faction limit (Can't have over [insert amount of people here] in one faction, factions also rotate so everyone can be a part of each one. After you have obtained level cap in each faction you can stay with one)